What sort of degree is best for working on propulsion systems?

In summary, the conversation discusses the decision between majoring in aerospace engineering or engineering physics to work on propulsion systems. The curriculum for aerospace engineering involves courses on propulsion systems and aircraft structure, while engineering physics covers a range of topics in electrical systems and abstract physics concepts. Both majors can lead to careers in designing propulsion systems, but practical experience and networking through internships are important for success in the industry. A graduate degree or years of experience may be necessary for those interested in research and development of new technology.
  • #1

I am currently an aerospace engineer at university and was beginning to wonder whether it was the best idea to be an AE engineer. The curriculum involves courses on propulsion systems and the different methods as well as other courses about the actual structure of aircraft and spacecraft , but a lot of what the propulsion course lectures on is liquid rockets.

Seeing as how I'm really interested in physics and how the liquid rocket is generally a very inefficient method for going into space, do you think that I might be better off majoring in engineering physics? I want to be a part of a group of people working on developing both new and better technology that is almost ahead of its time. The idea of rockets is awesome, but it's also quite barbaric and very expensive.

The engineering physics course I'm looking at obviously doesn't have a course on propulsion, but it has a more general course ranging from the study of electrical systems and applications as well as labs and classes teaching abstract physics concepts and the applications of such concepts like quantum mechanics and such

That being said do you think that if I wanted to work on propulsion systems it would be safer to try and just major in aerospace engineering? Or should I do the engineering physics route? Do employers with similar ambitions have bias towards one or the other?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Propulsion systems generally have to do with the chemistry of the fuel (air/fuel mixture, or solid fuel energy density/burn rate, etc), the geometry of the combustion chamber/nozzle, the design of the auxilliary components (cooling, fuel feed, etc), the design of the control systems (if any).

Typically an engineer will design these things, regardless of the type. Though they may like to have a chemist look into the fuel selection. AE, ME, EE, CS would all work together to design a propulsion system. In industry, there are avenues for getting involved with combustion systems from all of these fields.

I personally don't know what a person with an engineering physics degree actually does, so I can't help you there. An AE would probably model the nozzle and do a thermal analysis, they'd probably also work with designers in coming up with the nozzle shape (as well as the ME's for any throttling capabilities).
  • #3
If you're going into something that specific, the thing you want is practical experience and skills. For the theory background, AE is a good major for that because of all of the fluid mechanics you'll learn and if you get some tech electives, take some more related to your interests.

One big thing is to find out where you'd like to work and try to get an internship there. You might try places like JPL or Sandia National Labs. Along with learning about what they do there, you'll learn to network with people and learn job-specific skills that will be a plus when you finish with school and want a job.
  • #4
And if you want to work on the bleeding edge, you'll either need a graduate degree or several years of experience in industry in order to get into research and development.
  • #5

I understand your concerns about the best degree for working on propulsion systems. Both aerospace engineering and engineering physics can provide a strong foundation for this field. It ultimately depends on your personal interests and career goals.

A degree in aerospace engineering will provide you with a specific focus on aircraft and spacecraft propulsion systems, as well as the overall design and structure of these vehicles. On the other hand, a degree in engineering physics will offer a broader range of courses in various areas of physics, which can also be applicable to propulsion systems.

If you are interested in working on developing new and cutting-edge propulsion technologies, then a degree in engineering physics may be a better fit for you. This degree will provide you with a strong understanding of physics principles and their applications, which can be essential for designing and improving propulsion systems.

However, if you are more interested in the practical application of propulsion systems in the aerospace industry, then a degree in aerospace engineering may be a better choice. This degree will provide you with a more specific and focused education on propulsion systems and their integration into aircraft and spacecraft.

Ultimately, both degrees can lead to a successful career in propulsion systems. Employers may have a preference for one degree over the other, but it ultimately depends on the specific job and company. I recommend researching job opportunities and talking to professionals in the field to gain a better understanding of their preferences and how your chosen degree may align with your career goals.

Related to What sort of degree is best for working on propulsion systems?

1. What degree is best for working on propulsion systems?

A degree in aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering is typically the most suitable for working on propulsion systems. These degrees provide a strong foundation in the principles of flight, mechanics, and thermodynamics, which are essential for understanding and designing propulsion systems.

2. Can I work on propulsion systems with a degree in physics?

While a degree in physics can provide a solid understanding of the fundamental principles behind propulsion systems, it may not provide the practical skills and knowledge needed to design and work on these systems. It is recommended to pursue a degree in aerospace or mechanical engineering for a career in propulsion systems.

3. Is a graduate degree necessary for working on propulsion systems?

While a graduate degree is not always required, it can provide a deeper understanding and specialization in propulsion systems. Many employers prefer candidates with a master's or doctoral degree in aerospace or mechanical engineering for positions in propulsion systems.

4. Are there specific courses that are beneficial for working on propulsion systems?

Yes, courses in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, and propulsion systems are essential for understanding and designing these systems. Additional courses in materials science, control systems, and fluid mechanics can also be beneficial.

5. Is it necessary to have prior experience in propulsion systems to work in this field?

No, it is not necessary to have prior experience in propulsion systems to work in this field. However, having hands-on experience through internships, research projects, or coursework in this area can make a candidate more competitive and desirable to employers.

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