What is College: Definition and 1000 Discussions

A college (Latin: collegium) is an educational institution or a constituent part of one. A college may be a degree-awarding tertiary educational institution, a part of a collegiate or federal university, an institution offering vocational education, or a secondary school.
In most of the world, a college may be a high school or secondary school, a college of further education, a training institution that awards trade qualifications, a higher-education provider that does not have university status (often without its own degree-awarding powers), or a constituent part of a university. In the United States, a college offers undergraduate programs; it may be independent or the undergraduate program of a university, it is generally also used as a synonym for a university while in some instances a college may also be a residential college. A college in francophone countries—France (see secondary education in France), Belgium, and Switzerland—provides secondary education. However, the Collège de France is a prestigious advanced research institute in Paris.

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  1. M

    Schools College rankings, faculty, and prospective student

    What factors determine college rankings? Why would faculty and students want to attend lower ranked schools besides (perhaps) financial reasons? I don't understand how these rankings work and how do they relate to the quality of education one might obtain at higher/lower ranked schools. What...
  2. T

    Schools How important are the first 2 years of college?

    Here's my situation: I'm a math student in their second term of their junior year. I didn't do so good in my first 2 years of college, and even failed a couple of classes (I did manage some good grades here and there though). This was mostly due to a poor work ethic and perhaps some other things...
  3. L

    When people graduate from college & go to get a job

    How do they not forget what they learned in college so that they can be good at their particular job. Say for example if someone earned a B.A. in engineering and then while looking for a job, how would that person make sure to remember what they learned in college so that they can be good at...
  4. A

    Schools College location, networking, internships and finding a job

    One thing besides the importance of education that I've always had drilled into my head is that I need to leave Ohio after college. My parents would probably kill me if I settled down here. That said, I'm currently stuck choosing between Case Western Reserve and Purdue. I like Case better...
  5. N

    Schools Making a College Decision: RPI vs. Stony Brook

    Hello, I got my acceptance letters back from most of the schools I applied to and most of my financial aid packages. I want to go for engineering (I haven't decided exact discipline, but I was accepted to Electrical Engineering, because that is what my interest was listed as) So far I can...
  6. E

    Planning to graduate from college early? (And the crap of getting rejected)

    Well, I just got rejected by my dream college so I am feeling confused, don't mind me if I sound incoherent. ***PERSONAL PROBLEM*** Firstly, I had something like a friend over there who was truly encouraging and thought I had a good chance at it. More strangely, I got to know this person...
  7. A

    Are College Students Today Lacking Enthusiasm?

    I am a college kid. I'm currently in a community college, having the time of my life. I've submitted a transfer application to Texas A&M, so pray to the Spaghetti Monster that I get in. Anyway, I just can't help but complain about the sorry state of college kids. What the hell is wrong with...
  8. P

    Is College Algebra & Trig the same thing as Pre-Calculus?

    1. I am in intermediate Algebra and would like to take one more course to get prepared for Calculus 1. I am currently at a commmunity college and they offer College Algebra & Trig as their Pre- Calculus. Is this this equivalient to Pre-Calculus? Will I be prepared for Calculus? Thanks, EG
  9. L

    Chemistry vs. chem 1?(at 2 yr college) It varies, but in your opinion?

    What is different about introductory chemistry vs. chem 1?(at 2 yr college) Granted, it varies by school, but in your opinion, or based on your own personal experiences with taking these classes? Typically what can you expect to learn in chem 1 that was not in introductory chemistry.
  10. S

    Worry about my carrer after college

    I'm an electrical engineer. I'm going to graduate next semester with bachelor degree. But for now, it seems that I don't know much about any thing about engineering field. Is this normal? Right now, I look back everything about myself. It seems that I don't remember much about what I already...
  11. A

    Admissions How Does Applying to U.S. Colleges Differ for International Students?

    I am in my last year of high school in a South American country and I wish to apply to some colleges in US. However, college entrance process in US is completely different from the one in my own country, so I would like to know more about college application details. 1) What kind of questions...
  12. M

    Schools Efficient Ways to Study/Learn College Math?

    Looking for efficient ways on how to properly learn algebra, calculus, and more advanced math branches necessary in engineering and science. At the moment, I follow the instructions taught in class and repeat them as necessary. Perhaps not a good approach since there are many ways to tackle math...
  13. A

    Schools Finding the Right Petroleum Engineering College for Career Goals

    I am looking to transfer to a petroleum engineering college. I am not sure which ones I should apply for. So I have a few questions: Which petroleum engineering universities do the big oil companies like Exxon, Shell, Chevron and BP prioritize their recruiting from? Also, for example, if I...
  14. S

    Schools Florida Atlantic University's Honors College and math and physics

    Hello members of physicsforums! I had not ever planned on making use of this section of the forum because I had joined primarily for the wonderful homework help facilities here, but I figured that since I already have an account here I might as well. Needless to say, I am a little nervous...
  15. DaveC426913

    Investigating TriOS College: Is it a Good Place to Work?

