What is Career: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The career is an individual's metaphorical "journey" through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define career and the term is used in a variety of ways.

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  1. W

    Engineering Is engineering right for me as a career?

    I just started my senior year of high school and am considering engineering. The problem is I haven't taken any chemistry or physics classes but i am good at math and feel like I would enjoy doing engineering along with the hard work included. Also another problem is that my high school only...
  2. B

    28 YO thinking about a career move towards engineering

    Hi, I am seriously considering making a move towards becoming an engineer. I have a History degree from UC Berkeley and a certificate degree in Advanced Character Animation. Money is not and issue and I have all the free time in the world. I am 28 years old and am in excellent physical...
  3. V

    Material Science career prospects?

    Hi. I'm about to pick my undergraduate degree and I can't decide on the engineering course I want. I was thinking of applying for a BEng in Material Science or Material Engineering but I'm not too sure about the job prospects for a degree in these subjects. Can anyone here tell me if picking...
  4. B

    Is a Career in Nuclear Safety Right for You?

    Hey there, I'm currently about to start a postgraduatde MSc Nuclear Science and Technology course (with most subjects looking in safety, risk assesment, fuel cycles, design and a project in damage simulation) after completing BSc Chemistry and Molecular Physics with engineering experience...
  5. T

    Physics Switching Career to Physics- Desperately Need Advice

    Switching Career to Physics-- Desperately Need Advice I have to make a fairly critical decision in the coming days, and though I have tried to read up as much as possible on the relevant material, I am in desperate need of some guidance. Please, any help at all is extremely appreciated...
  6. C

    Physics How to begin path towards physics career

    Hello, I am a 14 year old about to become a freshmen and I already feel convinced I will become a physicist since I seem to have an good ability in the subject and I absolutely love science. I need some advice on how to start of high school on the right foot. I want to start getting a job...
  7. T

    Education and Career assessment tool

    I post this here since this seems more about psychology profile, and IMO software tools that evaluate the person. The general tools that ask if you’re good in math, analytic skill, etc. really aren’t adequate. I've been going back a forth with my 17 yr old son about college. What do you want to...
  8. K

    Career Flexibility a thing of the Past

    I am just throwing this out there to fish for opinions Engineering is often advertised as a broad profession offering many opportunities. With tight labor markets where there is an over supply of job seekers is this no longer a true statement. I ask because workers must be responsive to the...
  9. V

    Engineering Career options for BSc in Physics Engineering or Applied Physics?

    What sort of job prospects would I have with a BSc in Physics Engineering or Applied Physics? Are the odds good, or is this field an exceptionally competitive one? Can anyone here tell me what I should expect while studying for this degree and what I should prepare? Any help at all would...
  10. A

    Thinking Career As A Professor

    Recently, I have been thinking about what I would like to do once I finish my graduate school career. I already know that I like doing research, so I was thinking of either working for a national lab or becoming a professor. Based on some information I've read on the web, becoming a professor...
  11. W

    Help Guide a High School Senior in Choosing a Career in Physics and Technology

    Hello everyone! Im a senior in high school doing the IB diploma program and i'd appreciate it if you could help guide me in choosing a career since my school doesn't seem to be of any help... Im extremely passionate about Physics (in particular astro and aerospace) and technology. i'd...
  12. L

    Finance Career: Q&A for Physics PhD Seeking Advice | TwoFishQuant

    Ok if possible I would like to direct this at twofishquant, however if you have any experience please do post. I have seen that he has quite a bit of experience in this area and would really like to hear his opinion. I am going onto second year undergrad from September in Physics, I plan on...
  13. J

    Programs Can I Pursue a Civil Engineering Career with a B.S. in Applied Mathematics?

    Hey Everyone! I’m new here so I’d appreciate some help Well I’m in a dilemma, I struggled so much to choose a career path and I’m still indecisive but I’m pretty sure that I want to become an engineer specifically civil or environmental, I’d like to contribute in something for my society in...
  14. S

    Do low Masters grades affect career chances?

    hi everyone, I have the following situation: Years ago I got a BCom with pretty high grades (correspond to ~3.5 GPA), several years later did Masters in Stats with pretty low results (B- average) at a good school and somehow squeezed into a PhD in CS at an average school. After three...
  15. F

    Math Career opportunities for Pure or computational mathematics

    I currently have a B.S. in mathematics and just got accepted into a Ph. D. program for math. In this program there are 4 different specializations: applied math, statistics, pure math, and computational math. Out of these pure math interests me the most, however, I'm afraid I won't be able to...
  16. O

    Engineering Help with career : mechanical or computer engineering

    I have a background as a automotive technician for over a decade. I would like to move into a career that is less stressful on my body and provides a higher ceiling for pay. I am interested in computers with hobbiest knowledge of the how's and why's they work. I have professional experience in...
  17. Q

    Engineering Career stability in astrophysics and aerospace engineering

    I have heard much about how careers in aerospace engineering and astrophysics can be hard to find, one has to move around a lot, and the salary is not great. As far as money goes I don't care too much, but I'd like to make at least 75k a year, but I don't want to have to move around more than 2...
  18. A

    Navigating a Career in Engineering/Physics after Naval Academy Service

    Hello, I'm interested in applying for the Naval Academy. I know they have great undergraduate programs in both engineering and physics, which I'm really interested in. (I'm not sure which one exactly I want to get a degree in yet). Graduates from the Naval Academy are required to spend 5...
  19. I

    Chemistry Career in Physics or Chemistry?

