Recent content by quirck

  1. Q

    Medical Cholesterol- how low is too low?

    Once 15 years ago I was rushed to the hospital because I felt pain in my heart, and when they measured my blood the only thing they could find was that my cholesterol was unmeasurable they called it "below critical". I don't know if it was the cause of my feeling bad, but if it was, it feels awful.
  2. Q

    Where has the energy of the closed photon packet gone?

    A photon is emitted from a star in a far away galaxy. Its energy is hv = 1000 keV Its velocity is c. When it arrives at the retina, the redshift/doppler caused the photon to have an energy less than 1000keV. Where has the energy of the closed photon packet gone?
  3. Q

    Confused about the difference between impulse momentum and kinetic energy

    In this problem, energy is not conserved. Thank you for the quick reply. Very kind. I understand you want to stay simple here and this rule of thumb is applicable here, however I want to get a deep understanding of this. Most of all I want to try to get a grasp on what is momentum. Like...
  4. Q

    Confused about the difference between impulse momentum and kinetic energy

    Homework Statement 1 mass M1 of 1 kg moves frictionless at V1 1 meter per second to the right. It fuses with mass M2 of 2 kg and together they keep moving frictionless to the right. What is the speed V2 of the fused objects? Homework Equations Impulse mass * Velocity Kinetic energy...