Recent content by thebluser

  1. T

    Help with graph units and interpretation

    Hello, I have been doing research with a certain biological substance and its capacitance and conductivity. The following graphs are from a computer connected to a BDS (broadband dielectric spectrometer): I understand the fundamental units, but Re(C'), Re(C''), Re(σ'), lm(σ'') do not make...
  2. T

    How is lift force proportional to speed up?

    okay then, thank you all!
  3. T

    How is lift force proportional to speed up?

    is weight the atmospheric pressure or how much the body weighs? just want to make sure.
  4. T

    How is lift force proportional to speed up?

    i know that if i have a greater lift force, there will be a greater speed upwards, but i don't know to calculate a speed of something upwards. is this even possible to calculate? if it's not, can you give a calculation example??
  5. T

    How do you control the output frequecy of full wave rectifier circuit?

    ok so after i doubled the frequency from the rectifier circuit and it comes out as DC, will the DC double again after it will enter another rectifying circuit? or do i need to convert it to ac again and then i could double it?
  6. T

    How do you control the output frequecy of full wave rectifier circuit?

    what i mean is, if i want to make a certain rectifier circuit to some sort of load, how would i know which diodes and transistors/IGBT's/MOSFET's to use? for example, i have an AC source with 50 hertz and a load that requires 60 hertz, what would i use? can you show me calculations?
  7. T

    What is the speed of the quad rotor with this given detailes?

    so a single-phase quadrotor with the weight of 100 grams has 100 Newton thurst force from motors 2 and 3 and 50 Newton thurst force from motors 1 and 4. given this detailes, at constant movement and ignoring other factors, what will the speed of the quad rotor be? show me your calculations, also...
  8. T

    What happens if i apply different AC frequencies into a motor?

    so let's say i have a motor and two sinusodial AC power supplies. they both have different frequencies but the same voltage. i apply both of them into the induction motor. what will happen in terms of speed or anything else which can affect the motor's performance?
  9. T

    How does an electronic speed controller work?

    i know what it's supposed to do but what are it's electric components for an AC motor?
  10. T

    Does amperage matter in induction motors?

    what i meant is, "ignoring the motor's rating, would adding current to the induction motor but not changing the frequency, change anything in it's RPM/torque or anything else which would affect it's speed?" buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut you already answered my question so kthxbye. by the...
  11. T

    Does amperage matter in induction motors?

    if i increase the amperage in an induction motor, will the induction motor spin faster? and vise versa?
  12. T

    Are there any 45-65 Hz IGBT's you can refer me to?

    are there any 45,55,65 Hz IGBT's that i could buy? i can't find any over the internet. if you know about one of them, can you refer me to it?
  13. T

    What kind of power MOSFET switches are available in the market?

    are there any power MOSFET switches that are largely commercially available in the market today? with more than blocking voltage 120 volts at OFF state, ability to conduct more than 30 amperes when in ON state, controling load of over 2500 watts? and in the cost of at least 40 dollars?