Recent content by Starcrossed97

  1. S

    Engineering Deciding Between Engineering & Business: Advice for College Freshman

    I just assumed they were using the Lion Taming thing to make a point but yeah guys I have never considered Lion Taming as profession I was joking. From reading through the rest of the comments it seems like the odds are stacked against me 100 to 1...but I still like those odds. I'm going to go...
  2. S

    Engineering Deciding Between Engineering & Business: Advice for College Freshman

    Thank you for your helpful advice in this confusing time in my life I really appreciate it. In fact I think that I will go into Lion Taming, Thanks for the idea know all of my life problems are fixed because I asked a casual question on a forum (where know...ask questions) and you...
  3. S

    Engineering Deciding Between Engineering & Business: Advice for College Freshman

    Hi I am a college freshman trying to decide between Engineering and Business. I am "naturally" good at business because my Dad has been an executive in corporate america for a long time he is also an entrepreneur, growing up I've picked up some of his tendencies so everyone always says they...
  4. S

    What are the job prospects for Astronomers in the next 10-15 years?

    Hello all! I am currently a freshman (just finished my first semester) and I need to choose a career path. I have had a burning love and passion for Astronomy/Astrophysics from a very young age but I hear that the job market for Astro Ph.D's is complete and utter dang (pardon my French). I grew...
  5. S

    Get a Job w/NASA: Transfer or Mechanical BS?

    Hi everyone I am currently a freshman in college planning on applying to the School of Engineering next fall. I want to be an Astronautical Engineer but my school doesn't even have Aerospace so I was planning on doing Mechanical. I would like to work for NASA as an Astronaut but I would also be...
  6. S

    Programs Engineering Major: Can I Still Pursue My Dream?

    My math skills are just average, nothing spectacular. I know that I want to help build/design anything and everything that goes into space and I'm willing to work for it even if it takes me 5 years to get my degree. I want this, I've never taken Calc so I'm not sure how Id do, I took Trig my...
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    Programs Engineering Major: Can I Still Pursue My Dream?

    Hi everyone, I am currently a first year undergraduate student. I have recently decided to follow my passion which is Space Exploration so I've decided to get a Mech. Engineering degree (my school doesn't have Aerospace) I am an Undeclared major at the moment and hope to apply to the School of...
  8. S

    Exploring the Astrophysics Job Market: Passion vs Practicality

    I would really love to do work in Radio Astronomy (work for SETI or other similar programs) or Theoretical Astrophysics. Are my chances of getting a job really that bad? I don't want to spend years getting a PhD in Astronomy to not use it and be in another sector. Less than 50% is pretty...
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    Exploring the Astrophysics Job Market: Passion vs Practicality

    Hi I am an undergraduate freshman at university. I have a passion for Astronomy and would love to become a professional astronomer. The only problem is I've heard by many people including a Professor of Physics that the job market is tough and it's hard to find jobs in Astrophysics. Should I...
  10. S

    Passion vs Money: Career Decision for Freshman College Student

    Hi, I am currently a freshman in college and I'm trying to decide on what career path I should follow. Ever since I was little I loved astronomy, from watching shows about it on the science channel, reading books about it, and sitting outside just stargazing. But now I'm faced with a decision...
  11. S

    Astronomy vs Aerospace: Career Choice Help

    Hi I was wondering which would be a better career choice. I have been in love with space my entire life and I never want to give that passion up. I am about to start applying to college and I don't know if I want to be an aerospace engineer or an astronomer. My hope is that if I become an...