What is the Role of Wavefunction in DFT for Molecular Systems?

In summary, DFT uses electron density instead of wavefunction, but also utilizes the Schrödinger equation which relies on wavefunctions. The density functional is used to calculate the kinetic energy, potential energy, and exchange energy in order to determine the ground-state energy. The Kohn-Sham approach uses a non-interacting reference system and solves the Schrödinger equation for non-interacting electrons, while the exchange and correlation energies are accounted for by the functional. DFT methods vary and can be semi-empirical, but the exchange-correlation functional is the only truly semi-empirical component.
  • #1
DFT used electron density instead wavefunction, and in same time DFT use Schrodinger equation that use wavefunction. !??

so it still depend on wavefunction of Kohn-Sham and not depend on density only non interaction system wavefunction of still stand

please I have many Paradox to interpretation of DFT
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  • #2
Karrar said:
DFT used electron density instead wavefunction, and in same time DFT use Schrodinger equation that use wavefunction. !??

No, DFT doesn't necessarily use the Schrödinger equation. The http://cmt.dur.ac.uk/sjc/thesis_ppr/node12.html" showed (from the S.E.) that the ground-state energy can be determined by a functional of the density, (i.e. the exact density functional or EDF) and that the variational principle also applies to the density (for the EDF! Note that the variational method is still used with the approximate functionals used in DFT, although this is mathematically not justified. It's just generally assumed that since the EDF is variational, a good approximation will be as well).

This proves the EDF exists, but it doesn't give us any information at all on what it is (and we still don't know). But forget anything you might know about Kohn-Sham theory for a second and consider the basic problem of finding out the density functional. You know you can split the energy into two parts, the kinetic and potential energy. What can we say about these? The potential energy in terms of the electronic density is very straightforward: You have the Coulomb attraction between the density and the (assumed-to-be-stationary) nuclei, so that's simply:
[tex]V_{ne}[\rho] = -\sum_{A}\int\frac{Z_A\rho(\mathbf{r})}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R_A}|} d\mathbf{r}[/tex]
And the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons is simply:
[tex]V_{ee}[\rho] = \frac{1}{2}\int\int\frac{\rho(\mathbf{r})\rho(\mathbf{r'})}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r'}|} d\mathbf{r'}d\mathbf{r}[/tex]
With a factor 1/2 to avoid double-counting.

So now we're missing two things: The kinetic energy, and the exchange energy (i.e. the difference in energy due to the Pauli principle). How would you go about determining that from the density? Well, there's no good way to do this. The simplest approach would be to just take some non-interacting electrons in a box (homogeneous electron gas) and figure out their energy in terms of this homogeneous density. You can also (from the S.E.) calculate the exchange energy of this homogeneous electron gas, and include that.

This leads to the Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac density functionals, which were the first to be developed (well before the HK-theorems even). So far, no orbitals and no Schrödinger equation at all. But the TF/TFD models are very bad models for molecules, which have anything but a homogeneous electron density! (Although in light of how bad the underlying assumptions are, you could also say it's surprisingly good.) They have had some use in solid-state physics, however. Work continues, but it's been very difficult to improve on this approach (so-called 'orbital-free' or 'non-KS' DFT), especially compared to Kohn-Sham DFT methods.

Now, what the Kohn-Sham scheme does, is to (seemingly) take one step backwards in order to move forward. We know from the Schrödinger equation that:
Is the exact ground-state kinetic energy for a system of [tex]N[/tex] non-interacting electrons. We also know from Hartree-Fock theory that this accounts for up to 98% of the true kinetic energy.

The Kohn-Sham idea is to introduce this non-interacting reference system of orbitals for non-interacting electrons, and build our density out of them. The density functional becomes an effective potential that acts on the non-interacting electrons for the purpose of calculating the kinetic energy. We're solving the Schrödinger equation again, but not the Schrödinger equation of the actual, interacting system, but a much simpler S.E. for non-interacting electrons in a potential.

Hence, you have the all the potential energy and most of the kinetic energy accounted for. What remains is the exchange and correlation energies, since we've not taken into account either the Pauli principle, or the change in kinetic energy due to electron-electron interactions. In everyday DFT terminology this is the 'functional', since the rest is implied. Now you can solve this problem using a variational/SCF approach and in a similar fashion to the Hartree-Fock approach leads to the Roothaan–Hall equations, you get the analogous (and very similar) Kohn-Sham equations. (In fact, if you solved the KS equations without any functional at all, it'd essentially amount to the Hartree method, i.e. HF without exchange*)

The difference here is that you're not solving the Schrödinger equation for the real system, but for the non-interacting reference system. The Kohn-Sham orbitals do not correspond to real orbitals, strictly speaking. You'll get different opinions on what their physical significance is (if any) when you ask different quantum chemists.

(* If you've managed to follow my explanation, you might get the idea: Why not calculate the Hartree-Fock exchange for the non-interacting reference system and use that as well? Well, we do that with modern DFT methods. The famous B3LYP functional does so, using a mixture of this 'exact' exchange with the LSDA and B88 exchange functionals, and LYP/VWN for correlation. The first two parts are analytical, the other parts and the mixing ratios are semi-empirical though. Given that DFT methods are usually referred to as 'semi-empirical', it's worth underlining that only the exchange-correlation functional is, and not all functionals, either. DFT is not inherently semi-empirical)
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  • #3
that great, I so happy to your reply it is so clear explanation , thanks alxm

Related to What is the Role of Wavefunction in DFT for Molecular Systems?

What is DFT for molecular systems?

DFT stands for Density Functional Theory, and it is a computational method used to study the electronic structure of molecules and materials. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and provides a way to calculate the electronic energy and properties of a molecular system.

How does DFT work?

DFT works by solving the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of electrons in a system. The equation is solved using an approximation for the electron density, which is the number of electrons per unit volume. The resulting energy and wavefunction can then be used to calculate various properties of the system, such as the geometry and electronic properties.

What are the advantages of using DFT for molecular systems?

DFT is a powerful tool for studying molecular systems because it is relatively fast and accurate compared to other quantum mechanical methods. It can handle large systems with many atoms, making it useful for studying complex molecules and materials. It can also provide information about the electronic structure and properties of a system, such as bond lengths and energies, which can be compared to experimental data.

What are the limitations of DFT for molecular systems?

While DFT is a useful tool, it is not without its limitations. One major limitation is that it is an approximate method, meaning that the results are not exact and can be affected by the choice of functional used. It also struggles with systems that have strong electron correlation effects, making it less accurate for some materials. Additionally, DFT calculations can be computationally expensive for large systems, requiring high-performance computing resources.

How can DFT be used in practical applications?

DFT has a wide range of practical applications, including drug design, materials science, and catalysis. It can be used to predict the properties and behavior of molecules and materials, which can aid in the development of new drugs and materials. It is also commonly used to study reaction mechanisms and find optimal conditions for chemical reactions. DFT results can also be compared to experimental data to validate and improve theoretical models.

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