What are the elements of Lie algebra in the case of a single generator?

In summary: The Lie algebra elements are the generators of the Lie group, i.e. the elements that generate the group via exponentiation. In your case, the group of translation in one dimension, the only generator is ##\hat{p}##. The other elements ##\hat{x}, 0, 1## are not part of the Lie algebra, but they are related to the group and its generator in other ways, such as through the commutation relations.
  • #1
Elements of Lie algebra are generators. So for example Pauli matrices are generators of rotation and the elements of Lie algebra. And multiplication in Lie algebra is commutator. Right?

What about if there is only one generator. As in case in rotation in plane. What is Lie algebra product in that case?
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  • #2
I don't understand, elements of Lie Algebra are generators of what? And the " multiplication" , meaning the binary operation associated is the bracket. In some cases, if the Lie group is a matrix lie group, then the bracket is given by XY-YX : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie_algebra#Generators_and_dimension . I am not an expert in the area, but I don't think the bracket is always of the form [X,Y]=XY-YX .
  • #3
LagrangeEuler said:
Elements of Lie algebra are generators. So for example Pauli matrices are generators of rotation and the elements of Lie algebra. And multiplication in Lie algebra is commutator. Right?

What about if there is only one generator. As in case in rotation in plane. What is Lie algebra product in that case?
In that case you get a one-dimensional Lie Algebra L = F*X which is abelian: [cX,dX] = 0 (c,d constants of the underlying field F, X your generator). By the way: elements of a Lie Algebra are firstly vectors. Calling them generators implies a lot of theory in between.
  • #4
WWGD said:
I am not an expert in the area, but I don't think the bracket is always of the form [X,Y]=XY-YX .
Correct. In physics however, Lie algebras usually arise from transformations / symmetries and you'll therefore have a natural ordinary multiplication.

EDIT: In case Lie Groups as analytic manifolds are the origin (left invariant vector fields), you get the above bracket multiplication by considering the group multiplication.
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  • #5
WWGD said:
I don't understand, elements of Lie Algebra are generators of what? And the " multiplication" , meaning the binary operation associated is the bracket. In some cases, if the Lie group is a matrix lie group, then the bracket is given by XY-YX : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie_algebra#Generators_and_dimension . I am not an expert in the area, but I don't think the bracket is always of the form [X,Y]=XY-YX .
It depends on the group. Lie algebra elements could be generators of translations or generator of rotation... It is very important in physics that for infinite number of elements one has finite number of generators.
[tex]exp(i\theta generator)=group \quad element[/tex]
where ##\theta## is continuous parameter.
  • #6
fresh_42 said:
In that case you get a one-dimensional Lie Algebra L = F*X which is abelian: [cX,dX] = 0 (c,d constants of the underlying field F, X your generator). By the way: elements of a Lie Algebra are firstly vectors. Calling them generators implies a lot of theory in between.

Thanks. And for example in case of translation in 3d generators are impulse operators ##\hat{p}_x, \hat{p}_y,\hat{p}_z## and in quantum mechanics those operators commute. So I also can tell that this is Abelian Lie algebra? Right?
  • #7
LagrangeEuler said:
Thanks. And for example in case of translation in 3d generators are impulse operators ##\hat{p}_x, \hat{p}_y,\hat{p}_z## and in quantum mechanics those operators commute. So I also can tell that this is Abelian Lie algebra? Right?
Commuting operators as elements of Lie algebras is equivalent to the Lie algebra multiplication being zero. The Lie algebra itself is only abelian if all elements commute, i.e. if you don't embed it elsewhere, e.g. considering extensions.

EDIT: For example: Heisenberg and Poincaré algebras are neither abelian nor semisimple.

EDIT2: The impulse operators commute with each other but not with the position operators!
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  • #8
fresh_42 said:
EDIT2: The impulse operators commute with each other but not with the position operators!

