Where Did I Go Wrong? Solving Admittance in a Basic AC Circuit

In summary: That's not how admittances in series add; they add like impedances in parallel. In summary, the question is asking for the admittance of the circuit and the answer is given as 2.29 S at an angle of -42.2 degrees (don't know how to make the phasor symbol). The user has been trying to solve the problem but has been stuck. They have been following an example and then tried to solve it themselves, but have been stuck. They have been calculating the admittance values but have not been adding them correctly. They have been trying to solve the problem with admittances only and have not been successful.
  • #1
Okay so I have been working on a problem for practice for an exam and this one question is really pissing me off. I can't find what I am doing wrong and I've redone it about five times.

The question is asking for the admittance of the circuit and the answer is given as 2.29 S at an angle of -42.2 degrees (don't know how to make the phasor symbol)

Picture of the circuit
ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1397593176.086373.jpg

Picture of my solution
ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1397593207.584845.jpg

I realize my answer is not the same but I have no clue where I am going wrong with this. I began from the right side of the circuit doing the following:
1. Calculate the impedance of the inductor and resistor in series
2. Calculate the admittance of part 1 and the second inductor since they are in parallel
3. Convert part 2 into impedance
4. Calculate impedance of part 3 added with the capacitor and resistor
5. Calculate the admittance of part 4 added with the parallel resistor
6. Convert part 5 to impedance, add this impedance with the final inductor
7. Convert back to admittance to find out the answer is wrong
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  • #2
dcrisci said:
Okay so I have been working on a problem for practice for an exam and this one question is really pissing me off. I can't find what I am doing wrong and I've redone it about five times.

The question is asking for the admittance of the circuit and the answer is given as 2.29 S at an angle of -42.2 degrees (don't know how to make the phasor symbol)

Picture of the circuit
View attachment 68683

Picture of my solution
View attachment 68684

I realize my answer is not the same but I have no clue where I am going wrong with this. I began from the right side of the circuit doing the following:
1. Calculate the impedance of the inductor and resistor in series
2. Calculate the admittance of part 1 and the second inductor since they are in parallel
3. Convert part 2 into impedance
4. Calculate impedance of part 3 added with the capacitor and resistor
5. Calculate the admittance of part 4 added with the parallel resistor
6. Convert part 5 to impedance, add this impedance with the final inductor
7. Convert back to admittance to find out the answer is wrong

Can you show your calculated results for the steps?

You know that you can do the whole thing with admittance values, right? No particular need to convert back and forth from admittance to impedance. Admittances in series add like impedances in parallel.
  • #3
My calculated values should be in the one picture, is it not showing for anyone other than me? I figured I could have done it with only admittance I was only following an example that was very similar
  • #4
dcrisci said:
My calculated values should be in the one picture, is it not showing for anyone other than me? I figured I could have done it with only admittance I was only following an example that was very similar

My apologies, I somehow managed to ignore the second attachment. I'll have a look.
  • #5
Okay, right off the bat when you calculate your Z1, you're adding two admittances as though they were impedances. The values given on the schematic for the components in question are in Siemens, so they are admittances and must be added as such. How do admittances in series add?
  • #6
gneill said:
Okay, right off the bat when you calculate your Z1, you're adding two admittances as though they were impedances. The values given on the schematic for the components in question are in Siemens, so they are admittances and must be added as such. How do admittances in series add?

sorry I got caught up with other studying. Now that I am back to circuits..

Okay so I don't know how I didn't think of that the whole time (the units being Siemens), Let me try this again and get back to you.
  • #7
ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1397669687.482058.jpg

I am still having a problem with it. I can't seem to get it right and don't know what I am doing wrong.

This time around I was trying to only use admittances so when adding the parallel components I added them as (1/G1) + (1/G2) and then I thought this would give me units of impedance so I took the inverse of this answer.

Also sorry for the messy work I have some chicken scratch writing.
  • #8
dcrisci said:
View attachment 68715

I am still having a problem with it. I can't seem to get it right and don't know what I am doing wrong.

This time around I was trying to only use admittances so when adding the parallel components I added them as (1/G1) + (1/G2) and then I thought this would give me units of impedance so I took the inverse of this answer.
That's the right idea, but it's not reflected in your calculation of Y1 where it seems you've just added the admittances of the 2 S resistor and -j2 S inductor. They should be combined as you've described above.

You'll probably find it convenient to leave the admittances in rectangular form through most of the calculations, except perhaps where polar form (magnitude/angle) might make performing a division easier.
Also sorry for the messy work I have some chicken scratch writing.
Believe me, I've seen a lot worse :smile:
  • #9
gneill said:
That's the right idea, but it's not reflected in your calculation of Y1 where it seems you've just added the admittances of the 2 S resistor and -j2 S inductor. They should be combined as you've described above.

