Velocity of a particle in a parallel plate, electric field problem

In summary, a particle with a mass of 2.0 x 10^-5 kg and a charge of +2.0 microColoumbs is released in a uniform horizontal electric field of 12 N/C. Using the equations F=qE=ma and x=xo+Vot+(1/2)at, the particle is found to travel a horizontal distance of 0.3 m in 5.0 seconds with a horizontal velocity of 0.8485 m/s. The charge on each plate is calculated to be 2.6556 x 10^-13 C using the formula Q=EA/(4(pi)k). However, since the electric field is horizontal, the electric force will act horizontally
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle with a mass of 2.0 x10^-5 kg and a charge of +2.0 microColoumbs is released in a (parallel plate) uniform horizontal electric field of 12 N/C

a) HOw far horizontally does the particle travel in 5.0 s?

b) What is the horizontal component of its velocity at that point?

c) If the plates are 5.0 cm on each side, how much charge is on each?

Homework Equations

I think I can use

a) F= qE = q(-Ey)
F= -qE= may
-qEy/m= ay but for x

b) x= xo + V0t + 1/2 at

V^2 = Vo^2 + 2a (x-xo)

c) E= 4(pi)kQ/ A => Q= EA/ 4(pi)k

The Attempt at a Solution

a) I assumed the above equation would be the same if applicable to x-axis, assuming the direction of the velocity is positive on the horizontal, I got

ax= qE/ m => a= (2.0 x10^-6) (12 ) / (2.0X10^-5) = 1.2 m/s^2

from that acceleration, I assumed, since the behaviour of the particle would be like a projectile motion since the electronegative field would attract the particle downward, the x-component of the velocity does not change, so v = vo then, I used the regular equation of kinematics to find x

x= xo + Vot + 1/2 at, since Vo and xo are assumed to be 0, I got

x= 0 + 0 + 1/2 (1.2 m/s^2) (0.5s)= 0.3 m

Am I doing and assuming the right thing??

b) Then I can get from the velocity equation Vx

V^2= Vo^2 + 2a (x-xo)
sqrt ((2 (1.2 m/s^2) (0.3 m)

=0.8485 m/s

c) According to the general formula, to get the charge on each plate would be

Q= EA/ 4(pi) k

Q= (12 N/C) ( 0.5 m)^2 / (4(pi) (8.99 x10^9)

= 2.6556x 10^ -13
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  • #2
Note that the question states that the electric field is horizontal. Therefore, the electric force will be acting horizontally and the weight of the charge will be acting vertically. Since the charge experiences a non-zero force in both the x and y directions, neither the x nor y component of the velocity will be constant.

Does that make sense?
  • #3

Therefore, the charge on each plate is 2.6556x 10^ -13 C.

Overall, your approach and calculations seem correct. However, there are a few things to consider and clarify:

1. In part a), you are correct in assuming that the particle will behave like a projectile in the x-direction. However, it is important to note that the acceleration in the x-direction is not due to the electric field itself, but rather the force exerted by the electric field on the charged particle. So, your equation should be F = ma = qE, where F is the force in the x-direction, m is the mass of the particle, and a is the acceleration in the x-direction. This will give you the correct value for a, which you can then use in your kinematics equation.

2. In part b), your approach and calculations are correct. However, it may be helpful to also include the direction of the velocity, as it will be important in determining the direction of the particle's motion.

3. In part c), your calculation for the charge on each plate is correct. However, it is important to note that this is the net charge on each plate, not the individual charge. In other words, both plates will have the same amount of charge, but with opposite signs (one positive and one negative). This is because the electric field is created by the difference in charge between the two plates. So, the charge on each plate will be half of the net charge you calculated, or 1.3278 x 10^-13 C.

Overall, your approach and calculations are correct and show a good understanding of the concepts involved in this problem. Keep up the good work!

Related to Velocity of a particle in a parallel plate, electric field problem

1. What is the equation for calculating the velocity of a particle in a parallel plate electric field?

The equation is v = E * d / m, where v is the velocity, E is the electric field strength, d is the distance between the plates, and m is the mass of the particle.

2. How does the direction of the electric field affect the velocity of the particle?

The direction of the electric field determines the direction of the force on the particle. If the electric field is parallel to the plates, the force will be perpendicular to the plates and will cause the particle to accelerate in a straight line. If the electric field is perpendicular to the plates, the force will be parallel to the plates and will cause the particle to accelerate along a curved path.

3. What happens to the velocity of the particle if the electric field strength is increased?

If the electric field strength is increased, the velocity of the particle will also increase. This is because the force on the particle is directly proportional to the electric field strength, so a stronger electric field will result in a greater acceleration and therefore a higher velocity.

4. Can the velocity of the particle ever be zero in a parallel plate electric field?

Yes, the velocity of the particle can be zero if the force on the particle is balanced by an equal and opposite force. This can occur if the particle has an initial velocity and is then subjected to an electric field that is equal and opposite to the initial velocity.

5. What factors can affect the velocity of the particle in a parallel plate electric field?

The velocity of the particle can be affected by the strength and direction of the electric field, the distance between the plates, and the mass of the particle. The initial velocity of the particle can also affect its final velocity. Additionally, external factors such as friction and air resistance may also play a role.

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