Why does painting over existing rust not prevent further rust formation?

  • Thread starter mrspeedybob
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    Hard Rust
In summary, painting a piece of steel that has already started to rust will not prevent further rust formation and can only last for a year or two at best. This is because the binder in paint, which is responsible for preventing oxygen from reaching the metal, is affected by the existing rust. The use of products such as por-15 and acid-paint can help prevent rust, but it is important to have a clean and dry surface before applying them.
  • #1
A properly prepared and painted piece of steel can go for decades without the slightest bit of rust. If however you start with a piece that has started to rust and paint over the rust, it does not last more then a year or two at best before the rust is causing damage again. Why is this?

The principle behind painting, as I understand it, is to separatete the iron from oxygen so that iron-oxide cannot form. If I put this paint barrier over pre-existing rust, why does it not prevent further rust formation?
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  • #2
the most important ingredient in paint is the the binder (polymer) which does not allow oxygen reach the metal substrate.
i am not sure but,
i think the rust present on the metal is affecting the binder of the paint in some way or the other which is exposing the metal to atmosphere.
  • #3
If the paint layer has no pores or cracks oxidizing should stop since oxygen and humidity are needed for the reaction to proceed. However, usually rust is not very compact and breaks easily, thus weakening also the top paint layer, which eventually can also break and allow again oxygen and humidity get in contact with the iron below.
  • #4
As an automobile hobbyist, preventing rust is one of our number one priorities. We use products such as por-15, which is a moisture curing polyurethane. This encapsulates rust and prevents further spread.

If you are looking for a "paint" that will prevent rust, it will be a good start. If my memory serves me well the original purpose of this coating was to coat bridges, or seal concrete. It's a respected rust control product in our hobby.

  • #5
por-15 is good , if u have clean and dry surface where u spray it. On allready rusted surface , i don't recommend it. Might make a difference if u r living in a country where temperature stays always on warm side , but at least here in north its not good. Most of enthusians ( car-releted 1s..) use stuff called acid-paint , on a bottom layer. Dont remember its marketing name , but it react whit rust , and after drying , makes solid shiny surface. Then u can put por or any other antirust paint on a top of it. Ofcourse,,before doing anything , grind the most of the rust away 1st. :)

Related to Why does painting over existing rust not prevent further rust formation?

1. Why is rust difficult to prevent?

The main reason rust is difficult to prevent is because it is a natural and ongoing process. Rust is formed when iron or steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture, which causes a chemical reaction that breaks down the metal. As long as there is oxygen and moisture present, rust will continue to form.

2. How does rust form?

Rust forms when iron or steel is exposed to oxygen and moisture. This exposure causes a chemical reaction called oxidation, which breaks down the metal and forms rust. The presence of other substances, such as salt or acids, can speed up the rusting process.

3. Can rust be completely eradicated?

No, rust cannot be completely eradicated. Even if the rust is removed from a surface, the remaining metal will still be susceptible to rust formation if exposed to oxygen and moisture. The best way to prevent rust is through regular maintenance and protection, such as using rust-resistant coatings or keeping the metal dry.

4. How can rust be slowed down or prevented?

Rust can be slowed down or prevented through various methods. One way is to use coatings or paints that act as a barrier between the metal and oxygen/moisture. Another method is to use sacrificial anodes, which are pieces of metal that are more reactive to rust than the main metal, causing them to corrode instead. Additionally, keeping metal surfaces dry and avoiding exposure to corrosive substances can also help prevent rust.

5. Is rust harmful to human health?

Rust itself is not harmful to human health, but it can weaken the structure of metal objects over time. This can be dangerous for things like bridges, buildings, and vehicles. Ingesting rust or getting it on your skin can also cause irritation and should be avoided. In addition, rust can create a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms, which can be harmful to health.

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