Recent content by DimZero

  1. DimZero

    Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

    Unfortunately I was forced to break down each term, in order to proceed with the iterative process needed to calculate the adjoint flux. Anyways, starting out from the equation that I wrote and proceeding backwards, I end up with your equation, thus mine should be correct. I only have some notes...
  2. DimZero

    Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

    In order to derive the diffusion equation for the real flux I used the multigroup diffusion equation in its compact form, thus containing the leakage, the total macroscopic cross section, the scattering source and the fission source terms. Then I wrote the total macroscopic cross section term...
  3. DimZero

    Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

    Hello, thanks for replying. No, I haven't tried this but I will and see what I can get from it. Anyways, I'm not using any books (regarding the adjoint equation). I've derived the diffusion equation for the real flux using several notes, but I cannot find anything on the adjoint diffusion...
  4. DimZero

    Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

    Hello everyone, I wish to know if someone could help me with the adjoint multigroup diffusion equation. In particular with the terms that make up the macroscopic removal cross section. Below, both the multigroup diffusion equation and its adjoint are shown, but I'm not sure about the latter. I...