Understanding Viscous Stress Tensor in Incompressible Flow

In summary, the conversation discusses the equation for viscous stresses in a fluid, \tau_{ij}=2\mu\Big(s_{ij}-\frac{1}{3}s_{kk}\delta_{ij}\Big), and the claim that incompressible flow implies s_{kk}=0. The participants also clarify the definitions of s_{ij} as the rate of deformation tensor and s_{kk} as the divergence of the velocity vector, and explain how this relates to the continuity equation and the concept of incompressibility in fluids.
  • #1
member 428835
hey pf!

in reading a book on viscous stresses i found the following: [tex]\tau_{ij}=2\mu\Big(s_{ij}-\frac{1}{3}s_{kk}\delta_{ij}\Big)[/tex] where einstein summation is used. now we have [tex]s_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}\Big(\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j}+\frac{\partial u_j}{\partial x_i}\Big)[/tex] and then the claim is incompressible flow implies [itex]s_{kk}=0[/itex]. can someone explain why this is so?

im using standard notation, but if i need to clarify let me know.

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  • #2
Well, s_ij is the elastic stress tensor, isn't it?
The diagonal components (s_ii) describe the compression stress so if there is no compression...
The off diagonal components describe shear stress.
  • #3
for sure, but does incompressible flow imply zero compression? (i suppose here i am not thinking of my control volume as an infintesimal unit of fluid, but instead, perhaps a solid submerged). in this case, would the above work, or are we just talking about fluids as our control volume (in which case, i totally agree/understand what you're saying)?
  • #4
nasu said:
Well, s_ij is the elastic stress tensor, isn't it?

If the OP, ##s_{ij}## it is the elastic strain tensor.

##s_{kk}## is just the change in volume of a fluid element. Incompressible means the change in volume is zero, by definition.
  • #5
AlephZero said:
##s_{kk}## is just the change in volume of a fluid element.

are you sure? [itex]\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i}[/itex] represents change in velocity, [itex]u_i[/itex], with respect to a spatial dimension, [itex]x_i[/itex]. could you explain how this partial derivative is a volume change (i don't think the units add up), or are you referring to the vector (adopting einstein's summation notation), for which we'd have some sort of gradient [itex]\nabla \vec{u}[/itex], which still seems incorrect as a volume change.

let me know what you think

  • #6
oh, and yes on the strain, not stress (which you evidently already know)
  • #7
joshmccraney said:
hey pf!

in reading a book on viscous stresses i found the following: [tex]\tau_{ij}=2\mu\Big(s_{ij}-\frac{1}{3}s_{kk}\delta_{ij}\Big)[/tex] where einstein summation is used. now we have [tex]s_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}\Big(\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_j}+\frac{\partial u_j}{\partial x_i}\Big)[/tex] and then the claim is incompressible flow implies [itex]s_{kk}=0[/itex]. can someone explain why this is so?

im using standard notation, but if i need to clarify let me know.


sij is neither the elastic stress tensor nor the elastic strain tensor. For a viscous fluid, sij as used here is the rate of deformation tensor. The rate of deformation tensor is equal to the sum of the velocity gradient tensor and its transpose, divided by 2.

Now for skk using Einstein summation notation:
[tex]s_{kk}=\frac{1}{2}\Big(\frac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_k}+\frac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_k}\Big)=\frac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_k}[/tex]
This is just the divergence of the velocity vector, which is zero for an incompressible fluid.
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  • #8
joshmccraney said:
are you sure? [itex]\frac{\partial u_i}{\partial x_i}[/itex] represents change in velocity, [itex]u_i[/itex], with respect to a spatial dimension, [itex]x_i[/itex].

Ahhh... I'm a solid mechanics guy more than fluids, I assumed u was the displacement vector not the velocity vector. Sorry for any confusion.

But it comes to the same thing either way. Think about a rectangular block of material with dimensions ##X## by ##Y## by ##Z##.

The component ##\epsilon_{11}## of the strain tensor corresponds to a change in volume of the block from ##XYZ## to ##X(1+\epsilon_{11})YZ## and similarly for ##\epsilon_{22}## and ##\epsilon_{33}##.

Combining all three strains the volume changes from ##XYZ## to ##XYZ(1+\epsilon_{11})(1+\epsilon_{22})(1+\epsilon_{33})##. If the strains are small, we can ignore terms higher than first order, so the volume is approximately ##XYZ(1+\epsilon_{11} + \epsilon_{22} + \epsilon_{33})##.

The shear strains do not change the volume of the block, they only change its shape.

If the material is incompressible the volume doesn't change, so ##XYZ(1+\epsilon_{11} + \epsilon_{22} + \epsilon_{33}) = XYZ##, which means that ##\epsilon_{11} + \epsilon_{22} + \epsilon_{33} = 0##.

The argument is basically the same for the rate-of-strain tensor, except ##u_{11}##, ##u_{22}##, ##u_{33}## give the rate of change of the volume of the fluid element instead of the volume. For an incompressible fluid, the rate of change of the volume is zero.
  • #9
You can also look at it in terms of the continuity equation:
[tex]\dfrac{D\rho}{Dt} + \rho(\nabla \cdot \vec{u}) = 0.[/tex]
An incompressible fluid implies that [itex]D\rho/Dt = 0[/itex], so that leaves
[tex]\nabla \cdot \vec{u} = 0.[/tex]
This, of course, is equivalent to what was above termed [itex]s_{kk}[/itex], as
[tex]\nabla \cdot \vec{u} = (\partial_1,\partial_2,\partial_3) \cdot (u_1,u_2,u_3) = \dfrac{\partial u_1}{\partial x_1} + \dfrac{\partial u_2}{\partial x_2} + \dfrac{\partial u_3}{\partial x_3} = \dfrac{\partial u_k}{\partial x_k} = s_{kk}.[/tex]
  • #10
thanks! i didn't realize the divergence, but this makes perfect sense now! but, my book calls [itex]s_{ij}[/itex] the instantaneous strain rate tensor

Related to Understanding Viscous Stress Tensor in Incompressible Flow

1. What is a viscous stress tensor?

A viscous stress tensor is a mathematical representation of the forces that result from the interaction between the molecules of a fluid. It is used to describe the distribution of stress within a fluid and how it affects the flow of the fluid.

2. What is the significance of understanding the viscous stress tensor in incompressible flow?

Understanding the viscous stress tensor is crucial in studying the behavior of incompressible fluids, such as water and oil. It allows scientists to predict how these fluids will flow and how they will interact with other objects, which is important in various applications such as aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, and chemical engineering.

3. How is the viscous stress tensor derived?

The viscous stress tensor is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, which are a set of partial differential equations that describe the motion of fluids. These equations take into account the forces acting on a fluid, such as pressure, viscosity, and gravity, to determine the velocity and pressure of the fluid at any given point.

4. Can the viscous stress tensor be simplified for easier understanding?

Yes, the viscous stress tensor can be simplified by using the Stokes hypothesis, which assumes that the shear stress is linearly proportional to the velocity gradient. This simplifies the equations and makes it easier to interpret the results.

5. What are some real-world applications of understanding the viscous stress tensor?

Understanding the viscous stress tensor has numerous real-world applications, including designing efficient aircraft and automobiles, optimizing the performance of turbines and propellers, and predicting the behavior of fluids in pipes and channels. It is also used in fields such as geology, oceanography, and meteorology to study the flow of fluids in natural environments.

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