Recent content by Scott4775

  1. S

    What does the N mean in a Cauchy sequence definition?

    Thank you both for your responses. Both of you have cleared up any confusion that I had. I really appreciate it. I searched online but couldn't quite find the answer I was looking for in plain language. :) Thanks again!
  2. S

    What does the N mean in a Cauchy sequence definition?

    What does the "N" mean in a Cauchy sequence definition? Hi everyone, I have a question regarding Cauchy sequences. I am trying to teach myself real analysis and would appreciate any clarification anyone has regarding my question. I believe I have an intuitive understanding of what a Cauchy...
  3. S

    Schools Does self-study even matter to graduate schools?

    Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to offer advice. I greatly appreciate it. I do understand the concern of the admissions committee of knowing whether or not one has learned the material commensurate with a brick and mortar institution. Perhaps things will look up soon and I'll be...
  4. S

    Schools Does self-study even matter to graduate schools?

    Hello everyone, Forgive me if this question has been addressed elsewhere in the forum. I've searched through the topics but did not find anything similar to my question, so I appreciate if anyone has any advice that they may be able to offer. I would love to go to graduate school and get...
  5. S

    Difference between an expectation value and an average

    Thank you, that explains it perfectly! :)
  6. S

    Difference between an expectation value and an average

    Hi everyone, What is the difference between an expectation value and an average. I may have this wrong, but is it something along these lines: You perform a series of measurements on a given observable, such as momentum, and the average value of all these measurements is your expectation...
  7. S

    Any information on an old physics textbook?

    Thank you to all who have responded and offered help. I really appreciate the assistance! I've examined some of the suggestions but to no avail. It's probably been at least fifteen years since I last laid eyes on this book, so my memory is kind of fuzzy on the details. If this helps at all, I...
  8. S

    Any information on an old physics textbook?

    Hi everyone, I apologize if I've placed this in the wrong section. I don't know if anyone will be able to help me with this, but after an exhaustive search of the net, I can't seem to find my answer. There is a university physics textbook that my local public library once had in circulation...
  9. S

    A one-form versus a dual basis vector

    Hi everyone, Pardon the neophyte question, but is a one-form the same thing as a dual basis vector? If not, are they related in some way, or completely different concepts/entities? Thank you!