Recent content by TheShermanTanker

  1. T

    Is an interpreter without an intermediate representation even possible?

    I've never seen a Parser execute code directly like that though, how would one go about doing that?
  2. T

    What was your motivation to learn programming?

    My motivation was kind of silly: I've been a huge fan of this game since I was young. It's the only game I've ever been allowed to buy online. To cut a long story short 9 or 10 year old me, I can't really remember, was told by my parents that if I did well in my exams they'd get it for me, so...
  3. T

    Is an interpreter without an intermediate representation even possible?

    I was reading the page about interpreters on wikipedia and one particular section caught my eye: "An interpreter generally uses one of the following strategies for program execution: Parse the source code and perform its behavior directly; Translate source code into some efficient...
  4. T

    How to ensure maximum possible joint torque for an actuator?

    Below, I have a joint system that consists of a fixed anchor and a moving arm: What I want is simple: To attach a linear actuator on the moving arm in such a way that the mechanical advantage of the actuator is exactly 1 (Ie the actuator only has to generate exactly the amount of force as the...
  5. T

    B Why are Biological Materials easily broken despite being very strong?

    I just wanted to ask something that's being bugging me for quite a while now, if you don't mind. In standard testing, Biological Materials often are found to have impressive strength characteristics, for example, both Type I Collagen, the supporting protein of muscle (And I think Skin as well)...
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    B Problem with an Equation -- Solving for "a" in this large equation

    Ok, I know this may sound silly and I apologize for bringing in what should be a relatively easy equation. I'm trying to make the small a in the below equation the subject of the formula (That is, to push everything in the equation except a to one side of the equation and leave all the small...
  7. T

    Angle required to hit coordinates including air resistance

    Could you explain what you mean by this? (My background wasn't in physics, i apologise for being dumb) This is just a guess here, but if i get you correctly what you mean by numerical search/actual simulation would be to get the angle from the equation that excludes air resistance first, fire...
  8. T

    Angle required to hit coordinates including air resistance

    What i understand from this is use v^2 +- sqrt(etc etc) to calculate the angle without air resistance first, then create an imaginary (so called) projectile and simulate it's flight path, collect the data of the simulation and perform corrections to the angle until it's close enough, did i get...
  9. T

    Angle required to hit coordinates including air resistance

    Oh hi, I'm modding an existing game unfortunately, if i was making my own game i would just disable air resistance for special projectiles like these out of laziness XD
  10. T

    Angle required to hit coordinates including air resistance

    //The block below is called 20 times a second //This can be ignored this.locX += this.motX; this.locY += this.motY; this.locZ += this.motZ; float f4 = 0.99F; //Drag f1 = 0.05F; //Gravity. Since this is called 20 times a second, 0.05 works out to 20m/s2 //Applying drag this.motX *= (double)...
  11. T

    Angle required to hit coordinates including air resistance

    Hi, I know I've asked this before but I didn't manage to solve the problem before. To give context I'm trying to find the angle to hit a target with given coordinates from my current location in a particular game. (I'm modding the game) I can do it with zero problems when not including air...
  12. T

    B Angle required to hit coordinates x, y, z with air ressitance

    The formula for the angle required for you to launch a projectile with a given velocity, gravity, distance and height difference is, taking g as gravity, v as total velocity, x as total distance on the horizontal plane and y as how high the target is above you (Negative value means the target is...
  13. T

    Question about Velocity calculation

    Hello there! I'm a newcomer and just started doing Physics as there is one part of my current project requires it to do so. Recently, while reading up a game's source code, I came across something that I couldn't figure out. Below is the portion of the code that handles the velocity...