What do I learn in a PhD in Physics (UK)?

In summary: It depends on where you do your PhD. In the past some universities (notably Imperial) ran "US style" PhD programs where the first year was coursework, but this was an exception. However, students joining one of the new Doctoral Training Centres (DTC or CDT) that by now have been around for a couple of years tend to spend one year doing coursework and projects before picking a project. (which is then 3...5 years long).
  • #1
I am currently looking for PhD's in physics just now but more specifically a project which uses my favourite topic of quantum theory. Up until now i have only thought about picking projects based on this preference but i would like to know what you learn on the PhD.

So for example if i picked a project on based on imaging using quantum techniques would I only learn about quantum optics theory for 3-4 years and that's it? Because my interest expands to quantum optics, information, mechanics etc. I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well. Does that also mean if i got a PhD in this area and i wanted to be an academic i could only do research in quantum optics? Because it seems very confined.

I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well in more detail.

Can anyone with more experience elaborate on what the PhD process involves in terms of the learning aspects?
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  • #2
TL3490 said:
I am currently looking for PhD's in physics just now but more specifically a project which uses my favourite topic of quantum theory. Up until now i have only thought about picking projects based on this preference but i would like to know what you learn on the PhD.

So for example if i picked a project on based on imaging using quantum techniques would I only learn about quantum optics theory for 3-4 years and that's it? Because my interest expands to quantum optics, information, mechanics etc. I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well. Does that also mean if i got a PhD in this area and i wanted to be an academic i could only do research in quantum optics? Because it seems very confined.

I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well in more detail.

Can anyone with more experience elaborate on what the PhD process involves in terms of the learning aspects?

You need to look at the specific requirements of your school in more detail. Most PhD programs in the US require significant coursework and grad level accomplishment in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, classical mechanics, and electrodynamics in addition to a couple courses in areas different from the candidate's specialty, and then the in depth research and thesis in the area of specialty.
  • #3
TL3490 said:
I am currently looking for PhD's in physics just now but more specifically a project which uses my favourite topic of quantum theory. Up until now i have only thought about picking projects based on this preference but i would like to know what you learn on the PhD.

So for example if i picked a project on based on imaging using quantum techniques would I only learn about quantum optics theory for 3-4 years and that's it? Because my interest expands to quantum optics, information, mechanics etc. I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well. Does that also mean if i got a PhD in this area and i wanted to be an academic i could only do research in quantum optics? Because it seems very confined.

I would like to learn about other topics in quantum as well in more detail.

Can anyone with more experience elaborate on what the PhD process involves in terms of the learning aspects?

In the UK a PhD is solely research as far as I know. There aren't any taught classes.
  • #4
Shaun_W said:
In the UK a PhD is solely research as far as I know. There aren't any taught classes.

Interesting. Are there qualifying exams that cover physics more broadly to encourage students to self-study?
  • #5
Shaun_W said:
In the UK a PhD is solely research as far as I know. There aren't any taught classes.
It's not true that UK PhD students aren't taught classes. When I did a PhD in theoretical high energy physics, the first year was about 60% classes and 40% research. It might be different for experimentalists, I don't know.
  • #6
martinh said:
It's not true that UK PhD students aren't taught classes. When I did a PhD in theoretical high energy physics, the first year was about 60% classes and 40% research. It might be different for experimentalists, I don't know.

It depends on where you do your PhD. In the past some universities (notably Imperial) ran "US style" PhD programs where the first year was coursework, but this was an exception. However, students joining one of the new Doctoral Training Centres (DTC or CDT) that by now have been around for a couple of years tend to spend one year doing coursework and projects before picking a project. (which is then 3 years).

That said, there are still lots of positions for "old style" PhDs since not all universities have CDTs. In this case you do a 3 year with no mandatory coursework (except short 1-2 day long courses in presentation skills, how to write an article etc).

To the OP. It is important to realize that doing a PhD is about specializing, no one can know everything and quantum theory is a huge field.. However, this does not mean that you will necessarily have to work in exactly the same area your whole career; plenty of people switch to something else when they e.g. start their first post-doc. The key is finding a new project/area where the techniques/skills you already know are useful.
  • #7
Dr. Courtney said:
Interesting. Are there qualifying exams that cover physics more broadly to encourage students to self-study?

I believe this would be theoretically possible to have them ; but I don't know of any university that uses qualifying exams for PhDs.
Note that most (albeit not quite all) students will have finished their MSc before starting a PhD; and in many cases the students are effectively evaluated based on how well they dud during their masters year and MSc project,.
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Related to What do I learn in a PhD in Physics (UK)?

What do I learn in a PhD in Physics (UK)?

A PhD in Physics in the UK is a research-based degree program that allows students to specialize in a specific area of physics while also gaining a broad understanding of the field. Here are five frequently asked questions about what you can expect to learn in a PhD in Physics in the UK.

1. What are the core courses in a PhD in Physics?

The exact courses you will take in a PhD program will vary depending on your specific research area and university. However, most programs will include core courses in advanced mathematics, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. These courses will provide you with a strong foundation in the fundamental principles of physics.

2. Can I choose my own research topic?

Yes, one of the key components of a PhD in Physics is conducting original research. You will work closely with your supervisor to develop a research topic that aligns with your interests and the university's research priorities. This research will form the basis of your thesis, which is a major requirement for completing your PhD.

3. How long does it take to complete a PhD in Physics?

The length of time it takes to complete a PhD in Physics can vary depending on your research topic and the amount of time you dedicate to your studies. On average, it takes around 4-5 years to complete a PhD in the UK. However, some students may finish earlier if they have a clear research plan and make good progress on their thesis.

4. What skills will I develop during a PhD in Physics?

In addition to gaining a deep understanding of physics, a PhD program will also help you develop a range of transferable skills. These include critical thinking, problem-solving, data analysis, and communication skills. You will also have the opportunity to develop technical skills in areas such as programming, laboratory techniques, and data visualization.

5. What career opportunities are available with a PhD in Physics?

A PhD in Physics opens up a wide range of career opportunities in both academia and industry. Many graduates go on to become postdoctoral researchers, professors, or research scientists in universities or research institutions. Others may pursue careers in industries such as aerospace, technology, energy, or finance. The skills and knowledge gained during a PhD in Physics are highly valued in a variety of fields.

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