What is the coefficient of the second order term in this polynomial expression?

In summary, the conversation revolved around the use of a numerical polynomial root finding method and the uncertainty of the order of an expression in the equation. It was suggested to square both sides of the equation to get a polynomial and use Newton's Method, but it was also noted that squaring may add additional roots. The conversation also touched on the preservation of roots when multiplying by a constant, and the importance of being cautious when squaring both sides of an equation.
  • #1
I am trying to use a numerical polynomial root finding method, but I am unsure of the order of an expression. For example, if I have something that looks like
x2+5x √(x2+3)+x+1=0
what is the coefficient of the second order (and potentially even the first order) term? Is the entire 5x√... term second order, or does it have lower order components as well?
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  • #2
I'm thinking, and I'm not an expert on polynomial mathematics, but that the equation you listed isn't actually one. I make that statement with the thought in mind that a term cannot include an irreducible radical as part of the product.

See more about the definition of a polynomial here: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/polydefs.htm
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  • #3
If not a polynomial, then what kind of equation is it? This is asked in an effort to determine a numerical method to use.
  • #4
And you can always square both sides to get a polynomial.
  • #5
You can square both sides to get a PE, that is true, but that doesn't necessarily make the original equation a PE. Think about it this way. You can square an imaginary number to get a real one, but the operation fundamentally undoes the operation that created the imaginary number in the first place. If you're looking for a root, than I suspect that you've already found your answer to find a solution. Square it and solve. For PE, I know with certainty that changing it's form by multiplying by a constant doesn't change the roots, so I suspect the same is true in this case. For instance, the roots of Q(x) are the same for A*Q(x) where A is in the reals. I suspect squaring both sides, simplifying and solving for the roots will give you the answer. If you want to verify (since you're using numerical methods), you could simply graph the two equations with Geogebra and see if they intersect... actually... I'll pull out my laptop and give that a try myself... you've got me curious.
  • #6
Oooh. Bad news... the radical doesn't disappear when you square it.

LHS2 = x4 + 26x4 + 2x3(5x√x2+3) + 2x2(5x√x2+3) + 2x(5x√x2+3) + 1

This means that strategy's out the door.
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  • #7
avikarto said:
x2+5x √(x2+3)+x+1=0
Change to [itex]x^2+x+1=-5x\sqrt{x^2+3}[/itex]

Now square both sides to get a polynomial equation.
  • #8
Did it quickly and got:

[tex]24x^4-2x^3+72x^2-2x-1 = 0[/tex]

What about using Newton's Method on it? The derivative a polynomial is trivial to compute?
  • #9
Thanks, all. Would the roots of the squared equation in the last post be the same as the roots of the starting equation? Multiplying by a constant preserves the roots, but does squaring? If not, what is the transformation from these solutions back to those of the original problem?
  • #10
avikarto said:
Thanks, all. Would the roots of the squared equation in the last post be the same as the roots of the starting equation? Multiplying by a constant preserves the roots, but does squaring? If not, what is the transformation from these solutions back to those of the original problem?

Squaring preserves the roots, but does not reflect the roots. That is, if you have an equation ##f(x) = g(x)## then any ##x## that satisfies this, will also satisfy ##f(x)^2 = g(x)^2##. But not every ##x## that satisfies ##f(x)^2 = g(x)^2## will satisfy ##f(x) = g(x)##. That is: you may have added some roots by squaring. No harm though: just find the roots of ##f(x)^2 = g(x)^2## and check for each root whether it satisfies ##f(x) = g(x)##.
  • #11
Thanks everyone!
  • #12
Here's a graphical representation of the two equations:
Two Functions.png
  • #13
That's nice to see, a graphical representation always helps think about things. Sadly, this equation was just a thing that I pulled out of thin air as a simpler example for the true problem at hand. The "isolating the root and squaring" method should still hold in my case, though.
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  • #14
avikarto said:
That's nice to see, a graphical representation always helps think about things. Sadly, this equation was just a thing that I pulled out of thin air as a simpler example for the true problem at hand. The "isolating the root and squaring" method should still hold in my case, though.
Despite it, you should be cautious whenever you square the both sides of an equation, for it tends to give more roots that don't meet the origin one.
  • #15
tommyxu3 said:
Despite it, you should be cautious whenever you square the both sides of an equation, for it tends to give more roots that don't meet the origin one.

The solutions of ##f^2(x) = g^2(x)## obviously give the solutions of both ##f(x) =g(x)## and ##f(x) = - g(x)##.

In any case, doesn't the Newton-Raphson method apply to arbitrary functions you can calculate the derivative of, not just polynomials? If you can obtain a computer generated sketch of the function you can plug in the approx values for the zeroes of the function and iterate with N-R.
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Related to What is the coefficient of the second order term in this polynomial expression?

1. What is a polynomial order?

A polynomial order is the highest degree of a polynomial equation. It is determined by the power of the variable with the highest exponent in the equation.

2. How do you find the polynomial order?

To find the polynomial order, you need to look at the highest power of the variable in the equation. For example, if the equation is x^3 + 2x^2 + 5x + 1, the polynomial order is 3.

3. What is the significance of polynomial orders?

Polynomial orders are important because they determine the complexity of the equation and how many solutions it may have. They also help in understanding the behavior of the equation and its graph.

4. Can a polynomial have more than one order?

No, a polynomial can only have one order. The order is determined by the highest power of the variable in the equation.

5. How do polynomial orders affect the roots of an equation?

The polynomial order can determine the number of roots an equation may have. For example, a polynomial of order 2 (quadratic) can have a maximum of two roots, while a polynomial of order 3 (cubic) can have a maximum of three roots.

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