What are some unique Physics experiment ideas?

In summary: Anyways, how about a little ? I'm no expert on any of this kind of stuff, believe me. One of the heavy physics dudes can tune you in a lot more. I never finished high school, so all of my knowledge is unofficially absorbed. Basically, a magnetohydrodynamic generator is a honkin' huge Tiger torch blowing through a coil. In practise, a turbojet engine is most often the blast source. Since a large percentage of the particulate matter in a flame has some appreciable electromagnetic properties, the extremely high temperatures and pressures produced can cause powerful electric fields to form. These fields can be used to generate electricity, or to suspend a body in mid
  • #1
Hey everyone, I'm a grade 11 high school student taking Physics and I'm having no trouble whatsoever :).

For our final end of the year project, we are expected to come up with a physics lab/experiment that has to relate to either motion,light,sound, waves, energy, electricity or magnetics or a mix of any.

The top labs/experiments will be sent to Montreal, Canada for a physics expo.

I really want to get in however I need a really cool and interesting experiment to do. If you guys can provide me with ideas of some very cool experiments that are really original it would be great.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I just found the science fair project ideas post however the ideas I am looking for need to be as original as possible... something that no one has ever done!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Use a magentic field produced by a current in a vertical solenoid to levitate a frog...Bascially the solenoids upward magnetic force on the frog balances the downward gravitational force on the frog. Very Hard to do but I have seen it done and great eye catcher
  • #3
In a relatively small transparent container mix up a saturated solution of sugar. Let is set quietly for a while. Then direct a laser beam (a pointer will do fine) into the solution parallel to the surface about a cm from the bottom. (you may need to add a drop of milk to see the beam, but do not stir. Observe.

If all is good, you will see the beam bend toward the bottom of the container, then reflect off the bottom toward the surface, in a mirror image of the entry path, the beam will bend back to a path parallel to the surface and exit the container.

This is due to the fact that the index of refraction of the solution is determined by the concentration of sugar. The sugar will settle so the concentration will be highest at the bottom and decrease toward the surface.

You may need to play (raise/lower) with the entry point to get the beam path described.

This is the same phenomena which creates road mirages.
  • #4
bertholf07 said:
Use a magentic field produced by a current in a vertical solenoid to levitate a frog...Bascially the solenoids upward magnetic force on the frog balances the downward gravitational force on the frog. Very Hard to do but I have seen it done and great eye catcher
Isn't this just because the cells in a frog are diamagnetic?
  • #5
When a frog is place in the diverging magnetic field near the top end of a vertical current-carrying solenoid, every atom in the frog is repelled upward, away from the region of stronger magnetic field at the end of the solenoid. The frogn moved upward into weaker and weaker magentic field until the upward magnetic force balanced the gravitational force on it, and there it would hang in the midair. Basically if you built a solenoid that was large enough you would leviatate a person in midair owing to the person's diamagnetism...
  • #6
Artermis said:
Isn't this just because the cells in a frog are diamagnetic?
Your profile says 'male', and you have an avatar like that? You don't live on Davie St., do you?
Anyways, how about a little magnetohydrodynamic generator? It wouldn't have to actually produce any electricity, as long as you had the right stuff in the right places to demonstrate the principles. If all else fails, at least you get to play with fire. :biggrin:
  • #7
WOW you guys are great, amazing ideas and so fast! :smile:

bertholf07 would this do any harm to the frog?
  • #8
No the frog would be completely comfortable just like floating on water
  • #9
bijanv said:
bertholf07 would this do any harm to the frog?
Not as much as the firecrackers that I used to levitate them with...
  • #10
Danger, want to explain what your magnetohydrodynamic generator is and does? I'd like to learn a bit more about it, seems very interesting.
  • #11
magnetohydrodynamic generator

bijanv said:
Danger, want to explain what your is and does? I'd like to learn a bit more about it, seems very interesting.

