Why So Large? Exploring the LHC's Size

  • Thread starter sirchick
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In summary: The LHC has higher energies because it is a hadron collider (proton-proton and proton-antiproton), which allows for higher energies compared to lepton colliders.In summary, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a large particle smasher that requires a large size in order to keep the particles from emitting too much electromagnetic radiation and slowing down. This is necessary in order to achieve extremely high speeds for the charged particles being accelerated. While a straight line accelerator may seem more beneficial, it would require a much longer length and the LHC is currently the largest accelerator in use. Future accelerators may follow a pattern of alternating between hadron and lepton colliders, with the next logical accelerator being an electron or le
  • #1
LHC why so large??


I was wondering why the size of these particle smashers is important ? When they mention they send the particles around many times per second... why did it require such large size?

Could they not build it smaller and just make it travel many more times in the circle to achieve the same distance ??

Is the distance the primary issue here or is it the fact that its not uniform motion (like a straight line) .. ?

I've not ever seen many scientists who talk about the machine explain in videos why they have to be larger in size =/
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

The particles they are smashing together need to be at extremely high speeds. One of the things that happens with charged particles is that they emit EM radiation and slow down when they are accelerated. This includes the acceleration that we must do on them to keep them in a circular path. They LHC is so large because the turing radius has to be large enough to keep the particles from emitting so much EM radiation that we can't accelerate them to a high enough speed.
  • #3

When charged particles accelerate, they radiate energy- this includes the radial acceleration as the particle moves around in a circle. With a larger circle, you have less radial acceleration- and less energy is radiated away.

See Synchrotron Radiation
  • #4

So would a straight line technically be more beneficial and easier to keep them at higher speeds?

Plenty of room in a desert in USA for example.
  • #5

sirchick said:
So would a straight line technically be more beneficial and easier to keep them at higher speeds?

Plenty of room in a desert in USA for example.

Yes, but the problem is that it takes time to get the particles up to speed and a linear accelerator long enough to do so would be much larger than the LHC.
  • #6

Ah i see - So is the LHC most likely the largest we will ever need or is it likely they want to build a bigger one ?

Do we have predictions to make that the LHC cannot answer due to not high enough energies?
  • #7

The history of high energy physics accelerator is that it is typically hardron-electron-hadron-electron-hadron collider. It means that often, after a discovery is made using either proton-proton or proton-antiproton, the next one being built is usually a lepton collider (ie. e-e or e-p).

So if we follow that pattern, the next logical accelerator will probably be an electron or lepton accelerator. There was the International Linear Collider that had been planned (~10 to 20 km long), but that seems to be losing support and on its last breath. There are now plans being discussed by many different groups of a "Higgs factory", but whether this is going to be a LEP type or linear accelerator such as the one at SLAC remains to be seen.

  • #8

Can they not do the same at LHC by just sending different particles instead of building an entire new machine ?
  • #9

Drakkith said:
The particles they are smashing together need to be at extremely high speeds. One of the things that happens with charged particles is that they emit EM radiation and slow down when they are accelerated. This includes the acceleration that we must do on them to keep them in a circular path. They LHC is so large because the turing radius has to be large enough to keep the particles from emitting so much EM radiation that we can't accelerate them to a high enough speed.

Is this really the limiting factor? I was under the impression it was the fact that you need tremendous B-fields to bend the particles into a circular path to begin with. The smaller the path, the more intense the B-field necessary, so the limiting element is how strong your magnets are for whatever energy you want to accelerate your particles to.
  • #10

Nabeshin said:
Is this really the limiting factor? I was under the impression it was the fact that you need tremendous B-fields to bend the particles into a circular path to begin with. The smaller the path, the more intense the B-field necessary, so the limiting element is how strong your magnets are for whatever energy you want to accelerate your particles to.
You are right, the dipole magnets are the limit for hadron colliders.
Their design value is 8.3 Tesla, to achieve this in thousands of superconducting magnets is not easy. There are plans to increase this by a factor of ~2, but the technical limit on magnets is not far away.
Synchrotron radiation is about 3keV per turn and proton - while it has to be taken into account to keep the beam in the ring, it is completely negligible compared to the acceleration capacity.

Synchrotron radiation limits the energy in electron/positron colliders like the LEP. The next electron/positron machine is planned as linear accelerator, as a ring with the planned energy would be too large.

sirchick said:
Do we have predictions to make that the LHC cannot answer due to not high enough energies?
There are many predictions for even higher energies, but most of them are impossible to test with current technology (they would require an accelerator around the whole equator or even bigger machines) - and the others can be tested with the LHC.

sirchick said:
Can they not do the same at LHC by just sending different particles instead of building an entire new machine ?
They used the same ring for LEP (electron-positron collider) before.

Related to Why So Large? Exploring the LHC's Size

1. Why is the LHC so large?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is large because it needs to accelerate particles to extremely high speeds in order to study their collisions. These high speeds require a large circular tunnel and powerful magnets to keep the particles on track.

2. How big is the LHC?

The LHC has a circumference of 27 kilometers (16.8 miles) and is located underground at a depth of up to 175 meters (574 feet). It is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world.

3. What is the purpose of the LHC's size?

The size of the LHC allows it to accelerate particles to energies of up to 13 TeV (teraelectronvolts), which is necessary to recreate the conditions of the early universe. This allows scientists to study the fundamental building blocks of matter and search for new particles and phenomena.

4. How long did it take to build the LHC?

The construction of the LHC began in 1998 and was completed in 2008, taking 10 years to build. However, the planning and development of the LHC started much earlier, with the first discussions of a large hadron collider taking place in the 1980s.

5. Are there any plans to make the LHC even larger?

Currently, there are no plans to make the LHC larger. However, there are plans to upgrade the LHC in the future to increase its energy and intensity, allowing for even more precise and detailed studies of particle collisions.

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