What Does p<.05 Mean in Statistics?

In summary, the speakers at the healthcare conference discussed stats 101 and interpreting research. The conversation between the person and their spouse revealed a potential misunderstanding of the concept of statistical significance, using a poor analogy of cars flying overhead. The correct application of confidence levels and the importance of not jumping to conclusions without sufficient data were also discussed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for a thorough understanding of statistical methods in order to properly interpret research findings.
  • #1
Gold Member
I was doing tech support at a healthcare conference over the weekend in which one of the speakers talked about stats 101 and interpreting research. In discussing it further with my wife this morning, I realized we've missed a piece of the puzzle.

My wife made an spurious example of cars heading into town. 100 cars drive along the QEW into Toronto. This is expected. If between 1 and 4 of those cars flies overhead, this is statistically significant and is worth investigating - we form a hypothesis. But if 5 or more care fly overhead, this means that it is not statistically significant, and is more likely to be part of the null hypothesis.

I have definitely oversimplified our discussion but that's the gist of it. I think we've got cause and effect backwards in terms of expected and observed behaviour. And I think we may have used a poor analogy.
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  • #2
DaveC426913 said:
My wife made an spurious example of cars heading into town. 100 cars drive along the QEW into Toronto. This is expected. If between 1 and 4 of those cars flies overhead, this is statistically significant and is worth investigating - we form a hypothesis. But if 5 or more care fly overhead, this means that it is not statistically significant, and is more likely to be part of the null hypothesis.

I have definitely oversimplified our discussion but that's the gist of it. I think we've got cause and effect backwards in terms of expected and observed behaviour. And I think we may have used a poor analogy.

Yes, this is a poor analogy. You describe a binomial model, in which case you should have used the Agresti-Coull interval, which would have told you (with 95% confidence) that between 0.9% and 11.5% of cars are flying, in the case where you saw 4 out of 100 cars fly.

A better analogy: you measure the altitude of cars heading into Toronto with expected measurement error of 1 ft (normally distributed, variance = 1 ft^2). If no cars fly, you expect 95% of the measurements to be less than 1.645 standard deviations, say, 1' 7". If 1 to 4 cars have measured altitude more than 1' 7", then you're fine; you can reasonably accept the conclusion that the cars aren't flying (technically, you reject the null hypothesis that they do fly). If 5 or more cars are measured above 1' 7" then you fail to reject the null hypothesis: for all you know, the cars coming into Toronto are flying.
  • #3
CRGreathouse said:
Yes, this is a poor analogy. You describe a binomial model, in which case you should have used the Agresti-Coull interval, which would have told you (with 95% confidence) that between 0.9% and 11.5% of cars are flying, in the case where you saw 4 out of 100 cars fly.

A better analogy: you measure the altitude of cars heading into Toronto with expected measurement error of 1 ft (normally distributed, variance = 1 ft^2). If no cars fly, you expect 95% of the measurements to be less than 1.645 standard deviations, say, 1' 7". If 1 to 4 cars have measured altitude more than 1' 7", then you're fine; you can reasonably accept the conclusion that the cars aren't flying (technically, you reject the null hypothesis that they do fly). If 5 or more cars are measured above 1' 7" then you fail to reject the null hypothesis: for all you know, the cars coming into Toronto are flying.

OK so, the confidence level applies to my observations, my data. A deviation of 4 or fewer cars being at a higher elevation than expected (i.e. +/- 1 foot) shows no statistically significant deviation from what we expect from cars. If 5 or more cars showed an altitude of more than 1 foot, I would suspect there are factors at play.

The null hypothesis here is that cars do not fly. 5 cars showing apparently flying behaviour means I reject the null and may need a hypothesis that describes flying cars.

Is altitude of cars a good analogy? Seems to me that it's too concrete (a car either is or is not flying). Not the case with populations. I wonder if I should stick to something more medical or more political, where they often use p values. I dunno, people walking on a street? 95% are walking toward the subway?

Let me ask the question: what is the ideal circumstance in which this is used? What is the goal, that this is the tool? It's designed to lend credence to an existing hypothesis, right?

i.e. Let's say the null hypothesis is that people leaving their offices are headed south toward the subway. My data shows that more than 5% are actually headed north. I hypothesize that some people do not take the subway (they might be headed for the parking lot instead).

No, I've got it backwards again...shoot...
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  • #4
DaveC426913 said:
OK so, the confidence level applies to my observations, my data. A deviation of 4 or fewer cars being at a higher elevation than expected (i.e. +/- 1 foot) shows no statistically significant deviation from what we expect from cars. If 5 or more cars showed an altitude of more than 1 foot, I would suspect there are factors at play.

Two points.

First, that would give you 85% confidence, not 95%; 95% would be about 1' 7", not 1'.

Second, I wouldn't say that otherwise you 'suspect that there are factors at play' but rather that you can't conclude (at the given confidence level) that cars aren't flying. You may simply need more data, better measuring tools, etc.

DaveC426913 said:
Is altitude of cars a good analogy? Seems to me that it's too concrete (a car either is or is not flying).

Right. I gave the proper way to handle that situation in my first post, but the altitude modification was a way to partially salvage it. It's certainly not an ideal example.

I'd be more comfortable having someone else give an example; stats really aren't my thing.
  • #5
CRGreathouse said:
Two points.

First, that would give you 85% confidence, not 95%; 95% would be about 1' 7", not 1'.

Oh. I didn't realize that value was not arbitrary. That's where the 1ft^2 came from. That is another aspect I don't know.

I am seriously considering taking a night school course in stats. I find it fascinating. More to the point, I find it more interesting than my current level of understanding permits.

Related to What Does p<.05 Mean in Statistics?

What does p<.05 mean?

The notation p<.05 refers to the p-value, which is a measure of the probability that the results of a statistical analysis occurred by chance. A p-value of less than .05 indicates that there is a significant difference between groups or variables being compared.

Why is p<.05 commonly used in statistical analysis?

A p-value of .05 or less is commonly used as a cutoff for statistical significance because it is considered a low enough probability to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. This means that the results are unlikely to have occurred by chance and are therefore considered significant.

What is the difference between statistical significance and practical significance?

Statistical significance refers to the likelihood that the results of a statistical analysis occurred by chance, while practical significance refers to the real-world importance or impact of those results. Just because a result is statistically significant does not necessarily mean it is practically significant, as the effect size may be too small to have a meaningful impact.

What factors can affect the p-value?

The p-value can be affected by sample size, the strength of the relationship between variables, and the variability of the data. A larger sample size, a stronger relationship between variables, and less variability in the data will result in a lower p-value, indicating a stronger level of statistical significance.

Can a p-value of .05 or less guarantee a significant result?

No, a p-value of .05 or less does not guarantee a significant result. It only indicates that the results are statistically significant and not likely to have occurred by chance. Other factors such as the study design, data quality, and potential confounding variables should also be considered when determining the significance of a result.
