What are the parameters that are the same in CMB data for multiple models?

In summary, the CMB data can tightly constrain certain parameters such as the matter densities and the distance to the surface of last scattering, but there is no such thing as a model-independent parameter. The Hubble parameter and dark energy density are not well-constrained, and the spectral index and its tilt may be more model-dependent. The geometrical degeneracy can potentially be broken for small scale perturbations, but it is difficult to accurately measure due to systematic errors. It may be possible to use the angular size of the sound horizon, θMC, as a model-independent parameter instead of θ_*. However, using Planck values for calculating θ_* can lead to incorrect results, as seen in the provided code example.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
In cosmology, CMB tells a lot about which cosmological model can be acceptable or not. For instance we know that, whatever the cosmological model we use ##\theta_*## parameter will be always the same. Is there any other parameters that is listed in this picture is **model-independent** ?(i.e always stays the same for any given model)


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  • #2
There's not really any such thing as a model-independent parameter, unfortunately. The parameters make up the model.

I think what you're asking can be more correctly rephrased as, "Which parameters are constrained tightly by the CMB data, and don't change much based upon model assumptions?" I think the main ones there are the matter densities (##\Omega_b h^2##, ##\Omega_c h^2##, ##\Omega_m h^2##) and the distance to the surface of last scattering (##r_*##).

That's not quite the right chart to understand this, however. The columns are not different models, but different sets of data.
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  • #3
kimbyd said:
I think what you're asking can be more correctly rephrased as, "Which parameters are constrained tightly by the CMB data, and don't change much based upon model assumptions?"
Yes that was my point.
kimbyd said:
I think the main ones there are the matter densities (Ωbh2, Ωch2, Ωmh2) and the distance to the surface of last scattering (r∗).
Well that make sense I guess. Do you know more ? or that's is just it
kimbyd said:
That's not quite the right chart to understand this, however. The columns are not different models, but different sets of data.
Yes indeed.
  • #4
Arman777 said:
Well that make sense I guess. Do you know more ? or that's is just it
The redshift at last scattering for sure. Curvature is only tightly-constrained if the CMB data is combined with nearby data. The Hubble parameter has that unsolved tension which makes its value uncertain, which also means the density fractions aren't very well-constrained. This means that the dark energy density is not well-constrained, even if we assume a cosmological constant.

The optical distance to the surface of last scattering (##\tau##) I'm not sure about. It does rely largely upon polarization data which is notoriously difficult to manage systematic errors for, both because the foregrounds are brighter relative to the CMB and because Planck's polarimeters are an older design that doesn't control systematics as well as more current technologies. So I'm a little suspicious of it, but my suspicions may be unwarranted.

I suppose the power spectrum amplitude ##A_s## must be very tightly-constrained. So is ##\theta_{MC}## (the angular size of the sound horizon).

The spectral index and its tilt are likely much more model-dependent.
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  • #5
kimbyd said:
The redshift at last scattering for sure
You mean ##z_*## ?
kimbyd said:
Curvature is only tightly-constrained if the CMB data is combined with nearby data. The Hubble parameter has that unsolved tension which makes its value uncertain, which also means the density fractions aren't very well-constrained. This means that the dark energy density is not well-constrained, even if we assume a cosmological constant.
I understand that from the CMB data we can tightly constrain ##\theta_* \equiv \frac{r_*}{D_A(z_*)}##. And every cosmological model must approximatley give the same value.
Meanwhile, when we are trying to obtain ##\theta_*## we need some parameters such as

$$h, \omega_m, \omega_r, \omega_{DE}, \omega_k$$

In the CMB data we are fixing ##\omega_m## and ##\omega_r## as you said in your earlier post. So we are left with

$$h, \omega_{DE}, \omega_k$$

In general we are assuming a flat universe and ##\omega_k## becomes ##0##. This is also called geometrical degeneracy where ##\omega_k## is degenerate with ##\omega_{DE}## (See Fig 1. of this article [astro-ph/9807103] Cosmic Confusion: Degeneracies among Cosmological Parameters Derived from Measurements of Microwave Background Anisotropies (arxiv.org) )

But I understand that for small scale perturbation (##l \approx 10## this degeneracy can be broken ? Could you look at the section 3.3 and explain what does Eq. 12 means ? Does that article shows that the degeneracy can be broken my considering "something" into account ?

In my opinion, in Eqn. 10(a) He is defining those values for a fictitious model. To sum up my problem is something like this; Does Eq. 12 can help to break the geometrical degeneracy for any type of given model ?

kimbyd said:
So is θMC (the angular size of the sound horizon).
I am doing a cosmological analysis and I am using ##\theta_*## as the model independent parameter. Should I use ##\theta_{MC}## instead of ##\theta_*## ?
  • #6
I have also another question. I created a python code to calculate the ##\theta_*## by using ##r_*## and ##D_A(z_*)##. When I use the Planck values such as TT,TE,EE+lowE+lensing. I am getting weird results.