    I've come across an opening for an instructor at TriOS College - a group of technical colleges here in Canada. I've looked online for reviews of this college and, of course the reviews are mostly negative (how many people with positive experiences will post a review?), but I don't know how...
  16. S

    News The Electoral College: A Threat to Democracy?

    The Electoral College (and the Supreme Court) gave the 2000 US presidential election to GW Bush over Al Gore despite that fact that Mr Gore won the popular vote. It wasn't the first time this happened. In 1876 the Electoral College, based on an electoral margin of one vote (181 to 180), gave the...
  17. K

    Schools Physics Research Project Ideas, College Level

    I am a senior level physicist at the University of Alabama: Huntsville and I am going to do my physics research starting next semester. I need some serious, interesting, and fun ideas on what to focus on. Thus far I have had upper level mechanics, intermediate relativity, all calculus and...
  18. jacksonpeeble

    Schools Is the College Board AP Physics exam worth stressing over?

    Has anyone here taken the College Board AP Physics exam? I'm currently taking AP Physics online and hate it (more because it's online than the difficulty of the content, though, I think). I'd like the college credit, but it can hurt if I do poorly, too, and I'm not sure how well I'll be...
  19. jacksonpeeble

    College Board AP Calculus Exams

    I've recently started thinking about which exam I want to take for AP Calculus, and I'm wondering from those of you who have taken it or know details - is the AB or BC exam recommended? I've taken all of the AB and BC material, but I'm not sure if I can handle that quantity of material or want...
  20. W

    What is the Best Calculator for College Algebra?

    Hi, I'm barely getting College Algebra. I'm at the point where I need a hint about 1/3 of the time. I have TI84+ calculator and was told I can't use the TI89 or HP50g on exams but CAN use them on homework. Do either, or preferable the HP50g, work out typical CA problems such as factoring in a...
  21. A

    Schools Making the Right College Decision: Master's vs Co-op Program

    I'm currently a senior in high school. I've wanted to be an engineer since pretty much forever, and I'm headed in the right direction as far as classes go (AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP Chem, etc). The concern I have is college. After 5 years of it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want to start...
  22. L

    Schools College: Credit by exam for pre-calculus

    In high school I had some issues with my geometry teacher in sophomore year and I ended up never taking any math courses so I ended up with twice as many science credits as math. Right now I'm going to college for the first time(this spring semester at a local community college) and classes...
  23. A

    Schools Does the Prestige of Your Engineering College Really Matter for Your Career?

    I'm currently an undergrad and I'm looking for a college to transfer to. Where can I find accurate college rankings for engineering? Google hasn't really helped me, and I honestly don't know what to trust. My adviser's are entirely useless about the subject unfortunately (I think the school...
  24. Z

    Schools Value of College: Is Undergraduate Education as Important as Graduate/PhD?

    Hey everyone, I am currently a senior in a high school with a pretty low reputation academically and behaviorally, but I push myself far beyond our school standards and I create my own. Essentially, I push myself to learn what I want to in the manner that I most desire. College is...
  25. N

    Can someone explain to me why college textbooks are ridiculously costly ?

    I was looking on amazon.com and looking at Leonard susskind's black hole war and David Griffith's Introduction to quantum mechanics and they were both hard cover and Leonard susskind's book contained more pages than Griffith's Introduction to Quantume mechanics costs 5 times as much as Susskind...
  26. A

    Is University of Tennessee at Knoxville Good for Aerospace Engineering?

    Hi, My daughter is looking at colleges for Aerospace Engineering and is considering University of Tennessee at Knoxville. I was just wondering how the industry regards this schools. Thanks!
  27. C

    Advice for 21yo Going to Community College: Where to Start?

    Where to start? I am 21 and I am going back to school (the military didn't work out). I can barely afford a local community college with the little student aid I am receiving from fafsa. The most practical community college nearby has nothing close to a Mechanical Engineer program, so I am...
  28. S

    Preparing for College Math: Tips and Resources

    Hi folks. I'm entirely new to this forum, so I hope I'm asking this question at the right place. I'm a recent high school graduate waiting to enroll in college in Fall 2010. In general, I'm free for the majority of the next eight months. I hope to spend this time effectively transitioning...
  29. M

    College Professors: Salary, Working Conditions & Hours

    I would like details (e.g. salary, working conditions, hours) about being a college professor. I've often contemplated it. By the way, I know all of those vary from college to college, but please try to give an average.
  30. B

    Basics to pursue meachanical engineering in college

    Hi all, I am sorry if I have posted this thread in the wrong region. I am in 12th standard presently. I wish to pursue mechanical engineering in college.. mainly mechanical + electronics.. All i want to ask is where should i begin with? Which books(or any other source) should i refer to...
  31. M

    What Can I Do to Combat Loneliness in College?

    Somehow I've managed to go 3 semesters at my university without meeting a single new person or making any new friends at all. It's all my fault, obviously; I'm not going to run around blaming the world for my shortcomings but it's clear that this can't go on much longer. I am getting incredibly...
  32. S

    Schools Freshmen in college seeking advice

    I'm currently in an engineering program and planning to go and get an electrical engineering degree. I realize that I may be getting ahead of myself, but I have been wondering what it takes to get into a postgraduate program for a master's degree. Currently I have been doing great in my courses...
  33. B

    Schools What does it take to be a Community College Algebra professor?

