Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

In summary, the multigroup diffusion equation and its adjoint are shown. The multigroup diffusion equation contains the leakage, the total macroscopic cross section, the scattering source and the fission source terms. The adjoint diffusion equation contains the removal cross section. The adjoint diffusion equation is derived from the multigroup diffusion equation using the "directly coupled" and "only down scattering" approximations for the elastic and inelastic scattering, respectively.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I wish to know if someone could help me with the adjoint multigroup diffusion equation. In particular with the terms that make up the macroscopic removal cross section. Below, both the multigroup diffusion equation and its adjoint are shown, but I'm not sure about the latter. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who could help me out with it.

Thank you very much.

Multigroup Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi_i + \left( \Sigma_{c,i} + \Sigma_{f,i} \right) \phi_i + \left( \Sigma_{el,i\rightarrow \left( i + 1 \right)} \right) \phi_i + \sum_{j = i + 1}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{el,i\rightarrow j} \right) \phi_i = \left( \Sigma_{el,{\left(i - 1 \right)}\rightarrow i} \right) \phi_{\left(i - 1 \right)} + \sum_{j = 1}^{i - 1} \left( \Sigma_{inel,j\rightarrow i} \right) \phi_j + \chi_i \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \nu \Sigma_{f,j} \right) \phi_j $$

Adjoint Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi^*_i + \left( \Sigma_{c,i} + \Sigma_{f,i} \right) \phi^*_i + \left( \Sigma_{el,i\rightarrow \left( i + 1 \right)} \right) \phi^*_i + \sum_{j = i + 1}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{el,i\rightarrow j} \right) \phi^*_i = \left( \Sigma_{el,i \rightarrow \left( i + 1 \right)} \right) \phi^*_{ \left(i +1 \right)} + \sum_{j = i + 1}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{inel,i\rightarrow j} \right) \phi^*_j + \nu \Sigma_{f,i} \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \chi_j \phi^*_j \right) $$
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  • #2
I'm looking at this. Has one tried to write the equations for 2 groups and compared it to examples from textbooks?

What text is one using?
  • #3

thanks for replying.
No, I haven't tried this but I will and see what I can get from it. Anyways, I'm not using any books (regarding the adjoint equation). I've derived the diffusion equation for the real flux using several notes, but I cannot find anything on the adjoint diffusion equation. I derived that form of the adjoint equation myself and I'm not sure whether it's right or wrong, this is why I was seeking for help.
  • #4
In order to derive the diffusion equation for the real flux I used the multigroup diffusion equation in its compact form, thus containing the leakage, the total macroscopic cross section, the scattering source and the fission source terms. Then I wrote the total macroscopic cross section term and the scattering one in their explicit form, showing all the parameters. Furthermore, putting them together and using the "directly coupled" approximation for the elastic scattering and the "only down scattering" for the inelastic scattering, I've obtained the equation presented above.
The same approximations have been used to deduce the adjoint diffusion equation, considering that the quantity there considered is not a real flux.
  • #5
It is a little harder for me to dig through because you've separated the inelastic and elastic, and assume downscatter can only occur over one group.
Many of the terms on the LHS are commonly grouped together as a "removal" cross section.

From Hebert, "Applied Reactor Physics":

Multigroup Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi_i + \Sigma_{ri} \phi_i =
\sum_{j \ne i}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{j\rightarrow i} \right) \phi_j + \chi_i / \lambda \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \nu \Sigma_{f,j} \right) \phi_j $$

Adjoint Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi^*_i + \Sigma_{ri} \phi^*_i =
\sum_{j \ne i}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{i\rightarrow j} \right) \phi^*_j + \nu \Sigma_{f,i} /\lambda \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \chi_j \phi^*_j \right) $$

You basically switch the indices on the scattering matrix, and switch the indices on the $\chi$ and $\Sigma_f$ terms.
  • #6
rpp said:
It is a little harder for me to dig through because you've separated the inelastic and elastic, and assume downscatter can only occur over one group.
Many of the terms on the LHS are commonly grouped together as a "removal" cross section.

From Hebert, "Applied Reactor Physics":

Multigroup Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi_i + \Sigma_{ri} \phi_i =
\sum_{j \ne i}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{j\rightarrow i} \right) \phi_j + \chi_i / \lambda \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \nu \Sigma_{f,j} \right) \phi_j $$

Adjoint Diffusion Equation: $$ -D_i\nabla^2 \phi^*_i + \Sigma_{ri} \phi^*_i =
\sum_{j \ne i}^{Ng} \left( \Sigma_{i\rightarrow j} \right) \phi^*_j + \nu \Sigma_{f,i} /\lambda \sum_{j = 1}^{Ng} \left( \chi_j \phi^*_j \right) $$

You basically switch the indices on the scattering matrix, and switch the indices on the $\chi$ and $\Sigma_f$ terms.

Unfortunately I was forced to break down each term, in order to proceed with the iterative process needed to calculate the adjoint flux. Anyways, starting out from the equation that I wrote and proceeding backwards, I end up with your equation, thus mine should be correct. I only have some notes and no book to look up to, and it can be quite tricky to derive some equations.
Thanks for the reply, it was really helpful.

Related to Understanding the Adjoint Multigroup Diffusion Equation

1. What is the Adjoint Diffusion Equation?

The Adjoint Diffusion Equation is a mathematical equation used to describe the behavior of diffusive processes in various scientific fields, such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is a second-order partial differential equation that relates the rate of change of a quantity to its spatial distribution and diffusion coefficient.

2. What is the difference between the Adjoint Diffusion Equation and the Diffusion Equation?

The main difference between the Adjoint Diffusion Equation and the Diffusion Equation is that the Adjoint Diffusion Equation takes into account the boundary conditions of the system, while the Diffusion Equation does not. The Adjoint Diffusion Equation is also used to calculate the sensitivity of the system to changes in boundary conditions or parameters, making it a useful tool in optimization and parameter estimation.

3. What are some real-world applications of the Adjoint Diffusion Equation?

The Adjoint Diffusion Equation has a wide range of applications in various fields, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and chemical reactions. It is commonly used in the design of heat exchangers, optimization of chemical reactors, and modeling of groundwater flow. It is also used in medical imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET).

4. How is the Adjoint Diffusion Equation solved?

The Adjoint Diffusion Equation can be solved using various numerical methods, such as finite difference, finite element, and spectral methods. These methods discretize the equation into a system of algebraic equations, which can then be solved using computer algorithms. The choice of method depends on the specific problem and the desired accuracy of the solution.

5. What are the advantages of using the Adjoint Diffusion Equation?

The Adjoint Diffusion Equation has several advantages, including its ability to incorporate boundary conditions and its sensitivity to changes in parameters, making it a powerful tool in optimization and parameter estimation. It also has a wide range of applications in various fields, making it a versatile equation for studying diffusive processes. Additionally, it can be solved using numerical methods, allowing for efficient and accurate solutions to complex problems.

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