What is the purpose of the math forum?

  • Thread starter ADDA
  • Start date
In summary, the purpose of the math forum is to provide a platform for students and educators to discuss and collaborate on various math-related topics, share resources and ideas, and receive help and support with math problems and concepts. It also serves as a community for individuals interested in math education to connect and engage in meaningful discussions and activities. Additionally, the math forum aims to promote the importance and relevance of mathematics in everyday life and encourage the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • #1
Thank you physics... I just picked up "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra. Good read so far.

While at university, I took a course, From Quarks to Cosmos. In it the idea came into my mind of revolving consciousness. Last night, I started the Thrive documentary. Three years ago I've watched the movie Prometheus (Foresight in Greek, as opposed to Epithemeus, hindsight). In the movie Prometheus, as far as I may recall, the scientists discovered a race akin to humanity with larger DNA. The Thrive documentary described patterns of life relating to the torus. To my understanding, there may be a description of atomos as an ever revolving recursive equation.I've taken a strong interest original thought. Ptolemy, for example, may have been wrong about his heliocentric model of the solar system, yet while reading his harmonics, I've found his refutation of the Aristoxenians' interval calculation regarding a diapason or octave to be close to the modern understanding of logarithmic frequency.

The motto of Missouri is the "Show me State." Does this translate to skeptics are in misery? I suppose that I have my own blend of language processing. Within the realm of cultural interaction, there exists language barriers and certain misunderstood colloquialisms, jargon or slang. For example, how do you interpret this:

"Because of silver halide emulsions, photons are both heavy and lite."

I'm interested in photoionization, for the misunderstanding in my mind that mass must interact with mass. There is much unknown to me. For example, why neutrinos have mass, yet space is a vacuum.

I'm unable to interact with the cellular organisms that make up my human body. It has been a debate for me, whether I would want to know my own functioning, or just function. For example quantum theory shows us that observation on the sub atomic level would change the functioning of that which is observed. If there is a cat in a box with nuclear material, there is a fifty fifty chance that the cat would die, yet one wouldn't know if the cat is alive until you open the box. Why would you risk killing a cat?

The math forum brought me here today, I have a question about vector calculus, yet had plenty of thoughts in my mind.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to the PF. :smile:

A few reminders... Be sure to read through the PF Rules (see INFO at the top of the page). We discuss mainstream science here, as published in the peer-reviewed literature and mainstream textbooks. We don't allow personal speculation or personal theory discussions here, and in general we do not discuss philosophy.

Hope that works for you. :smile:
  • #3
Just signed up, what do you want of me?
  • #4
Adam Bryant Been said:
Just signed up, what do you want of me?
Just wanted to be sure that you understand what the PF is all about. It's a great place, as long as you're looking to discuss mainstream science and gett help with schoolwork, etc. Statements like these:
Adam Bryant Been said:
To my understanding, there may be a description of atomos as an ever revolving recursive equation.
In general, we require a link to a mainstream source when saying something like that.

In any case, this is your introduction thread. I think you will find the PF a useful place. :smile:

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