I have an idea, .. ...it's a sponge. It acts like a magnet when picking up spilled water. Or maybe it's Bounty paper towels.
  • #12
bijanv said:
Danger, want to explain what your magnetohydrodynamic generator is and does? I'd like to learn a bit more about it, seems very interesting.
I'm no expert on any of this kind of stuff, believe me. One of the heavy physics dudes can tune you in a lot more. I never finished high school, so all of my knowledge is unofficially absorbed. Basically, a magnetohydrodynamic generator is a honkin' huge Tiger torch blowing through a coil. In practise, a turbojet engine is most often the blast source. Since a large percentage of the particulate matter in a flame has some appreciable electromagnetic properties, the extremely fast-moving stream thereof passing through a multi-coil solenoid induces a current. Although it doesn't sound like it from my description, they're very efficient. I was thinking that for a school project, a propane torch or similar could be used in place of the fanjet. Since that's a clean-burning fuel with few metallic particulates, you probably wouldn't achieve any sort of measurable electricity.

edit: I just popped into your profile section to check you out, and I see that this is your first day with us in the asylum. WELCOME ABOARD! :biggrin:
I've only been here a bit over a month myself, but it's home now. :wink:
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  • #13
Going back to the diamagnetic talking...

Can someone tell me how much force a magnet would need to have to lift a frog or something with about that much mass?
  • #14
The frog demonstration actually requires a pretty fiendishly big and powerful electromagnet. I don't think your College / School would have enough copper wire, iron or the electrical supply to power it ---- unfortunately.
  • #15
I heard that graphite works as well (I think it was graphite), would a small piece of wood work well?
  • #16
How much power would it take to levitate a worm? A small one...
  • #17
I think if you come up with a new idea that could lead to a research project and a new invention it will get you to Montreal, Canada for a physics expo.

I think there are still lots if things to be learned. I have an idea I have been thinking about for years. If you build a magnet pulse generator you can recharge a magnet. Magnets have a half life of about 2 seconds sort of like urainum has a half life too but its about 100 years. You take a magnet that has a magnetic attraction of let's say...about 1 lb for example. If you pulse it with a magnetic pulse generator it will store all that energy like a super powerful battery the magnetisum of that 1/2 lb magnet is now 300 lbs or more but remember magnets have a half life of about 2 seconds. After 2 second 300 lb drops to 150 lbs. 2 more seconds it drops to 75 lbs. Then it drops to 37, then 19, then 9, then 4.5, and soon the magnet is back to 1/2 lb of magnet force like it was originally. I think there is something to be learned here. What can you do with this? Is is possible to build a perment magnet generator with a built in magnet pulse generator to super charge the magnets to 100 times their original power to produce a super charged generator. What about the magnet flux of the generator windings can they pick up all this extra power from the super charged magnets. If so then it should be possible to reduce the size of existing generators down to maybe 100 times smaller and still generate the same power as before. Science projects do not always require you to build the real thing you put your theory on paper, drawings, photos, models, formulas, etc. so other people understand your idea. What they really look for are people with creative minds.
  • #18
ObsoleteBacon said:
How much power would it take to levitate a worm? A small one...

The kind of machines scientists use could take the same amount of energy your school consumes in a year, so in short... a lot.
  • #19
hmmm I know that there is a small type of graphite that works well, any other resource?
  • #20
This thread is 6 years old, and Obsolete Bacon, you already have a thread on this topic.

Related to What are some unique Physics experiment ideas?

1. What is a physics experiment?

A physics experiment is a controlled procedure designed to test a hypothesis or observe a natural phenomenon in order to gain a better understanding of the principles and laws of physics. It involves manipulating variables, making observations, and collecting data to draw conclusions.

2. How do I come up with ideas for a physics experiment?

One way to come up with ideas for a physics experiment is to explore topics that interest you or that you are curious about. You can also read scientific articles and journals to find inspiration, or talk to your peers and teachers for suggestions. Additionally, performing simple experiments and observing everyday phenomena can spark ideas for more complex experiments.

3. What are some examples of physics experiment ideas?

Some examples of physics experiment ideas include testing the laws of motion by building a homemade roller coaster, investigating the properties of light by creating a prism spectroscope, or exploring the effects of air resistance by designing a parachute. Other ideas could involve studying the physics of electricity and magnetism, sound, or heat and energy.

4. How do I design a physics experiment?

To design a physics experiment, you first need to identify a question or hypothesis that you want to test. Then, determine the variables that you will manipulate and measure, and decide on the appropriate materials and equipment needed. Next, create a step-by-step procedure to follow, making sure to include safety precautions. Finally, collect and analyze your data to draw conclusions about your hypothesis.

5. Are there any safety considerations when conducting a physics experiment?

Yes, there are safety considerations that should be taken into account when conducting a physics experiment. It is important to always follow safety guidelines and use proper protective equipment when working with potentially hazardous materials or equipment. Additionally, it is important to have adult supervision when conducting experiments that involve electricity, heat, or chemicals. If in doubt, consult a teacher or mentor for assistance.

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