Recent content by Ian_Brooks

  1. I

    Organic Major Pathway prediction

    Thanks for the clarification! Nucleophilicity increases down the group, I have to remember that
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    Organic Major Pathway prediction

    Homework Statement [PLAIN] Homework Equations Alkyl halides can undergo substitution reactions (via SN1 or SN2 mechanisms) and/or elimination reactions (via E1 or E2 mechanisms)...
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    What is the growth rate of these sequences?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The mark scheme is 2, 2, 3, 3 For a) ii), it's a sequence of integers up to the floor of n2/2 The Attempt at a Solution We haven't done growth rates of sequences, only of equations. a) i) looks like the growth rate would be 5n, but I...
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    Formal power series and non/homogeneous recurrence relations

    Homework Statement Homework Equations We're using generating functions, and recurrence relations of homogeneous and non-homogeneous types The mark allocation is 2, 3, 3 and 2 The Attempt at a Solution I think I've done the first part correctly. The closed form is in terms...
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    Generating functions and Recurrence relations using the Fibonacci sequence

    We're using generating functions, and recurrence relations of homogeneous and non-homogeneous types The mark allocation is 2, 3, 3 and 2 The Attempt at a Solution I think I've done the first part correctly. The closed form is in terms of z, right? I get: F(z) = z / (1 - z - z2)...
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    Understanding SF6 Gas Pressure and Phase Changes in Industrial Cylinders

    Thanks, Inside the cylinders we keep them at a higher pressure when compared to that graph
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    Understanding SF6 Gas Pressure and Phase Changes in Industrial Cylinders

    I'm trying to get my head around a concept. We use Industrial Gas cylinders filled with SF6 gas - the gas cylinder is 70-80% liquid and the rest is in a gaseous state. If this is kept at a pressure of approx 40Bar and is passed through a regulator that allows the gas to be filled into a...
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    I'm having trouble understanding multiple dimensions up to 10

    should this be in the string theory sub section?
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    Lockeheed martin experiments with Anti-gravity

    interesting video. The more research I try to do behind this - the more confused I get. Apparently he uses some form of diamagnetic levitation which some say was faked for the documentary. I'm skeptical but I have to admit the video is damn interesting.
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    Was windows7 really my idea? Microsoft false advertising

    When did windows users get an opportunity to request features for windows7? Why wasn't I told? Essentially isn't windows7 supposed to be vista that works? Even as a beta tester - it was to check its stability and find bugs. Not to add or remove features. So have we been had?
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    Help me restore to normal sleeping hours

    I'd suggest you hit the gym one day and exhaust your self physically, grab a not too interesting book, or study hard till 8-10pm. You should be naturally tired. You'll notice your sleep pattern will be fixed in a couple of days.
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    Any Other Math / Physics Late Bloomers Here?

    Lol if it makes you feel better - I traveled for a year and changed majors. I graduated at 24 - turning 25. I too felt that I had a lot to catch up on with students younger than me. I spent more time over the holidays to read up on the material before the next semester started. Also, if I...
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    Send Yourself an Encouraging Message: High School Edition

    1. Ask her out 2. Ask her out 3. Ask her out
  14. I

    Independant learning inbetween college and work

    I'm a recent EE grad and a I have a month to spare before work. As lazy as this sounds, I'm not too keen on working an odd job, or even tutoring until work begins. Spent the last few years doing that along with college. I was wondering if I should attempt to go through Griffiths Introduction...
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    Down time between graduating and working - depressed

    thanks for the tips - will make an effort this weekend. In the meantime - this will sound weird, but I'm dusting off Introduction to EM by Griffiths - always wanted to finish that book.