Recent content by Pax

  1. P

    What is the Specific Heat of an Ideal Blackbody?

    This seems like an old blog but I would propose that in equilibrium all bodies (black or gray) in a constant radiation flux would reach the same temperature The black ones heat and cool at the highest possible rate, and the gray ones heat and cool at a lower rate, but the emissivity is on both...
  2. P

    How Does Preloading Affect a Cantilever Beam's Structural Integrity?

    Preload means to put a preload force where F is to load the structure even before F is applied.
  3. P

    Physics Experiment: Jerk & Inertia | Solving for dA/dt

    There is this experiment my high school teacher showed in physics class. You are probably aware of it (from There is a video of a teacher actually doing the experiment here: Gradually pull the...