For instance for these parameters

c = 299792.458
N_eff = 3.046
w_b = 0.02237
w_r = 2.469 * 10**(-5) * (1 + (7/8)*(4/11)**(4/3) * N_eff)
w_m = 0.1430
h0 = 0.6736

I am getting these results

z_*:  1091.9068900826396
D_A(z_*):  13870.09921075586
r_*: 150.31680242574282
theta_*: 0.01083747

Here is my code

from numpy import sqrt, infty
from scipy import integrate

########## Our data analaysis for the LCDM model #########
c = 299792.458
N_eff = 3.046
w_b = 0.02237
w_r = 2.469 * 10**(-5) * (1 + (7/8)*(4/11)**(4/3) * N_eff)
w_m = 0.1430
h0 = 0.6736

g1 = (0.0783 * w_b**(-0.238)) / (1 + 39.5 * w_b**(0.763))
g2 = 0.560 / (1 + 21.1 * w_b **(1.81))
z_rec = 1048 * (1 + 0.00124 * w_b**(-0.738)) * (1 + g1 * w_m**g2)

def r_zrec_finder(h):
    def r_zrec(z):
        c_s = c / sqrt(3 + (9/4) * (w_b/w_r) * (1 / (1+z)))
        return (c_s/100) / sqrt(w_m * (1+z)**3 + w_r * (1+z)**4 + (h**2 - w_m - w_r))
    result, error = integrate.quad(r_zrec, z_rec, infty)
    return resultdef D_zrec_finder(h):
    def D_zrec(z):
        return (c/100) / sqrt(w_m * (1+z)**3 + w_r * (1+z)**4 + (h**2 - w_m - w_r))
    result, error = integrate.quad(D_zrec, 0, z_rec)
    return resultD_zrec1 = D_zrec_finder(h0)
r_zrec1 = r_zrec_finder(h0)theta = r_zrec1 / D_zrec1print("z_*: ", z_rec)
print("D_A(z_*): ", D_zrec1)
print("r_*:", r_zrec1)
print("theta_*:", round(theta, 8))
Here the main problem is even I am using the Planck values and I should obtain ##r_* = 144.43 Mpc##but I am gettting ##r_* = 150 Mpc## I know that my equations are correct but I cannot see where is the problem.

Can you think of any reason why doing numeric calculations to find ##r_*## gives so wrong results ?

The same is true for ##z_*## the Planck result is ##\approx 1089## but I am getting ##\approx 1091## Which I am using one of the most well known approximations by used in arXiv:astro-ph/9510117v2 19 Apr 1996 Eq. E-1

Well the Planck uses complex data analysis etc but then how can I compare a fictitious model by with LCDM by using the Planck data ? Do I obligated to use complex data analysis "stuff".
  • #7
Arman777 said:
You mean ##z_*## ?

Arman777 said:
In general we are assuming a flat universe and ##\omega_k## becomes ##0##. This is also called geometrical degeneracy where ##\omega_k## is degenerate with ##\omega_{DE}## (See Fig 1. of this article [astro-ph/9807103] Cosmic Confusion: Degeneracies among Cosmological Parameters Derived from Measurements of Microwave Background Anisotropies (arxiv.org) )
It's fairly close to degenerate, but not exactly. And you can break that degeneracy very effectively by combining it with nearby data.

The bigger problem, in my view, is ##H_0##, which also interacts with these parameters, and has some currently unknown issues.

Arman777 said:
But I understand that for small scale perturbation (##l \approx 10## this degeneracy can be broken ? Could you look at the section 3.3 and explain what does Eq. 12 means ? Does that article shows that the degeneracy can be broken my considering "something" into account ?
Without looking at it, at large angular scales (low=##\ell##) dark energy is detectable via the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect. Small-scale perturbations average out, because there are many more along the line of sight. Large-scale perturbations tend to result in an amplification of the power spectrum.

Arman777 said:
In my opinion, in Eqn. 10(a) He is defining those values for a fictitious model. To sum up my problem is something like this; Does Eq. 12 can help to break the geometrical degeneracy for any type of given model ?
It's pretty late here, so hopefully I'll remember to come back to this in the morning. But if it's the ISW Effect, then I guess it depends upon what you mean by "model". Certainly the ISW effect depends upon the large-scale distribution of matter, and in particular how large-scale gravitational potentials evolve over time.

Arman777 said:
I am doing a cosmological analysis and I am using ##\theta_*## as the model independent parameter. Should I use ##\theta_{MC}## instead of ##\theta_*## ?
I don't know that it matters too much.
  • #8
kimbyd said:
And you can break that degeneracy very effectively by combining it with nearby data.
But if we don't combine it with another data, can we break the degeneracy ?
kimbyd said:
The bigger problem, in my view, is H0, which also interacts with these parameters, and has some currently unknown issues.
That is indeed a problem, but for now there is not much to do with it..
kimbyd said:
But if it's the ISW Effect,
Yes its the ISW effect.
kimbyd said:
I don't know that it matters too much.
  • #9
Arman777 said:
But if we don't combine it with another data, can we break the degeneracy ?
Not really, no. The problem is that these parameters don't affect the physics that produced the CMB very much. Their primary effect is in impacting how the image of the CMB appears today relative to when it was emitted. The CMB can only tightly-constrain things that are a result of physics before and during the emission of the CMB.

Related to What are the parameters that are the same in CMB data for multiple models?

1. What is CMB data and how is it used in scientific research?

CMB, or Cosmic Microwave Background, is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang that permeates the entire universe. It is used in scientific research to study the early universe, the formation of galaxies, and the properties of dark matter and dark energy.

2. What are the parameters that are the same in CMB data for multiple models?

The parameters that are commonly used in CMB data for multiple models include the age of the universe, the density of matter and energy, the expansion rate of the universe, and the amplitude of primordial fluctuations.

3. How do scientists determine the parameters from CMB data?

Scientists use sophisticated mathematical models and computer simulations to analyze CMB data and extract the parameters. This involves comparing the observed CMB data to predicted patterns based on different sets of parameters.

4. Why is it important to have consistent parameters in CMB data for multiple models?

Having consistent parameters in CMB data for multiple models allows scientists to test the validity of different cosmological theories and gain a better understanding of the fundamental properties of our universe. It also helps to ensure the accuracy of future predictions and observations.

5. Are there any discrepancies in the parameters from different CMB data sets?

Yes, there can be slight discrepancies in the parameters from different CMB data sets due to variations in data collection and analysis techniques. However, these discrepancies are usually within a small margin of error and do not significantly affect the overall understanding of the universe.

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