Recent content by u_know_who

  1. U

    Is Farady's law applicable to electrochemical cell

    Farady's law are derived for electrolysis. My question is the same rule can be applied in the analysis of electrochemical cell? I think those two cell (electrolytic and electrochemical) are just opposite functional to each other.
  2. U

    Solution of Schrodinger equation for free electron

    Thank you raymo and dextercioby.
  3. U

    Solution of Schrodinger equation for free electron

    Hi, i am beginning elementary Quantum Mechanics as my course. While studying one question arise in my mind : In the solution of Schrodinger wave equation there are two parts. ψ=A*exp(jKx) + B*exp(-jkx). (for confined electron) But when dealing with free electron the solution is of...
  4. U

    Need Explanation of this Master Slave D Flip Flop

    Well after studied what i have found that it is a must. You can't set ouput 0 by pressing clear = 0 when the slave is active (clock = 0) unless u give those connection that i mentioned.
  5. U

    Need Explanation of this Master Slave D Flip Flop

    Hmm, i think that's the answer of my question. Thank you. :)
  6. U

    Need Explanation of this Master Slave D Flip Flop

    Please look @ the pictures below. I have drawn a master slave D flipflop with preset and clear option as mentioned in the book. Can anyone tell me what is the necessity of the wires that are highlighted in the image? isn't the wire @ last stages of...
  7. U

    Does (111) Plane in BCC Cut Center Atom?

    So will i take if a plane doesn't pass through the center of the atom we will not count that atom? This thing is not clear in books.
  8. U

    Does (111) Plane in BCC Cut Center Atom?

    Hello, as i mentioned i am studying about crystal structure recently, i am facing another problem. In the book it says that : (111) plane in BCC does not cut the center atom. But i do some geometry and i come about that the perpendicular distance from the center of that atom to the (111)...
  9. U

    What is the basis in crystalline solid structures?

    Hello, while studying crystalline solid structure one thing i don't understand. What does the "basis" means. Lattice seems clear but the basis comes along with problem. The problem arise in this case : CsCl structure is not BCC (Body Centered Cubic). It is SC (Simple Cubic) with two basis...
  10. U

    How Many Turns Requred For 220v-100v,180v 100VA Rating Transformer

    Can anyone tell me how many turns required for designing a 220v-100v,180v and 100VA amplifier? Rating : 100VA , Frequency : 50Hz Primary Secondary 220 100 220 180 Question-01: No. Of Turns in primary and secondary...
  11. U

    Hardest EE Class: Student Opinions & Experience

    Electronics. BJT MOSFET kill me. :p
  12. U

    Please have a look on these diode circuits

    Both of the calculation is wrong. At first circuit diode will conduct not from 2.3v. You set the n voltage lower than the p voltage. So the diode will conduct before 2.3v. And second circuit the calculation is also wrong. You did wrong while applying KVL.
  13. U

    Diode I-V Characteristic At High Frequency

    Hi i wonder if the diode I-V characteristics will be as usual at it is operated at high frequency? Some one told me that it will be not the same. There will be a some kind of hysteresis loop will appear in the curve. Can anyone ensure me about that or give me a useful link about that topics?
  14. U

    Voltage source connected with parallel.

    well its a long confusion of mine. However i have got one answers that if two different voltage source are connected in parallel then the output will be the highest voltage value. Because the higher value will suppress the lower voltage which is connected in parallel. And if two different...
  15. U

    Voltage source connected with parallel. diodes are added, and a resistance is added parallel to that combination. What will happen?