Recent content by nanunath

  1. N

    A manometer measures mechanical or thermodynamic pressure?

    Hi guys, I have two questions as follows, ofcourse they may seem too basic, I have read through certain texts (engineering) but I still haven't been able to actually physically understand, so asked here 1) Whats thermodynamic pressure w.r.t physical point of view? - for a gas from...
  2. N

    Continuum Mechanics Books - help

    Continuum Mechanics Books - help please Hi all.. Im almost done with this course in the current semester .. just academically .. I really haven't ' felt ' this subject .. haven't truly understood it I'm re reading it these vacations . I need a v good book .. please suggest the best...
  3. N

    MATLAB Matlab=>Trignometric equations?

    Hey thanks dear, Btw..I google searchd..and found 'fzero' function to be useful for my program works fine now.. Bye!
  4. N

    MATLAB Matlab=>Trignometric equations?

    Hi..can anyone tell me / give me a link as to how are trigonometric equations solved using MATLAB..I searched the help .. but found none there.. Thanks
  5. N

    Engineering Mechanics: Get Your Top Book Recommendations Here!

    hey thaks..but friend I was talikng of "Newtonian Mechanics" (in depth treatment)=> that engg mechanics
  6. N

    Engineering Mechanics: Get Your Top Book Recommendations Here!

    ok...Thanks I want a good book for "Engineering Mechanics" the one which explains everything to damn detailed levels... Problems is not an issue..I want the subject matter(theory) to be great great details... Thats all..hope this was specific...if not please take the effort to tell...
  7. N

    4th order Runge Kutta method for 2nd order ODE

    Hello Cypeq, I don't get what u mean by "x2,n" But..what u say seems correct(I too just recently fell into this stuff) The thing "I think" u r looking for .. I try to tell my way as follows.. once u get the two 1st order ODE's...assign increment step with a variable like k with x1, l with x2 if...
  8. N

    Solving Blasius Equation with Fortran 77

    Thanks gato and jackwell, But gato dear, I don't understand how you get the three more 1st order ODE's And what does "F ,alpha" actually mean..I haven't seen this notation before... I hope I was able to highlight what my problem is... Btw..I solved blausius equation using automatic...
  9. N

    Solving Blasius Equation with Fortran 77

    Hello...can anyone make me clear what exactly and how the 'alpha' factor here helps in calculating the value of f''(0) for next iteration.. I also don't get how to solve this equation by making the marching process (f''(0)) automatically .. I know what Newton Raphson method is and used ..but not...
  10. N

    Engineering Mechanics: Get Your Top Book Recommendations Here!

    hey...I don't see why does this happen to every thread of this kind...huh? Plz reply... :smile:
  11. N

    Engineering Mechanics: Get Your Top Book Recommendations Here!

    Plz recommend me a very good book for Engineering Mechanics Plz..atleast reply guys..I know such question "generally" get no replies..I want "ur recommended best book=ur view"...not "the best book" Thanks for Visiting the thrd Bye
  12. N

    Property lines on the 2d projections

    ohh.. Got the mistake...2day Really I don't believe I get confused to such extents..the above quoted lines r wrong
  13. N

    Property lines on the 2d projections

    hi..I got another doubt..please help me with this friends, Enthalpy is defined as: h= u + p*v u-internal energy p-pressure (abs) v-specific volume Books say : "Enthalpy is a property as all the terms in the above expression are properties..." That is: dh = d [u + (p*v)] = du +...
  14. N

    Property lines on the 2d projections

    That was a bad guess ..I discovered after I noted the critical temp and pressure of water... water could exist as a liquid...and a vapor at -40oC ...I suspect...(without referring to and actual co-ordinate axis labeled Phase scale!
  15. N

    Property lines on the 2d projections

    Thanks so much..I'll check it out...