Why does a spinning hemisphere right itself?

In summary, the speaker noticed an intriguing phenomenon while experimenting with a glass hemisphere. When the hemisphere is spun fast enough, it will eventually spin on its side and then tip over, with the flat surface facing downwards. It seems that any force that is not purely rotational causes the hemisphere to wobble and eventually topple. The speaker's hypothesis is that friction with the surface is influencing the motion. However, it has been observed that as long as the hemisphere is perfectly horizontal, it will continue spinning in that direction. But as soon as it tilts even slightly, it will upright itself due to the fact that it is acting like a gyroscope and being supported off its center of gravity.
  • #1
I noticed this intriguing phenomena whilst messing about in work with a perfect glass hemisphere the other day:

Place the hemisphere on a surface, with the flat surface facing upwards. (Looks like a 'D' rotated 90 degrees clockwise).

When I spin the hemisphere fast enough, it will spin until it is spinning on it's side (Looks like a 'D' rotating around the straight line in the 'D' )

Then it will 'tip' over the edge, and by the time it stops moving, the flat surface is facing down ('D' rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise)

It appears any force which I exert which is not purely rotational about the primary rotation axis grows until the 'wobble' is enough to topple the hemisphere.

The only possible explanation I can come up with myself is that the friction force with the surface is influencing the motion.

If someone could shed some light on this I would appreciate it!
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  • #2
As long as it is perfectly horizontal, it will continue spinning that way.
But as soon as it tilts even slightly in any direction, it will upright itself.

Here's how:
We'll make Z the vertical axis - with the rotation initially about X=0, Y=0.
Let's say that it wobbles slightly so that +X is now low. So the point in contact with the surface is now moving along the Y axis. The resistance will cause a force to be applied in the opposite direction - either +Y or -Y depending on the direction of spin.

Since the hemisphere is acting like a gyroscope, the actual rotation that occurs with this force will be to force +X to go further down. The fact that you are no longer supporting it along the center of gravity will also cause it to precess.
  • #3
My description above is a bit off. It's the fact that the hemisphere is being supported off its center of gravity that causes it to right itself. So even if there was no friction, given enough spin, it would still stand up.

Related to Why does a spinning hemisphere right itself?

1. Why does a spinning hemisphere right itself?

The phenomenon of a spinning hemisphere righting itself is due to the conservation of angular momentum. This means that the momentum of an object in motion will remain constant unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a spinning hemisphere, the force of gravity acts to pull the heavier side down, causing it to rotate and eventually right itself.

2. What factors affect the speed at which a spinning hemisphere rights itself?

The main factors that affect the speed at which a spinning hemisphere rights itself are the mass and distribution of weight of the hemisphere, the initial spinning velocity, and the surface on which it is spinning. A heavier hemisphere or a higher initial spinning velocity will result in a faster righting speed.

3. Can a spinning hemisphere ever fail to right itself?

In theory, a perfectly balanced and perfectly spinning hemisphere should always right itself due to the conservation of angular momentum. However, in real-world scenarios, factors such as friction and air resistance can affect the spinning motion and potentially prevent the hemisphere from fully righting itself.

4. How does the force of gravity play a role in a spinning hemisphere righting itself?

The force of gravity is the main external force that acts on a spinning hemisphere, causing it to rotate and eventually right itself. As the heavier side of the hemisphere is pulled down by gravity, the rest of the hemisphere will rotate around this point until the center of mass is directly below the point of support, resulting in a stable upright position.

5. Are there any practical applications of the phenomenon of a spinning hemisphere righting itself?

The principle of a spinning hemisphere righting itself has been applied in various fields, such as robotics and engineering, to create self-righting mechanisms. It is also used in toys such as tops and gyroscopes. Additionally, understanding the mechanics behind this phenomenon can aid in the design and stability of objects such as satellites and aircraft.

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