What are some online resources for self-study in Physics, Chemistry, and Math?

  • Studying
  • Thread starter MarcoR17
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In summary: I get A's in almost everything I do, its just that I don't like feeling the pressure of getting a high grade and I really don't like having to study for tests, I would rather just learn by doing and I guess thats why I'm really good at programming and technology.In summary, this person has high ambitions to go to university and wants help with studying so they don't feel the pressure of grades and tests. They are also good at programming and technology.
  • #1
Hello, sorry if fhis is not the correct place to ask this but I'm just new to this forum and still getting used to it.
I joined this forum because I wanted to learn, in my opinion I am a smart person, I used to have high classifications on school without studying that much but now I'm on the high school and things are really hard cause I'm on the hardest course on high school (on my country).
My problem is that with this amount of tests I don't have enough time to study as much as I would like for Phisics/Chemistry(one single subject in my course) and Math.
But the fact is that I understand everything on Math, teacher is trying to teach us and I always predict what will happen correctly, my teacher is actually really cool, I speak with her about programming and stuff sometimes, and that is where I am good, computers, technology, programming, image/video editing, the part I most like is programming due to the creativity but ots also the hardest and it requires time, I learned java, I began to learn lua and I want to learn c++ after but I don't have time.
I also am really lazy about studying so I thought a great way for me to practice and not getting bored was doing so through exercises on the internet or program or any virtual platform where I could learn and practice exercises for Math, Chemistry and Phisics, but I would also like to review everything about this subjecta cause when I was on 5th/6th grade I was lazy and careless about school (young age mistakes that I regret) I would like a really nice course for any or all of these subjects.
And I would ask for sugestions for studying because I get out of school at 5pm, I get home by 6pm and I always end up going to bed at 1am just to wake up at 7am tired, go to school, can't focus on some subjects and the cycle repeats over and over again.
The problem is that I also enjoy to have some time for myself and I always end up unable to study enough, plus I am a really slow writer so its hard for me to finish the tests.
Would like to hear your opinions, Thank you.
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  • #2
Your self-description has contradictory passages. You speak of being unable to focus on some subjects and being lazy about studying, yet you also express the ambition of doing exercises on the internet and staying up till 1 AM.

I suggest that you describe your situation in an organized manner. Describe what courses you take, how much time you spend studying them, and how well you are doing in the courses. Don't mix up these facts with your ambitions to do things. Describe your ambitions in a different paragraph.
  • #3
Stephen Tashi said:
Your self-description has contradictory passages. You speak of being unable to focus on some subjects and being lazy about studying, yet you also express the ambition of doing exercises on the internet and staying up till 1 AM.

I suggest that you describe your situation in an organized manner. Describe what courses you take, how much time you spend studying them, and how well you are doing in the courses. Don't mix up these facts with your ambitions to do things. Describe your ambitions in a different paragraph.
Sure, I'm sorry I was doing this on the web browser of my phone so it was kind of hard to do.

What I can say about myself is, when the subject and teacher interest me its easy for me to keep focus, in fact I don't have to try its just a thing that I will naturally do.
Yes I'm kind of lazy specially about studying, on high school I stopped complaining about studying but I feel like I am just doing it because I know its necessary and I am not getting the results I wanted, I would really like to have pleasure when I'm studying, one good thing about me is that I'm great at writing notes down, I only use key words and that's all I need to remember everything even though my memory is not the best.
One huge problem of mine is also the time that is why I stay up until 1AM almost everyday. And I keep working because I really want to go to university and the course I will attend requires an arithmetic mean of 16 or higher depending on the course, right now I have a 13/14 and I really am trying to change this but its hard, just like trying to change the tragectory of a bullet afrer it being shot you know what I mean?

About grades I can give a little information
Just notice I am from Portugal and the names are a direct translation and might be different on other countries

Course: Science and Technologies
Grade: 11th
Classifications in my school vary from 1 to 20

- Portuguese - Grade: 13/14 generally
- English - Grade: 18
- Gymnastics - Grade: 15
- Philosophy - Grade: 13
- Biology/Geology - Grade: 13/14
- Phisics/Chemistry A - Grade: 9
- Mathematics A - Grade: 7

About phisics/chemistry I just can't focus on the class, when I study I understand everything but if I pay attention I will understand too but the main problem are the formulas, I have difficulty to remember them

About math I am always paying attention, I understand everything, sometimes I ask something about the topic we are learning that we didnt talk about yet and many times I am right about what I say but on the tests every exercise seems weird or when I try to do it it leads me to a dead end, also I am really slow so I take a long time to do the test I always leave a few couple exercises because of that

I wanted to get high grades, 15s, 16s even 17s but it seems almost impossible

Also when I am trying to study I get distracted a lot, sometimes because my brother needs help with something, or because I want to put some music while I study but instead I keep looking at the videoclips, or all of a sudden I just remember an interesting project to do on pc and I do some pre research on google to see if there's anything nice for me to use or I write down my idea on the pc so I won't forget.

It is really annoying, I tried a studying technique called KaiZen first time didnt notice any difference, the following times: wasnt able to respect the rules of this method

The best way for me to learn is by watch video courses and reproducing what I see but change it so it was made by me and has a few more features, that's how I learned java, photoshop, illustrator, sony vegas, premiere,...

