Recent content by Roumpedakis

  1. R

    Is the Interaction in the Canonical Formalism Lorentz Invariant?

    First of all thank you very much for your reply! I appreciate it ! I agree that in the path integral formalism all these questions don't arise... So I'm talking about the canonical formalism. The question is that using the standard canonical formalism you write down the interaction (starting...
  2. R

    Is the Interaction in the Canonical Formalism Lorentz Invariant?

    In the attached file I have outlined the renormalization procedure for a very simple QFT as described in Weinberg's book and it seems that there is a contradiction. I have red some QFT books but I still have this question. Still I believe that this book is by far the most clear book that I have...
  3. R

    Decomposition of SU(3) and particles

    As we know the algebra of SU(3) consist of two Cartan generators and 6 raising and lowering operators. We define the eigenstates of the Cartan operators as u,d,s, correspoding to the three lightest quarks. Now when we study the 3\otimes 3 tensor product we can show that the Hilbert space of...