    Hello everyone, just joined the forum. I need some solid advice about choosing my career path, I've read some of the previous posts on the topic, but would greatly appreciate any further help! I'm 18 years old, at the end of high school. I love and enjoy both Physics and Chemistry, and work...
  20. J

    Career path for research in CS

    What kind of career path should i follow if i want a job whihc involves devising new and better ways of using computers and addressing particular challenges in areas such as robotics, physics and other sciences. I will start my undergradute course in CSE this year. After that what will i have...
  21. A

    Physics Experimental physics as a career

    Hi, I have numerous questions concerning experimental physics.. If you want to be an experimental physicist what can you study? I would like to study particle physics and quantum mechanics.. are they well involved? Also does anyone know if experimental physicists have a good income? what's...
  22. G

    Perplexed about my future education and career options

    So right now I'm working a job that I dislike. Of course it's only temporary, the goal being to allow my wife to finish school and save up enough money in order to allow me to enter graduate school with a minimum amount of debt. Up until this point I was bound and determined to get a Ph.D in...
  23. alexmahone

    MHB What Career Fits My Passion for Math and Learning?

    I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics. About me: I'm really passionate about mathematics. I also like physics and chemistry, though to a much lesser extent. I'm also very passionate about learning new things, regardless of the subject. For example, I...
  24. N

    Physics Exploring Physics as a Career: Debunking the Fairy Tale

    Hi, I am only in grade 1o right know but I've spent almost an entire year learning about what steps to take and what to look ahead for after high school, I am pretty much set for the goals i want to complete in my educational life and how to do them. Theirs just a couple of things, I don't...
  25. J

    What Career to do with space is best for me?

    I'm really interested in space, I love anything to do with it, I just find the topic amazing. I know I want a career in space, I just can't settle on the right one for me. Right now I'm in Year 9, next year for my subjects I'll probably pick Physics, Math, chemistry, and any other subject that...
  26. T

    Nine Months Later - Career Guidance Still Needed More Than Ever

    Hi, everyone. I haven't posted on this site for some time...at least seven months or so. I want to "re-kindle" my discussion that I started here: My Previous Thread The meat and potatoes of the story is that I excelled in Undergraduate School and obtained a B.S. in Mathematics with a minor...
  27. M

    Masters or Ph.D for a Research Career?

    I'm still in lower division so I know this is jumping the gun, but I wanted to ask this now while I still have time to ponder. Originally my end goal was to get a Ph.D because I want to do research ideally in astrophysics, although I'm well aware that jobs in this field are few and far...
  28. D

    Interested in the dosimetrist career path

    Hi everyone. I know there are some medical dosimetrists and physicists in this forum who have provided useful advice. I still have some questions, if you don't mind. Basically, my background consists of a B.S. and M.Sc in physics with not so stellar grades (~3.0 GPA). I graduated almost 7...
  29. D

    Worried about Eng Masters using Density Functional Theory and Career Flexibility

    I just finished my undergrad in Chem Eng and am very interested in energy field ( I was thinking of doing something with battery and storage systems as it is closest to my field). I was recently offered a masters in MSE for possibly working on battery materials using Density Functional Theory...
  30. V

    Math Career Opportunities For Physics Majors-Math minors

    Hello Again. I am new to the forum and this is actually the 2nd time I've asked a question. I wanted to get some insight into what Physics Majors that minor in math have the possibility of doing in the carrer world. I should note that I am in college pursuing my undergraduate degree in these...
  31. V

    Econophysics, a good career path?

