Why does LED band gap decrease as temperature increases?

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between temperature and lattice spacing in determining the energy gap between bonding and antibonding states in a solid. The explanation given by the professor is that as the solid expands with increasing temperature, the overlap between electron states decreases, resulting in a decreased band gap. However, there is some disagreement about the specific model used to explain this phenomenon, with one person mentioning a tight binding approximation and another suggesting a simple Fermi broadening may be used instead. Additionally, it is mentioned that a rigid-band approximation may not be suitable if the lattice spacing changes significantly with temperature.
  • #1
I've tried to summarise the explanation my professor gave. Is it correct or have I misunderstood? It's a highly simplified view of things anyway, but here goes:

Taking the simplest 1D case, there are two possibiities for an electron in the lattice: it may be scattered and move back the way it came, or continue through unaffected. This sets up a standing wave, with the wavefunction having a component representing movement to the left (scattered) and one representing movement to the right (unaffected electron). Lattice spacing rises with temperature, and as such the wavelength of this standing wave will increase, resulting in a decreased bandgap.

Any good? Does this kind of picture extrapolate easily to 3D?
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  • #2
No, I don't think this explanation is correct.
Energy gap is related to binding between atoms in a solid.
Basically, if you bring two atoms close enough, the atomic electron states are no longer eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, instead, the electron states of the neighbouring atoms are split into two new levels of different energies: the lower is the bonding state, the upper is antibonding state. In a crystal, the bonding states will form the valence band and the antibonding states will form the conduction band.
The energy gap between them depends on how much the original electron states overlap.
As the solid expands with temperature, the overlap decreases giving you the deceased energy gap.
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Likes Kara386
  • #3
Henryk said:
No, I don't think this explanation is correct.
Energy gap is related to binding between atoms in a solid.
Basically, if you bring two atoms close enough, the atomic electron states are no longer eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, instead, the electron states of the neighbouring atoms are split into two new levels of different energies: the lower is the bonding state, the upper is antibonding state. In a crystal, the bonding states will form the valence band and the antibonding states will form the conduction band.
The energy gap between them depends on how much the original electron states overlap.
As the solid expands with temperature, the overlap decreases giving you the deceased energy gap.
I don't think this picture is at variance with the picture scetched by kara386. You ar discussing it in terms of a tight binding approximation while kara386 uses a nearly free electron approximation. Both models agree in that the frequency shift is related to the thermal expansion of the lattice.
  • #4
I, on the other hand, don't understand why a simple Fermi broadening with increasing temperature is not used to explain the decreasing band gap.

There is a certain criteria to use a rigid-band approximation. If the lattice spacing varies that significantly as stated in the OP, then the band structure will change, and it is not just the band gap that will be different.


Related to Why does LED band gap decrease as temperature increases?

1. Why does the band gap of LEDs decrease as temperature increases?

The band gap of LEDs decreases as temperature increases due to a phenomenon known as thermal band gap narrowing. This occurs because at higher temperatures, electrons in the valence band gain more thermal energy and are able to overcome the band gap energy barrier more easily, resulting in a smaller effective band gap.

2. How does thermal band gap narrowing affect the performance of LEDs?

Thermal band gap narrowing can affect the performance of LEDs in several ways. Firstly, a smaller band gap means that the LED can emit photons with lower energies, resulting in a shift towards longer wavelengths. This can cause a decrease in the efficiency and brightness of the LED. Additionally, thermal band gap narrowing can also lead to an increase in leakage current, reducing the overall performance and reliability of the LED.

3. Is the decrease in band gap of LEDs reversible at lower temperatures?

Yes, the decrease in band gap of LEDs is reversible at lower temperatures. As the temperature decreases, the electrons in the valence band lose thermal energy and the band gap increases to its original value. This is why LED manufacturers often specify the operating temperature range for optimal performance.

4. Are there any other factors that can affect the band gap of LEDs?

Yes, apart from temperature, there are other factors that can affect the band gap of LEDs. These include the composition and structure of the LED material, the presence of impurities or defects, and the application of external electric or magnetic fields. These factors can also contribute to changes in the band gap of LEDs.

5. Can thermal management techniques be used to mitigate the effects of thermal band gap narrowing in LEDs?

Yes, thermal management techniques can be used to mitigate the effects of thermal band gap narrowing in LEDs. These techniques involve designing the LED structure to dissipate heat more efficiently, using materials with higher thermal conductivity, and implementing heat sinks or other cooling systems. This helps to reduce the temperature of the LED, thereby minimizing the decrease in band gap and improving overall performance.

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