What is translational entropy?

In summary, this article is proposing that a particular effect in coordination chemistry can be explained by entropy changes, and that this allows comparisons of free energy between molecules without the contribution of entropy overshadowing other factors. The article references biological thermodynamics, which mentions translational entropy only once, regarding the assembly of a virus molecule. I am not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I appreciate your time reading this and any advice you can offer!
  • #1
Hello, I am trying to understand a short literature article (doi: 10.1021/ja01635a030). I am not sure how much liberty I have to reproduce its contents here, and I can't explain it here because I don't understand it -- which is why I have this question.

I believe it is proposing that a certain effect (Chelate Effect) in coordination chemistry explained by entropy changes can have the entropy component removed by a modification to the equation describing it. This allows comparisons of free energy between molecules without the contribution of entropy in this particular form overshadowing other factors. This "particular form" is referred to as translational entropy in the article.

I know this is extremely vague, but I don't know any other detail to go into. The idea is that a metal can bond to multiple molecules. If the molecule it is bonding to has multiple bonding sites, it is called a chelate. Since this association reduces the number of molecules in the system, the entropy is reduced in the association. Because a chelate has multiple bonding sites and can bond multiple times, the lost entropy is less, so a chelate association is more stable than a single-bonding molecule. This extra stability is referred to as translational entropy and can be accounted for by a modification to the equation:

(1) ΔS = S° - ΔnR[ln(55.5)]

Where n is the difference in moles product to moles reactant, and R is the universal gas constant. The second term, presumably the modification to the equation, stems from:

(2) ΔF = F° + ΔnRT[ln(55.5)]
(3) F = -RTln(Kc)

where Kc = K / 55.5

The 55.5 is the concentration of water solvent in mol/L, derived from its density. From 3, separating Kc results in equation 2, and matching the units leads to equation 1.

I don't know if this is the right forum for this, but I appreciate your time reading this and any advice you can offer! Thank you!
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  • #3
jedishrfu said:
Well to start here's some wikipedia articles referring to chelation:


and to translational entropy:


which may clarify your understanding.

Hi jedishrfu. Thanks for your reply! I actually already feel I have a good grasp of what a Chelate is. I simply wrote about it to provide some background info, because this is a physics forum.

Thanks for the link to biological thermodynamics, though. It mentions translational entropy only once, regarding the assembly of a virus molecule. It also mentions rotational entropy, which was not mentioned in the literature article I was trying to understand. I always understood entropy as being proportional to the number of microstates a molecule can assume. How can a translational/rotational mode correspond to a microstate? Are microstates related to the degrees of freedom of a molecule?

Thanks for any insight!
  • #4
So here's something on microstates and macrostates:

  • #5
I liked how that link explained things, but I am having difficulty assimilating such a broad concept with sufficient mastery to adapt it to my context. Thanks for bearing with me here.

So if a microstate corresponds to an arrangement of its degrees of freedom, or its momentum and location, what exactly is translational entropy, or the removal of it?

Is "translational entropy" microstates that have no rotational or vibrational components of its energy?

Or does its removal mean I take all the microstates and remove their translational components? So I essentially remove all linear momentum from the particles in a system, leaving only vibrational and rotational motion?

Thanks for your continued time

Related to What is translational entropy?

What is translational entropy?

Translational entropy is a thermodynamic concept that refers to the amount of randomness or disorder in the movement (translation) of particles, such as molecules or atoms, in a system. It is a measure of the distribution of energy and the number of ways that energy can be distributed among different particles.

How is translational entropy different from other types of entropy?

Translational entropy is one type of entropy, specifically related to the movement of particles in a system. Other types of entropy include rotational entropy, which relates to the movement of particles around an axis, and vibrational entropy, which relates to the movement of particles within a molecule.

Why is translational entropy important?

Translational entropy is important because it helps us understand and predict how energy is distributed and utilized in a system. It is a key factor in determining the overall entropy of a system, which is a measure of the system's disorder or randomness. Translational entropy also plays a crucial role in many physical and chemical processes, such as phase transitions and chemical reactions.

How is translational entropy calculated?

Translational entropy is typically calculated using the Boltzmann equation, which relates entropy to the number of microstates (ways that energy can be distributed) in a system. The equation takes into account the number of particles, the volume of the system, and the temperature.

Can translational entropy be changed?

Yes, translational entropy can be changed by altering the temperature, volume, or number of particles in a system. Increasing the temperature, increasing the volume, or decreasing the number of particles will all lead to an increase in translational entropy. Conversely, decreasing the temperature, decreasing the volume, or increasing the number of particles will result in a decrease in translational entropy.

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