Unusual Seismic Activity in the Pacific NW US

In summary, scientists have recorded over 600 earthquakes in the last 10 days off the central Oregon coast, an area not known for high seismic activity. In other news, a small earthquake occurred in Ohio this morning, and a forum member discusses being stalked by earthquakes in different parts of the world. However, it is advised to open a new thread for further discussion.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
We have been rockin and rollin here in the NW.

ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2008) — Scientists at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center have recorded more than 600 earthquakes in the last 10 days off the central Oregon coast in an area not typically known for a high degree of seismic activity. [continued]
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
I'm in Ohio {near Cinci} and we had a small Earth quake this morning.

{enter this into your browsers address bar}
  • #3
I think I'm being stalked by earthquakes, I was in japan haiti and christchurch! So stop saying that the worlds going to end in 2012
  • #4
That's called coincidence Monty lover, and welcome to PF

But careful with posting. You posted in a two year old thread, the specialists here have a technical term for that: necroposting. The problem is that this way the members, browsing the forums, may get the impression that something is going on in Oregon right now :rolleyes:

Please open a new thread if you want to discuss stalking earthquakes :smile:
  • #5

Thank you for bringing this information to my attention. I am always interested in unusual natural phenomena. It is not uncommon for areas that are not typically known for high seismic activity to experience a sudden increase in earthquakes. This could be due to a number of factors, such as changes in the Earth's crust or shifts in tectonic plates. It is important to continue monitoring and studying this seismic activity to better understand its causes and potential impacts. Additionally, it is important for individuals living in the affected area to be prepared for potential earthquakes and follow any safety protocols recommended by local authorities.

Related to Unusual Seismic Activity in the Pacific NW US

What is causing the unusual seismic activity in the Pacific NW US?

The unusual seismic activity in the Pacific NW US is likely due to the movement of tectonic plates in the region. The Pacific Northwest is located in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. This creates a lot of stress and tension in the earth's crust, leading to earthquakes.

How dangerous is this unusual seismic activity?

The danger of the unusual seismic activity in the Pacific NW US depends on various factors, such as the magnitude of the earthquakes and the preparedness of the affected areas. While the region is known for having large earthquakes, building codes and emergency preparedness measures have improved significantly in recent years, reducing the potential impact of these events.

Are there any warning signs for these earthquakes?

Unfortunately, there are no clear warning signs for earthquakes. Some scientists study foreshocks, which are small earthquakes that can precede a larger one, but these are not always reliable indicators. It's essential to always be prepared for earthquakes, especially in areas with a history of seismic activity.

Can we predict when the next big earthquake will occur?

No, we cannot predict with certainty when the next big earthquake will occur. While scientists can forecast the likelihood of earthquakes in certain regions, the timing and magnitude are impossible to predict accurately. It's essential to have emergency plans in place and be prepared for earthquakes at all times.

How can we mitigate the effects of these earthquakes?

There are various ways to mitigate the effects of earthquakes. Building codes and regulations can help ensure that structures are designed to withstand seismic activity. Emergency preparedness plans and drills can also help communities be ready for earthquakes. Additionally, conducting research and monitoring seismic activity can provide valuable information for predicting and preparing for future earthquakes.

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