What is Career: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The career is an individual's metaphorical "journey" through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define career and the term is used in a variety of ways.

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  1. F

    Engineering How will having a master's degree in engineering change your career path ?

    So I was wondering that what difference can having a master's degree in engineering (let's take my own field, mechanical engineering) will make than if I worked straight away with a bachelor's degree? What sort of positions within organizations do MEs with MS hold and what job usually the end up...
  2. A

    Engineering Career transition back into engineering - advice needed

    Hi - I have a question here for the board. Ten years ago I received my Bachelors degree in Industrial Manufacturing and Systems Engineering. Due to economic conditions at the time, I took a job as an analyst and before too long, realized that my career veered down the business path. I am...
  3. C

    Physics What Are My Career Options After Earning a BS in Physics?

    I just completed my BS in Physics and Computer Science from a small university. I am looking for a research position or a research assistant position. Most of the jobs I see are looking for MS or PhD or postdoc researchers. I want to collect experience and earn some money (just a little to keep...
  4. 1

    Physics Career options for people with a B.S. in physics and educational physics?

    Hey there, I'm majoring in physics/educational physics with a concentration in astronomy I'm planning on getting my phD but i also want to know if there are any career options for people with a B.S. in physics/educational physics? I'm only asking because i need my first pay check in order to...
  5. J

    Medical How can I manage a career with eye floaters?

    Hi friends, sadly I have eye floaters, and I don't know what to do, I have some myopia and I've always had them but this year(I'm 20 years old) they seem to have become more. Do you have eye floaters? How do you cope with them? I'm a computer science student and I don't know how I will work...
  6. M

    Grad School or Career? Advice for Undegrad Physics Major

    Grad School or Career??! Hello all. I am currently an undergrad student majoring in math and physics. I am experiencing extreme ambivalence currently so hopefully someone can give me some advice. I am a quite good student, especially in physics. My GPA is >3.9. I am a senior and will be...
  7. sankalpmittal

    Career Help for PCM Students in Class 10th

    Hey , I am Sankalp in class 10th , 14 years . I have been thinking of carrier in Physics , chemistry and maths , especially engineering . Which is of more importance in carrier by giving entrance examinations : Practice of numericals or good analytical research oriented theoretical concepts .In...
  8. M

    Engineering Software Engineering/Computer Science vs. Engineering (all others) Career Paths

    Hi everyone. I am going into my sophomore year of college and am trying to decide my major. I would like to major in some field of engineering, but as a result of starting my freshman year in the school of biological sciences (and not liking it) it is now too late to switch my major to any...
  9. O

    A help/guide to aeronautic career.

    I've got a degree in physics education. How could this lead me to obtaining a career in aeronautics? If no, how do i go about it? Your recommendations will be highly adored.
  10. S

    How did you decide on your career?

    What are you in now and how did you end up there? I really want to do a post-grad in quantum mechanics, and got a letter from my Uni this morning asking if I am doing a single honours degree in astrophysics or a double honours degree in physics and maths-physics. Ideally I would do...
  11. G

    Is It Too Late to Start a Career in Astronautics at 27?

    I'm not sure what guidance may be offered but I wanted to get some advice from professionals in the field of astronautics. I moved after high school and am finally in a position to follow my goals in education. I'm 27 years old with a semester of undergrad completed. I have always had an...
  12. A

    Chemistry Career Aspirations - Chemistry Degree

    Hi, I have just completed a degree in Chemistry and in a career template I was asked for my short and long term career aspirations. I'm not particularly into chemistry so I'm not really sure what I want and see myself in the future in the chemistry field but I know that I'm interested in the...
  13. R

    Navigating a Career Crisis: My Journey from Lawyer to Engineer at 22

    Hello, my name is Raul, I'm from Caracas, Venezuela, I came across the website searching for vocational descriptions of what makes an engineer because for the past two months I have been going through a major career crisis. I'll try to be as short as possible. I am a 22 year old lawyer...
  14. L

    Engineering Career and school advice for a recently graduated mechanical engineer

    This straddles the line between academic and career guidance, so I picked what I think it's more of. First, some background: I just received my BS in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland. I have good grades and (I think, at least) good summer job/research experience. Yet...
  15. T

    What is the hardest equation you have come across in your Physics career?

