What is the cause of Verilog error message 10159 in my binary calculator code?

  • Thread starter polaris90
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In summary, the conversation was about a project to create a binary calculator using verilog and programming it onto a DE2 FPGA board. The individual was encountering an error message while trying to write their code, specifically with the "Display" module. After receiving advice, they were able to solve the problem by instantiating the module correctly and passing the appropriate inputs.
  • #1
I'm currently working on a project to create a binary calculator using verilog, which I will eventually program onto a DE2 FPGA board. I am trying to wrte my code but I keep getting the following error message.
"Error (10159): Verilog HDL error at calculator.v(37): "Display" is not a task or void function"

I have never seen this before. The following is part of my code where this happens

always @(*)begin

if(KEY[0] == 0 && KEY[0] != 1) //if addittion button
    result = SW[15:8] + SW[7:0];  //addition for the 2 numbers     

    Display (SW[15:8], HEX6);  <--- error occurs here

this is my module that I'm calling

module Display(num, hex);

input [7:0] num; //8-bit input
    output reg [6:0] hex; //7-segment display
    always@(num) begin

            0: hex =  7'b1000000;
            1: hex =  7'b1111001;
            2: hex =  7'b0100100;
            3: hex =  7'b0110000;
            4: hex =  7'b0011001;
            5: hex =  7'b0010010;
            6: hex =  7'b0000010;
            7: hex =  7'b1111000;
            8: hex =  7'b0000000;
            9: hex =  7'b0010000;
            10: hex = 7'b0001000;
            11: hex = 7'b0000011; //B
           12: hex = 7'b1000110; //C
           13: hex = 7'b0100001; //D
            14: hex = 7'b0000110; //E
            15: hex = 7'b0001110; //F
                default: hex = 7'b1000000;

I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this question but any advice would be appreciated.
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  • #2
You are getting the error because you are not instantiating the module "Display" correctly in your top level. It should be:
Display Name_of_this_Particular_Instance_of_the_Module_Display (SW[15:8], HEX6);


Display Display_Instance1 (SW[15:8], HEX6);

Why are you passing SW[15:8] to the display and not the result of the addition?
  • #3
I'm passing one of the inputs because I need to display both the input and output. That's just a piece of the ode like I said. I took the call out of the "always @" and it solved the problem. Thank you for the reply.

Related to What is the cause of Verilog error message 10159 in my binary calculator code?

1. What does "Verilog error message 10159" mean?

"Verilog error message 10159" is a specific error code that is generated by the Verilog programming language. It indicates that there is an issue with the syntax or structure of your Verilog code and the compiler is unable to compile it.

2. What are the common causes of "Verilog error message 10159"?

The most common causes of "Verilog error message 10159" include missing or incorrect punctuation, mismatched brackets or parentheses, and missing or misspelled keywords or identifiers.

3. How can I fix "Verilog error message 10159"?

To fix "Verilog error message 10159", you will need to carefully review your code and identify the line or lines that the error is occurring on. Then, check for any of the common causes mentioned above and make the necessary corrections. You may also need to refer to the Verilog language syntax and rules to ensure that your code is written correctly.

4. Can I ignore "Verilog error message 10159" and still run my code?

No, it is not recommended to ignore "Verilog error message 10159" as it indicates that there is an issue with your code that could potentially lead to errors or unexpected behavior in your program. It is important to fix the error before running your code.

5. How can I prevent "Verilog error message 10159" from occurring in my code?

To prevent "Verilog error message 10159" from occurring in your code, it is important to carefully plan and structure your code before writing it. Make sure to use proper indentation and formatting, and consistently use correct punctuation and keywords. It is also helpful to regularly check your code for errors and to refer to the Verilog language syntax and rules while coding.

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