What is the Entropy of a Half Reaction?

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulties in defining the enthalpy and entropy of a half reaction. The global reaction and its entropy are defined, but the conversation focuses on how to define the entropy of hydrogen ion H+ and electron. It is mentioned that conventionally, the entropy of H2 is taken as 0 at standard temperature and pressure (STP). However, there are different reactions and processes involving hydrogen that may have different entropies. Ultimately, the most realistic assumption is to consider the entropy at the anode side as null and the entropy of H2 as negligible.
  • #1
Mr bboy
Hi everybody,

I have some troubles to define the enthalpy and entropy of a half reaction. If we consider the 2 following reactions :

Anode : H2 = 2H+ + 2e-
Cathode : 2H+ + 2e- + 1/2O2 = H2O

So the global reaction is :
H2 + 1/2O2 = H2O

We know the global reaction's entropy can be define as :
ΔS H2O - ΔS H2 - 1/2*ΔS O2

We can do the same thing for the half reactions
Anode : 2*ΔS H+ + 2*ΔS e- - ΔS H2
Cathode: ΔS H2O - 1/2*ΔS O2 - 2*ΔS H+ - 2*ΔS e-
My problem is the following: how to define the entropy of hydrogen ion H+ and electron ? How can we define the entropy if half reaction ? I saw in many books people do the assumption to only consider the entropy at cathode side and so use the global reaction.
Can u help me to solve this point ?

Thank's !
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Mr bboy said:
My problem is the following: how to define the entropy of hydrogen ion H+ and electron ?
You don't have to define it. It is conventionally taken as 0 at "STP."
  • #3
Bystander said:
You don't have to define it. It is conventionally taken as 0 at "STP."

So for the half reaction at anode side I have to take account only the entropy of H2 ? At 293.13 K, for the Anode : 2*ΔS H+ + 2*ΔS e- - ΔS H2 we have ΔS=130.68 J/K/mol ? I just read in a thesis the author make the assumption ΔS at anode side is null and ΔG too (for the same reason you have mentioned), but the entropy of H2 is neglected. What is the most realistic assumption ?
  • #4
The entropy of H2 at STP is defined as zero. That's just the starting point/benchmark for the measurements. There've been no absolute measurements of enthalpies, entropies, or free energies of formation of ionic species; they're all referred to a convention in which hydrogen is zero.
  • #5
There is something i don't really understand. I looked for the hydrogen's entropy at standard conditions, i found 130.7 J K-1mol-1
In this following link :
So even if we don't consider the entropy of H+ and e-, at the anode side at STP, we have ΔS ≠ 0 (only the entropy of H2) ?
  • #6
You are talking about several different reactions:
1) diatomic hydrogen dissociating into monatomic hydrogen;
2) ionization of monatomic hydrogen;
3) formation of a hydrogen ion in solution;
4) solution of hydrogen in water;
5) dissociation of dissolved hydrogen into monatomic hydrogen;
6) ionization of dissolved hydrogen.

Do not confuse them. "1, 2, 4, 5" are referred to diatomic hydrogen at STP. "3, 6" are impossible to measure, and are arbitrarily selected as zeros to which the enthalpies, entropies, and free energies of formation of all other aqueous cations and anions are referred.
  • #7
I understand know ! Thank you !

Related to What is the Entropy of a Half Reaction?

1. What is entropy of half reaction?

The entropy of half reaction is a measure of the disorder or randomness of the reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. It is a thermodynamic property that describes the tendency of a system to move towards a more disordered state.

2. How is entropy of half reaction calculated?

The entropy of half reaction can be calculated using the formula ΔS = ΣnS°(products) - ΣmS°(reactants), where n and m are the coefficients of the products and reactants, respectively, and S° is the standard entropy of each substance.

3. What factors affect the entropy of half reaction?

The entropy of half reaction is affected by the number of particles involved in the reaction, the complexity of the molecules, and the temperature. Generally, reactions with more particles and complex molecules have higher entropy, and increasing temperature usually increases the entropy of a reaction.

4. How does entropy of half reaction relate to spontaneity?

The entropy of half reaction is closely related to the spontaneity of a reaction. In general, a reaction with a positive ΔS value is more likely to be spontaneous, as it indicates an increase in disorder. However, other factors such as enthalpy and Gibbs free energy also play a role in determining spontaneity.

5. Can entropy of half reaction be negative?

Yes, the entropy of half reaction can be negative. This indicates that the reaction leads to a decrease in disorder. This can occur in reactions that involve the formation of more ordered products, or at low temperatures where entropy decreases due to decreased molecular motion.

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