But for math I need practice
For phisics/chemistry i need to remember the names and the theory better and understand all those complex things and the units kind of mess me up on some cases

Sorry for the huge text but hope this information can help
  • #4
As has often been said on this forum, effective study of math and physics involves working practice problems - not merely having the impression that you understand the material. The test of whether you have a genuine understanding is whether you can work problems - at least the straightforward type of problem. So the best way for you to study is not to simply watch videos and repeat the presentation - even though that method might be comfortable for you.

If you are going to stay up half the night and be fatigued most of the day, at least schedule the times when you are wide awake to do practice problems. You can watch the video presentations when you are half-asleep.

A simple suggestion is try utilizing your interest in programming by writing programs to solve physics and math problems. This might also be genuine challenge to your programming skills if your usual approach is to take other people's code and modify it. A good programmer should know how to "start from scratch".

Sometimes the feeling that there is an overwhelming amount to remember comes from the fact that the logical relations among the things involved are not clear to you. In science and math, it is often possible to produce a great many facts from only a few statements. I don't what you actual situation is in this respect. If someone presents a formula, what do you regard as "understanding" the presentation - just seeing it involves certain variables and arithmetic operations? Or can you understand how the formula is derived from other formulae?

This is analgous to the difference between trying to memorize a list of words versus memorizing the same words presented as a song or poem.
  • #5
Yes, I completely agree with everything you said, about the programming its not really the problem, the thing is I learned java and I know about it just hadnt used it yes but that would be an interesting thing to use programming to solve math and phisics problems, actually i did a program once that it was used by me temporarilly, I was having an exercise about degrees where the exercise would give somethibg above 360 degrees so I had to know how many spins that angle would do and where would it stop for example if you had 380° degrees it would be 1 spin and 20° and I made a program to calculate this easily just by inserting the value, its not that I copy, in fact, I change pretty much everything but I understand what you meant
But this is exactly where I am lazy, at practising so I was wondering if there was any website where I could do practice through PC because it gets easier for me to not get tired or at least that's my bet, but if you have any suggestions for me not to get lazy and tired I will be pleased
  • #6
MarcoR17 said:
But this is exactly where I am lazy, at practising so I was wondering if there was any website where I could do practice through PC because it gets easier for me to not get tired or at least that's my bet,

Finding such a website depends on knowing the specifics of the course - math or physics? , what level of math or physics? - and what topics within the course?

I have not used such websites, but I could help you search for a specific site. Other forum members who teach various subjects may recommend some.

but if you have any suggestions for me not to get lazy and tired I will be pleased

Sometimes it is tired-ness that causes laziness. Sometimes lazyness causes tired-ness when lazyness causes you to waste time and be compelled to stay up late to accomplish the required work. I'd begin by analyzing which thing causes which other thing in your situation.
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Likes MarcoR17
  • #7
I use khan academy. I’ve used it for years it’s online and it’s free! It gives lots of practice and it has videos to explain the problem. If you still are having trouble with the practice questions it gives a full solution and how to do it. Here is a link to the website. https://www.khanacademy.org/
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Likes MarcoR17
  • #8
Stephen Tashi said:
Finding such a website depends on knowing the specifics of the course - math or physics? , what level of math or physics? - and what topics within the course?

I have not used such websites, but I could help you search for a specific site. Other forum members who teach various subjects may recommend some.
Sometimes it is tired-ness that causes laziness. Sometimes lazyness causes tired-ness when lazyness causes you to waste time and be compelled to stay up late to accomplish the required work. I'd begin by analyzing which thing causes which other thing in your situation.
Yeah I see, basically I am not really worried about what type of math/phisics/chemistry level I will learn because if I learn what I have already learned at school because it would be a revision of it, if I learn what I'm learning it will be a way of studying and if I were to learn things I haven't learned yet that would just give an advantage
  • #9
Fig Neutron said:
I use khan academy. I’ve used it for years it’s online and it’s free! It gives lots of practice and it has videos to explain the problem. If you still are having trouble with the practice questions it gives a full solution and how to do it. Here is a link to the website. https://www.khanacademy.org/
Thank you I will give it a try

Related to What are some online resources for self-study in Physics, Chemistry, and Math?

1. What is the difference between physics, chemistry, and math?

Physics is the study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other in the universe. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, and how it changes. Math is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes and their relationships.

2. How are physics, chemistry, and math related?

Physics and chemistry both use math as a tool to understand and explain the natural world. Physics relies heavily on mathematical equations to describe the behavior of matter and energy, while chemistry uses math to calculate chemical reactions and properties of substances.

3. What are some common applications of physics, chemistry, and math?

Physics has many applications in technology, such as electronics, optics, and mechanics. Chemistry is used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental science. Math is used in fields such as engineering, economics, and computer science.

4. What skills are needed to study physics, chemistry, and math?

To study physics, you need to have a strong understanding of math, critical thinking skills, and the ability to think abstractly. For chemistry, you need to have strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and an understanding of scientific principles. Math requires logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to think abstractly.

5. What are some common misconceptions about physics, chemistry, and math?

Some misconceptions about physics include that it is only for geniuses or that it only applies to the study of space and the universe. For chemistry, some common misconceptions include that it is just memorizing elements and equations or that it is not applicable in everyday life. Math is often seen as difficult or unimportant in daily life, when in reality it is used in many practical applications.

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