You'll probably find it convenient to leave the admittances in rectangular form through most of the calculations, except perhaps where polar form (magnitude/angle) might make performing a division easier.
Believe me, I've seen a lot worse :smile:
I don't understand why it would be like that for the 2 S resistor and -j2 S inductor, aren't the two in series so the admittances should just combine as a normal sum?

Edit: would I technically need to convert the two into their relative impedances to add them as if they were series?
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  • #10
dcrisci said:
I don't understand why it would be like that for the 2 S resistor and -j2 S inductor, aren't the two in series so the admittances should just combine as a normal sum?

No No No No No! Conductances and admittances add via a normal sum when they are in parallel. When they are in series they add like resistors do in parallel, namely:
$$Y_{series} = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{Y1} + \frac{1}{Y2}+ ... + \frac{1}{Yn}}$$
You spelled it out in a previous post, so I thought you had that well in hand.
  • #11
Okay so if I'm using that formula I seem to get the same answer when adding the first two admittances. I just felt like the 2 - j2 S was all wrong and don't like seeing it here as well

ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1397686269.202340.jpg
  • #12
The series "addition" of 2 S and -j2 S should yield (1 - j) S. You can use the shortcut formula for two components:
$$Y = \frac{Y1 \cdot Y2}{Y1 + Y2}$$
$$Y = \frac{(2) (-j2)}{(2) + (-2j)}$$

and carry out the algebra to reduce it.

EDIT: Oops. Fixed the sign on the "sum". The -j2 S would make the imaginary component of the "sum" negative too. So 2S and -j2 S in series yields (1 - j) S.
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  • #13
gneill said:
The series "addition" of 2 S and -j2 S should yield (1 + j) S. You can use the shortcut formula for two components:
$$Y = \frac{Y1 \cdot Y2}{Y1 + Y2}$$
$$Y = \frac{(2) (-j2)}{(2) + (-2j)}$$

and carry out the algebra to reduce it.

Yeah I just got so confused trying to use this. My professor barely covered using complex numbers so I don't really know what I am doing. I just tried googling it and understand it is something to do with rationalizing it but I am just way too lost.
  • #14
You'll find that the basics of complex number arithmetic are essential for dealing with the math of AC circuits. It's something you'll need to spend some time on mastering.

There are online complex number calculators that you can find with a web search. They can help you to check your math while you're practicing.
  • #15
Wooooo got it but I had to switch between impedances and admittances. I'm sure this way is longer than how you were trying to get me to approach it but nonetheless I finally got the correct answer. I think my problem with initially trying it this way was that I was forgetting that 1/jA = -j(1/A)

Here is how I went about it all

ImageUploadedByPhysics Forums1397690360.118203.jpg

I converted the admittances to impedances in the beginning as well.
  • #16
Yup. That's certainly one way to go about it. The result looks fine. Lot's of brain sweat involved though :smile:
  • #17
gneill said:
Lot's of brain sweat involved though :smile:

You sir have no idea! haha
I have been going at this one for a while now so it feels great to get it right finally.
Thank you for your help!

Related to Where Did I Go Wrong? Solving Admittance in a Basic AC Circuit

1. What is an AC circuit?

An AC (alternating current) circuit is a circuit that uses a source of alternating voltage, such as a wall outlet, to power devices. In an AC circuit, the voltage and current change direction periodically, usually at a frequency of 60 Hz in the United States.

2. What is the difference between AC and DC circuits?

The main difference between AC and DC (direct current) circuits is the direction of the current flow. In an AC circuit, the current changes direction periodically, while in a DC circuit, the current flows in one direction only.

3. How do you analyze a basic AC circuit?

To analyze a basic AC circuit, you will need to use complex numbers and phasors. First, convert all components (resistors, capacitors, and inductors) to their complex equivalents. Then, use Kirchhoff's laws and Ohm's law to solve for the current and voltage in the circuit.

4. What is impedance in an AC circuit?

Impedance is the total opposition to current flow in an AC circuit. It is a combination of resistance, capacitance, and inductance and is represented by the symbol Z. Impedance is measured in ohms and can be calculated using the formula Z = √(R² + (Xl - Xc)²), where R is the resistance, Xl is the inductive reactance, and Xc is the capacitive reactance.

5. How do you calculate power in an AC circuit?

To calculate power in an AC circuit, you will need to use complex power, represented by the symbol S. Complex power is a combination of real power (P) and reactive power (Q), and it is measured in units of volt-amperes (VA). The formula for complex power is S = P + jQ, where j is the imaginary unit (√-1). Real power can be calculated using the formula P = I²R, where I is the current and R is the resistance, and reactive power can be calculated using the formula Q = I²X, where X is the reactance (inductive or capacitive).

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