This is interesting. Element of group of translation in one dimension ##T(x)=e^{ix\hat{p}}##. Generator of translation is ##\hat{p}=-i\frac{d}{dx}##. Now I am confused. Is ##x## also part of Lie algebra. As far as I understand this is not case.
  • #9
LagrangeEuler said:
This is interesting. Element of group of translation in one dimension ##T(x)=e^{ix\hat{p}}##. Generator of translation is ##\hat{p}=-i\frac{d}{dx}##. Now I am confused. Is ##x## also part of Lie algebra. As far as I understand this is not case.
The rules are ##[\hat{x_i},\hat{x_j}] = 0 = [\hat{p_i},\hat{p_j}] ## for ## i,j = 1,2,3 ## but ##[\hat{x_i},\hat{p_j}] = i ħ δ_{ij}##.
So the position operators by themselves as well as the impulse operators by themselves define each a three-dimensional abelian Lie algebra.
If you consider the linear span of all six you don't have a Lie algebra anymore, since ## iħ \cdot I = [\hat{x_i},\hat{p_i}] ## is missing.
If you add ##I##, e.g. to the position operators, and build the linear spans ## P = span \{I,\hat{x_i}| i=1,2,3\} ## and ##S = span\{\hat{p_i}| i =1,2,3\}## then you get a 7-dimensional Lie algebra which is a semi-direct product of abelian subalgebras ##P## and ##S##, ##P## being an ideal, and ##span \{I\}## its center.
Guess it's a Heisenberg algebra.
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  • #10
fresh_42 said:
The rules are ##[\hat{x_i},\hat{x_j}] = 0 = [\hat{p_i},\hat{p_j}] ## for ## i,j = 1,2,3 ## but ##[\hat{x_i},\hat{p_j}] = i ħ δ_{ij}##.
So the position operators by themselves as well as the impulse operators by themselves define each a three-dimensional abelian Lie algebra.
If you consider the linear span of all six you don't have a Lie algebra anymore, since ## iħ \cdot I = [\hat{x_i},\hat{p_i}] ## is missing.
If you add ##I##, e.g. to the position operators, and build the linear spans ## P = span \{I,\hat{x_i}| i=1,2,3\} ## and ##S = span\{\hat{p_i}| i =1,2,3\}## then you get a 7-dimensional Lie algebra which is a semi-direct product of abelian subalgebras ##P## and ##S##, ##P## being an ideal, and ##span \{I\}## its center.
Guess it's a Heisenberg algebra.

Ok. If I understand you well Lie algebra, as a Lie group needs to have closure property. My question is. I have group of translation in one dimension. I want to now what are Lie algebra elements in that case? ##\hat{p}## and ##0##? Or ##\hat{p}##, ##\hat{x}##, ##0##, ##1##. For given Lie group, Lie algebra is unique?
  • #11
LagrangeEuler said:
Ok. If I understand you well Lie algebra, as a Lie group needs to have closure property. My question is. I have group of translation in one dimension. I want to now what are Lie algebra elements in that case? ##\hat{p}## and ##0##? Or ##\hat{p}##, ##\hat{x}##, ##0##, ##1##. For given Lie group, Lie algebra is unique?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. For (strong) simplicity: given a Lie group (curved) you can consider it's Lie algebra (flat) as its tangent space at 1. The connection between both is how this varies when you consider other points of the group and its effect on the tangent vectors.
If you have only one generator, the translation, then things become easy. Let's say ##G=(ℝ,+)##. Then the Lie algebra ##g## of ##G## is also one dimensional (and therefore abelian) and generated by the vector field ##D = \frac{d}{dt}##, i.e. for ##τ ∈ ℝ## you have ##D_τ = \frac{d}{dt}|_{t=τ}## as tangent vector at the point ##τ ∈ G##.
Yes, the Lie algebra of a Lie Group is unique. (The details however are a bit more complicated.)
  • #12
LagrangeEuler said:
I want to now what are Lie algebra elements in that case? ##\hat{p}## and ##0##? Or ##\hat{p}##, ##\hat{x}##, ##0##, ##1##. For given Lie group, Lie algebra is unique?
[itex]X = ix\hat{p}[/itex] and [itex]0[/itex].
Regarded as real vector space, the element [itex]A[/itex] of a n-dimentional Lie algebra can be expanded in a basis (generators) [itex]X_{i}[/itex]
[tex]A = \alpha^{i}X_{i}[/tex]
where [itex]\alpha^{i}[/itex] are a set of n real parameters (local coordinates on the group manifold). So in the case of [itex]e^{ix\hat{p}}[/itex], [itex]x[/itex] is the real parameter and [itex]i\hat{p}[/itex] is the generator.

Related to What are the elements of Lie algebra in the case of a single generator?

1. What is a Lie algebra?

A Lie algebra is a mathematical structure that studies the properties and behavior of vector fields on a manifold. It is a vector space equipped with a bracket operation, which represents the commutator of vector fields. Lie algebras are important in many areas of mathematics and physics, including differential geometry, representation theory, and quantum mechanics.

2. What are the elements of a Lie algebra?

The elements of a Lie algebra are the vector fields, or operators, that generate transformations on a manifold. These elements are typically denoted by capital letters such as X, Y, Z, and are usually represented as matrices or differential operators.

3. How are Lie algebras related to Lie groups?

Lie algebras and Lie groups are closely related mathematical objects. A Lie algebra is the tangent space of a Lie group at the identity element, and the group operations on the Lie group induce a bracket operation on the Lie algebra. Conversely, given a Lie algebra, we can construct a corresponding Lie group by exponentiating the elements of the algebra.

4. What is the significance of the bracket operation in Lie algebras?

The bracket operation in Lie algebras represents the commutator of vector fields. It encodes the infinitesimal behavior of transformations on a manifold and captures the algebraic structure of the Lie group. The properties of the bracket operation are essential for understanding the structure and dynamics of Lie algebras and their applications.

5. What are some applications of Lie algebras?

Lie algebras have numerous applications in mathematics and physics. In mathematics, they are used to study the geometry and topology of manifolds, and in particular, the symmetries and transformations of these spaces. In physics, Lie algebras are fundamental in the study of symmetries and conservation laws in physical systems, such as in classical mechanics and quantum field theory.

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