Use a tree diagram to calculate the probability

In summary: A vs B), or in the second round (A vs D or B vs C), or in the final round (A vs C or B vs B). This can be written as:P(A plays with B) = P(A and B) + P(A and D) + P(A and C) = p + p(1-p) + p^2 = 2p - p^2Moving on to part (b), for any n, we can follow a similar approach as above to calculate the probabilities of the events E ⊆ Ω. To answer the first question, the number of random events Ω kε
  • #1
Hi everybody! I have to solve this exercise.

We observe a tournament of 2 ^ n players, which consists of n rounds. In each round every 2 players play against each other and only the winner goes to the next round. At the beginning of each round random pairings are defined, all with the same probability.
Each player is assigned a number corresponding to its position in a ranking, ie if [2 ^ n] is the set of all participants, player i is worse than player j if i> j (1st place, 2nd place, ...)
The encounters of a round are played in the following order: of all remaining encounters to be played, the next encounter will count with the 2 worst players. In each of the encounters of 2 players the best of both always wins with a probability p∊(0.1) - regardless of all other ecounters of the tournament

(a) Is n = 2
Draw a tree diagram of the experiment above exposed calculating the probabilities depended on p where:
i) player 1 wins
If n = 2 then there are 2 ^ 2 = 4 players. I have to find all possible combinations between players A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 and D = 4 but considering that the round (A versus B) and (C versus D) ist the same as (B, A) and (C, D) or (C, D) and (A, B). So I concluded that there are only three possible events:
(A, B) and (C, D)
(A, C) and (B, D)
(A, D) and (B, C)
However, the statement says "The encounters of a round are played in the following order: of all remaining encounters to be played, the next encounter will count with the 2 worst players."
Does this mean then for n = 2 that the only possible case is ((A, B) and (C, D)) because the two worst are C and D because their corresponding ranking numbers are 3 and 4 respectively? If it is so, would be the tree like this?:
Therefore there would be two possible cases where A (Player 1) wins,:
A beats B and C beats D. Then A beats C
A beats B and D beats C. Then A beats D
The problem is that I do not know how to calculate the probabilities of these events.
Can someone help me? Conditional probability should be used?

ii) player 2 plays in the final round with player 2
iii) player 1 plays at some point with player 2

(b) Let n be any number
i) How many random events Ω kε (branches) have?
ii) Calculate the probabilities for the events E ⊆ Ω of (a) for any n

I'll be glad if somebody helps me =)
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  • #2

Hi there! I am happy to help you solve this exercise.

To answer your first question, yes, for n = 2, the only possible case is ((A, B) and (C, D)) because the two worst players, C and D, will always play against each other in the next round. Your tree diagram for n = 2 looks correct.

To calculate the probabilities of the events where A (Player 1) wins, we can use conditional probability. Let's define the following events:
- P(A) = probability that player 1 wins
- P(B) = probability that player 2 wins
- P(C) = probability that player 3 wins
- P(D) = probability that player 4 wins

Since we know that player 1 always beats player 2 with probability p, and player 3 always beats player 4 with probability p, we can say:
- P(A) = p
- P(C) = p

For the first event (A beats B and C beats D), we can use the product rule of probability to calculate the probability of both events happening:
P(A and C) = P(A) * P(C) = p * p = p^2

For the second event (A beats B and D beats C), we can also use the product rule:
P(A and D) = P(A) * P(D) = p * (1-p) = p(1-p)

Therefore, the total probability of player 1 (A) winning is:
P(A wins) = P(A and C) + P(A and D) = p^2 + p(1-p) = p^2 + p - p^2 = p

For the second question, to calculate the probability of player 2 playing in the final round with player 2, we can use the same approach as above. We know that player 2 always beats player 3 with probability p, so:
- P(B) = p
- P(C) = p

Using the product rule, the probability of player 2 (B) playing in the final round with player 2 is:
P(B and C) = P(B) * P(C) = p * p = p^2

For the third question, to calculate the probability of player 1 playing at some point with player 2, we can use the sum rule of probability. This means

Related to Use a tree diagram to calculate the probability

What is a tree diagram and how is it used to calculate probability?

A tree diagram is a visual representation of all possible outcomes of a probability experiment. It is used to calculate probability by showing the different pathways or branches that can occur and assigning probabilities to each branch.

How do you create a tree diagram for a probability experiment?

To create a tree diagram, start with a single branch representing the initial event. Then, for each possible outcome of that event, add a branch with the corresponding probability. Continue adding branches for each subsequent event until all possible outcomes are represented. The final probabilities can be calculated by multiplying the probabilities along each branch.

What is the difference between a simple tree diagram and a conditional tree diagram?

A simple tree diagram shows all possible outcomes of a probability experiment without considering any additional conditions. A conditional tree diagram, on the other hand, takes into account specific conditions that may affect the probabilities of certain outcomes.

How can a tree diagram help in understanding complex probability problems?

A tree diagram breaks down a complex probability problem into smaller, more manageable parts. By visually showing all possible outcomes and their corresponding probabilities, it allows for a better understanding of the problem and can help in making more accurate predictions.

Are there any limitations to using a tree diagram to calculate probability?

While a tree diagram can be helpful in solving many probability problems, it may not be applicable to all scenarios. For example, if the probability experiment has an infinite number of possible outcomes, a tree diagram may not be practical. Additionally, a tree diagram may not be able to account for all factors that may affect the outcome, leading to inaccurate results.

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