    I'm in my junior year of college of a major in physics, and I'm already considering my job oportunities. In a country like mine (i live in Colombia, by the way) is kind of hard to get a job as a researcher if you don't want to be a professor (my case) and the global landscape doesn't seem very...
  32. G

    Physics Interested in a career in Medical Physics

    Hi, I just got accepted to Ga Tech and I applied for the BS in Mechanical Engineering. I was wondering if anyone knows if I can pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering and get a MS in medical physics? if not , should I just go into nuclear and radiological engineering or biomedical...
  33. B

    Physics Compare and contrast: career in medicine or physics

    Hey, I am currently graduating high school (this weekend) and I will be attending UC Irvine for undergraduate. My question here is to compare and contrast the careers of being a doctor or a physicist. I have always been interested in science but I am not completely sure what to major in...
  34. D

    HELP-how to make career in applied physics

    hi all just completed my 12th... since childhood i have always been interested in studying science and always dreamt of applying it for the inventing new technologies and like... can anyone help how to select courses for the same... i figured out two ways a) i go for engineering in ece...
  35. E

    Electrical Engineer Career in Airport: Areas & Qualifications

    I want to know in which area can an Electrical Engineer work in an Airport? and What would someone special on to be better in any of the areas in an Airport? Hope to hear from you soon! thanks
  36. Shackleford

    Is Engineering a Viable Option for Grad School After a B.S. in Math and Physics?

    I took my last final tonight. Commencement is tomorrow. I have a B.S. Math, Physics Minor with a 3.5/3.6 GPA. Thanks to everyone on this site who helped me with my homework over the years! It's appreciated.
  37. Arsenic&Lace

    Is a Physics Degree Enough for a Career in Physics?

    Hopefully he is asking in the right section. So, here is my sad tale: I developed an interest in physics in high school. Mysteriously, my high school instructors considered me gifted and I found myself meandering through community college courses while in high school, and by my senior year...
  38. Shackleford

    Is a Master's in Mathematics the Key to a Non-Academic Academic Career?

    I'm graduating in May with a B.S. Math and Physics Minor. I really don't want to teach, but I think I would enjoy something like mathematics curriculum development/assessment, etc. Of course, this would generally be outside of academia - at least at the university level. However, in my search...
  39. jbrussell93

    Outdoor Science Career: Exploring Options for a Freshman in College

    I'm a freshman in college who is still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do. Currently, I'm in a biological engineering program and doing well in the intro math/science/engineering courses. Until recently, I thought that I wanted be a scientist working in the newly established field of...
  40. X

    Math Career switch from biomed to maths/physics? Too old?

    Hello PF inhabitants, I have just finished 5 years of university culminating in a Master's degree in biomedical science. I now work in a genetic diagnostics lab. Problem is I always had a deep 'urge' to do something quantitative and I always liked the seemingly inapplicable aspects of...
  41. S

    Conerned about transcripts and career.

    Hello, I was a first time college freshman majoring in electrical engineering back in 2004. At the same time as my freshman year my family went through a foreclosure. I took on a full time job to help redeem the property and was placed on academic probation because I failed every class without...
  42. C

    Programs Exploring Possibilities for Combining Sciences for a Career Path

    Hello World! I want to know if it's posible to do (this combo): BSc. Ecology & Environment (just enough biology, chemistry, physics, geology..) MSc. Integrated approach to Natural Sciences (same aswell) Phd in Biology or Physics? for example after the masters degree I might focus on botany...
  43. A

    Engineering Changing career path of an electrical engineer?

    Hey all, I am looking for some advice on what my options are to change career path. I will graduate this summer with a degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering and have already secured a graduate job within a very reputable power engineering company. The job is everything I could have...
  44. I

    Best undergrad field of study for a career in Corrosion engineering

    I am a non-traditional student (36 w/ a business degree after leaving a CHemE program when in school the first time). The last 12 years of my life, I have worked in the application of industrial coatings' to steel . I still work in the field, and will continue to. Now, I work in outside sales...
  45. J

    Career Advice for Mechanical Engineering

    Hi Everyone, I am at a road block in my life where I have no idea what to do next in terms of my career plans. I graduated with a Bachelors in Biochemistry, and recently, I realized there was nothing that spoke to me within this field which I could obtain as a career. I looked into...
  46. S

    Math Career opportunities after a degree in math

    Hi all, I'm just looking for some advice. So, here's the situation: I just finished my first year in university and am currently enrolled in the honours maths program (having switched over from physics :-p). I just had an introductory analysis course and I loved it enough to attend the second...
  47. M

    Career Help Need to Get Back to Science

    Hello, I am hoping I can get some advice, or something to think about at least. Here is a quick version of my story: I have a BS in physics. I also was on the path to get a second BS in EE, but for various reasons, that did not work out. At the time, I was not ready to go to grad school...
  48. A

    Traditional Pension vs. 401k: Which is the Better Retirement Option?

    Hello everyone, I am interested in views regarding a traditional pension as opposed to a 401k. I am at a crossroads in my life where I can choose to move to a different career with interesting work and higher pay, but where most employers have a 401k retirement plan. My current employer has...
  49. S

    Exploring Career Paths for Physics Majors

    I've had a love of physics since the 4th grade, and still do. The job prospects aren't too exciting for just a physics degree, so I was wondering what i could do? I was planning on getting my Bachelors in Physics, and then either going into medical school for medical physics(not really into...