    Hi! I want to test my Physics teachers knowledge with a really complex question. Possibly something like the tie break question in the TBBT episode 'The Bat Jat Conjecture' even though it is not correct, but something similar which is hard! So, what is the hardest question you have come across...
  16. C

    Exploring a Career in Medical Physics: Advice Needed

    Hi I am not from a science background; nevertheless i am self taught basic chemistry and biology through my fitness career. However, I have just been accepted into an undergraduate for a Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics. I have not accepted it yet because i need advice. It sounds...
  17. A

    Transform Your Career: Expert Tips for Choosing the Right Path"

    Hi All, I am 22years old and working in Software IT for past 1year but i am not satisfied with the job currently am doing.. My interest is towards my core Electronics since i have done my engineering in Electronics.. For Past one year i have never touched/refereshed anything related to...
  18. C

    Physics Career Questions in Medical Physics

    Hi Everyone, I'm a U.S. citizen who wants to get a PhD from the U.K. in medical physics. I want to know if I will be on equal grounds as I apply for the same job as someone from a CAMPEP accredited U.S. University. Is there anything I should know or do to make me an eligible choice in the...
  19. L

    Is Professional Forex Trading Just Gambling Without Proper Training?

    Wow this forum has really helped me A lot. Currently I'am a junior in High School and my interests lie in physics, currently taking Advanced. I have been thinking about pushing for astronautical engineering but also thinking of mechanical just because of the range of potential careers. What I...
  20. M

    Math Math major, need career and schooling advice

    I'm majoring in math (2nd year) right now at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. I'm considering switching to a bigger/more well known school that has more credit in the real world. I want to be employable immediately when I graduate, and having an Honours in math from Lakehead to me...
  21. A

    Navigating Career Changes and Post Grad Studies: My Story

    Its been almost 2 years since college & I am in my 3rd job(8 months each), or 5th(if i consider 5 days also), courtesy recession. It really messed up my career plans. First two were completely into project management & I had to get out of 'em. After more than a year, i got into what i wanted. I...
  22. O

    Engineering Prospective biomedical(neural) engineer need career guidance

    I am currently a high school senior strongly considering becoming a biomedical engineer and working on research somewhere within neural-engineering. I have chosen an undergraduate program that I now find might not of been the best route for me, and would like a second opinion. I have...
  23. S

    Career help: Companies hiring MS in CMP?

    Hello, I recently graduated with an MS in CMP, and my research was in the production of and magnetic measurements of MgB2 and iron nanocomposites. I have been trying to find companies that would be interested in hiring a CMP masters graduate. Does anyone know any companies or national...
  24. U

    Making a career in Computational Fluid Dynamics

    Hi, I've decided I want to pursue a career in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and I think the best career option for me would be be to take up 'teaching' in my area of interest (since I'm not sure how well I'd be able to do in hard-core research activities) . However, I'm completely unaware...
  25. J

    Pursuing a Career in NASA? (or related careers)

    Hi everyone. I'm making this post as a graduating senior in high-school, who's unsure of the careers that are out there for physics and astronomy, and how to pursue them. Any feedback is amazing :) Just a quick background about myself: I've always loved science, pretty much any kind other...
  26. K

    Is Getting a Masters in Physics Abroad the Solution to My Career Confusion?

    I m from India and 90% colleges in India, they suck...I was pretty much into science from beginning but then i joined my college and lost track of everything. Didn't study much and spent whole time introspecting. I guess that's what colleges are for, esp the graduate courses are for - you try to...
  27. P

    Physics Alternative Energy as a career path in Physics?

    I'm starting my junior year in the fall, and I'm starting to think about what I really want to do with my physics degree once I earn it. To me, it seems like alternative energy is a good direction to go, because it's a very real problem in the modern world and I feel like there's going to be a...
  28. B

    Become a Particle Physicist: What You Need to Know

    Hello, I am going to make you think I am crazy with the very notion of can he do it. I am 37. I have been many things but not what I would like to be. I have always wanted to be a particle physicist. I am in my first year of returning to college after some things. can someone point me in...
  29. S

    Exploring Career Options: Computer vs Electronics Engineering

    I am a person who likes studying about fixing,joining and playing with objects. However cnsidering the many merit points that computer engineering has over electronics engineering(in terms of salary,placement,level of diff.)..I'm confused. Also the fact that comp engg. has some amount of...
  30. Simfish

    Job opportunities at all career stages for geoscientists is on the rise

    http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/full/nj7346-243a.html Hmm, what percent of these jobs will be in the private sector, and what percent in the public sector? I'd be concerned about anything in the public sector since the Republicans can easily take it away when they win control...
  31. P

    Discovering My Ideal Science Career

    In just a few days i will be a senior in high school. so far I am undecided on a career path. i know i want to do something in the science field but i don't know what. i loved biology and some parts of chemistry. i didnt care for Earth science or physics to much. I am looking for a career that i...
  32. R

    Career path in aerospace engineering.

    Hello all, Despite a lot of family discouragement, this fall I am going to choose a major in aerospace engineering. Its been a lifelong dream of mine to someday have a career that has to do with the designing of air/space crafts. It started with my curiosity in astronomy, then as a I grew...
  33. W

    Career Guidance - Alternative Energy?