    Just as the thread title says, what does it take? The reason why I am asking this is because I've been a math tutor for the past 2 years and I actually enjoy helping and tutoring students with algebra. Algebra is definitely my strongest subjects that I tutor and people find that I make most of...
  34. logickills

    Schools High school: College Math or AP Math

    I am a junior in high school. This year I am in the advanced trig/pre-calc course. Next year seniors who still want to participate in an advanced math course can choose to enroll in AP Calculus AB,BC. This is the normal order math classes are taken. Now I wanted to take calculus courses at a...
  35. logickills

    Schools Transition to college questions.

    Hey PF, So I am a junior in high school and am highly interested in physics and mathematics. I really want to go to college for something in this general area. I am really conflicted between taking courses concurrently at a community college, or taking them at my high school. More...
  36. J

    I was just accepted to my first choice college While I'm nearly

    I was just accepted to my first choice college! While I'm nearly entirely unknown here, I just can't help but spreading the good news. I'm so happy (and relieved) now. Whew, glad that's out of my system.
  37. S

    Schools Requirements for engineering for college (ib student)

    I was just wondering since I have the time, what are the subject entry requirements for: 1) Aeronautical & Astronautical 2) Environmental Currently I am starting my final year of high school, I take Physics, Math and Economics at higher level.
  38. C

    Schools Majoring in Physics = Backdoor of College Admission?

    Something I'm sure the majority of you are aware of is the overall lack of physics undergraduates, even among the best physics universities. Take the University of Chicago for example: for the large number of undergraduates that attend, given the tradition of physics which is associated with the...
  39. C

    Physics Importance of SAT Physics Test Score in College Admission Process

    I am looking to get an 800 on my upcoming SAT Subject Test for Physics. I know you all aren't admissions officers, but how much do you believe a high score weighs into the overall admission process?
  40. W

    Schools Need College Advice with degrees

    I am almost done with my mechanical engineering technologies bachelors...is it worth it to take an extra 3 classes to get my bachelors in manufacturing engineering bachelor also ?would employees take much consideration if I have both?
  41. J

    Schools Exploring College Physics: A Comprehensive Guide for Self-Study

    Can someone kindly suggest to me a general physics book that explains concepts thoroughly and provides exercises at an introductory (to intermediate) sort of level? More specifically, I would like to learn more about electromagnetism, light and radiation. And I would like to self-teach...
  42. J

    What Are the Best Introductory Books for Self-Learning Physics and Mathematics?

    Can someone kindly suggest to me a general physics book that explains concepts thoroughly and provides exercises at an introductory (to intermediate) sort of level? More specifically, I would like to learn more about electromagnetism, light and radiation. And I would like to self-teach myself...
  43. S

    Schools Joining the military to pay for college

    I'm about to finish my first semester of college, and due to complicated reasons, am now not receiving financial aid. This means that the school will probably slam me with a 20,000 bill in two weeks, and that I probably won't return in the spring. I'm trying to consider all my options here...
  44. T

    Is an Ebook Reader Effective for College Studying?

    hi, I'm thinking of getting an eBook reader this Christmas for college. However, before I do I would like to know how effective it would be for studying. Does anyone have any experience using ebook readers in college? I'm studying physics and maths (and material science but maybe not next...
  45. K

    What College Majors Require Calc-Based Physics?

    I am a high school physics teacher and course sign ups for next year are coming soon. I am trying to find college majors that require calculus based physics in their coursework. Obviously physics majors and engineers. What are some other big ones? I think some premed are required to take it...
  46. W

    Schools Applying to University College Utrecht [UCU]

    I am an international student (from India) and I wish to apply to the University College Utrecht, Netherlands for a BSc in Physics. The high school diploma that I have obtained is offered by the Central Board of Secondary Education in India. My application will be for admission in the Fall 2010...
  47. L

    Schools Can a Struggling Student Transfer from a 2 Year College to a 4 Year College?

    How badly might a student have to perform at a 2 year college to not be accepted into any 4 year college anywhere? And can it be undone so that you can transfer depending on the reason why?
  48. B

    Schools Phyco-Babble, straight from my microsoft word college major, need help

    Phyco-Babble, straight from my microsoft word! college major, need halp! Hello, who ever was foolish enough to open this post! Just kidding, i just thought that i should say something to all of you, before you read this little short story-ish thing. I’m a senior in high school, 18 years old...
  49. N

    How you were accepted into college during the preindustrial era

    Did they even have entry level exams to use to determined if students would be admitted into a universities back in the 1600's and prior to that time or are the college entry exams a 20th century creation and only the very wealthy attended college up until the introduction of entry exams and...
  50. L

    Schools How can someone do well at a University if they repeat classes at 2 yr college

    If you've repeated math classes just at 2 year college and want to transfer to university but feel afraid? due to, you've had to repeat math courses at junior college and junior college is supposed to be far easier than 4 year college , it feels scary to think about taking upper level classes at...