    (Hope this is in the right place) Hello, I have been debating this for awhile and am unsure really of what I should be doing. I like chemistry, I like solving math problems. However I don't care for solving the area of a function revolved about an axis, not very interesting to me. So far...
  34. T

    Career Paths with BS Applied Physics: What Now?

    I guess i posted in the wrong section and so i reposted it. Sorry. Newbie :D I am from the Philippines. I just graduated from High School and will continue my studies at the University of the Philippine Los Banos under the College of Arts and Sciences, BS Applied Physics. Now I would...
  35. D

    Physics Non-academic career options for the theroetical physicist

    These are some notes of the observations I've made over the past few months looking for jobs. This might be useful for someone else but keep in mind it's rather focused around my personal situation and preferences. I did my PhD and postdoc in theoretical condensed matter physics, mostly DFT /...
  36. K

    Choosing a Career Path: Insights and Advice from a Confused Student

    Greetings Physics forum, I would like to start with a quick introduction, followed up with naming a few subjects I have been considering tackling as a career. I would appreciate any input or general feedback regarding my situation, and encourage you to share your stories of how you came to...
  37. T

    Career Options in Japan for Physics Major

    Hi everyone, just kind of a general question here. I'm a physics major undergrad at Texas Christian University. I'm also minoring in Japanese, and will be close to proficient in the language by the time I graduate, including hiragana, katakana, and kanji writing systems. In general, in the scope...
  38. S

    Undergraduate studies for a career in renewable energy

    I'm right now twenty years old and in my second semester of a physics degree at a school which has a pretty wide variety of engineering and science degrees and an excellent reputation in those fields. I think I would be happy working in almost any science/engineering field, but I'm most...
  39. S

    Discovering Your Career Path for Junior High Students

    I want to know which I career path I should pick. I am finishing my junior year of high school and want to make a career choice soon. I love math, science (physics and chemistry), and computers. I do not have any real programming experience to know if i love it or not so this summer I will be...
  40. U

    A career in Computer Engineering

    Hey guys, I am currently a 16 year old Junior in high school. I am incredibly interested and fascinated in computers as they are constantly changing. I had the aspiration of being a computer engineer since Junior High school. But... I'm weak in math. I've passed Alg 1 and 2 with A and B's...
  41. M

    Guidance for a career in researching metamaterials.

    It's a subject that has interested me since I can remember and now that I've finally finished up all of my basic chemistry, math, and physics classes I want to figure out what direction I can put myself into as far as what classes are best suited to lead me in that direction. I'm currently...
  42. R

    Considering a career in Engineering

    Hello all, My name is Raphal, and I'm 17 years old. I intend to enter college this August, and until a few weeks ago, was fairly certain that I would enter college to study physical therapy; however, recently I have been doing a fair amount of research about engineering. Particularly...
  43. P

    Job prospect,s for a PhD in the US, career orientation, and life in general.

    Hello everybody. I am currently in a French engineering school, one of the best. The hard part was getting into it; now I am pretty assured to graduate and I just have to follow some very basic courses. I could be perfectly happy, except...I'm not really sure I want to be an engineer...
  44. S

    Digital Design Career: Advice on Skills & Knowledge Needed

    Hey everyone, I'm currently going on my last year for my associates degree in electronics and will commence electrical/computer engineering next year. I just want to ask for any advice on digital designing (embedded systems design) careers and info. What skills are useful to have? What do...
  45. A

    Is a BSMET limiting for a career in the aerospace industry and masters programs?

    I've been reading posts related to career options with a BSMET, but I have some specific questions on career directions that I'd like to address. First off, can we all please refrain from turning this into a BSME vs. BSMET battle royale? A little background: I started my BSME in 2001 at...
  46. B

    Research in grad school affecting career options

    I'm about to graduate with a BS in Physics and am currently trying to decide which graduate school to attend. I'm trying to decide between four right now (UIUC, U of Michigan, Northwestern, and Indiana U). I'm not completely set on an area of research yet, and I'm trying to consider the various...
  47. R

    Career as physicist in electrical engeneering?

    I am a physicist (master, PhD) and have a job opportunity in an electrical engeneering company. Does anyone have experiences with this situation? What is a possible career path? My first impression is that people with a Masters in EE possibly outperform any physicist because of their...
  48. A

    Is it possible to have a career in math/physics & also be close to home?

    Hello all, Maybe you can offer some advice. I have some decisions to make in the near future, I have a few related questions to ask, and I'm also wondering if there are any good options one of you can think of that I'm not considering. First some background. I came to the University of...
  49. D

    Is It Too Late to Pursue a Career in Physics at 24?

    Ok.I have been fallen love with physics after I had seen a movie.Now I want to learn physics deeply as possible. I am financially alright.And I hope to start an undergraduate degree from next year.The only problem is I will be 24 and I feel like I am too old to be a physicist.I will be like 32...