Understanding the Von Neumann Chain Concept in Modern Quantum Theory

In summary: Neumann proposed a concept called the von Neumann chain where one can locate anywhere the observer and the observed. In light of decoherence, modern day scientists say that this is no longer necessary and that dechorence solves the issue.
  • #1
Is anyone thoroughly familiar what von Neumann was trying to say in his von Neumann Chain concept where one can locate anywhere the observer and the observed? I've been reading the original and analyzing it for hours and can't seem to completely get the context in light of present day concept.

Is he talking about figurative or literal? In Bohr original quantum formulation, classical and quantum is the cut or boundary. In von Neumann approach.. it looks like it's all quantum.. that is.. he treats the classical as quantum too.. hence the cut or boundary can be located anywhere in the all quantum stuff?

It was proposed over 70 years ago. Now in light of decoherence. How does one interpret what von Neumann was saying? Is it part of Copenhagen? Is this the other variant compared to the original Bohr classical-quantum cut. How do you understand it? Can you give an actual setup or experiments to demonstrate this von Neumann chain and the collapse cut that can be move anywhere? Thanks.
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  • #2
One application that clarifies the concept a bit is to be found in James Ladyman's:


The relevant spot is at the bottom of page three. There the author describes a tension within the original formulations of the measurement problem - what about situations where observation is not best modeled as discrete but is in fact continuous, e.g. Sudbery's example of the Geiger counter left with a decaying particle for the period of its half-life. If this kind of observation is modeled with the standard formalism one considers a number of discrete measurements with some small time interval between them and takes the limit as the time interval goes to zero. However, applying the projection postulate to each measurement in this model and then time-evolving the state to obtain the transition probability for the next measurement, leads to the conclusion that the difference in the probabilities of nding the system in a given state at di erent times tends to zero. I.e. the 'watched pot' scenario.

Sudbery proposes a model of continuous observation in which the system and an apparatus
are coupled and evolve in time together, hence "continuous observation is not continual
measurement". He reformulates the projection postulate in terms of density operators. According to his Postulate A: Suppose D is an observable being continuously observed and Pk are the projection operators onto the eigenspaces of D. If ρ0 is the density matrix of the system at time t = 0 its density matrix at time t is:
Tt0) = [itex]\sumk[/itex] Pk e -iHt ρ0eiHt Pk.

... which can be seen as a supplement to the projection postulate. As Ladyman points out, however, the measurement problem does not go away. Sudbery demonstrates that although probabilities are independent of exactly where the line between system and observer is drawn, but that nonetheless some such line must be drawn. This result is due to the Chain, and demonstrates its usual consequence. This illustration is indirect, but hopefully gives the flavour.
  • #3
Von Neumann meant it literally - it can be made anywhere.

But nowadays dechorence solves the issue. And with digital recording equipment in the form of computers these days its really hard to see exactly why you need conciousness to collapse it anyway.


Related to Understanding the Von Neumann Chain Concept in Modern Quantum Theory

1. What is the Von Neumann Chain Concept?

The Von Neumann Chain Concept is a theory in modern quantum mechanics that describes the process of a quantum system, such as an atom or particle, interacting with its environment. It explains how the state of a quantum system evolves over time and how it becomes entangled with its surroundings.

2. Who developed the Von Neumann Chain Concept?

The Von Neumann Chain Concept was developed by mathematician and physicist John von Neumann in the 1920s. He applied his knowledge of operator theory and linear algebra to quantum mechanics and laid the foundation for the mathematical framework of the theory.

3. How does the Von Neumann Chain Concept relate to quantum entanglement?

The Von Neumann Chain Concept is closely related to quantum entanglement, as it explains how a quantum system becomes entangled with its environment. This occurs when two or more particles become correlated and share a state, even when separated by large distances. The Von Neumann Chain Concept helps to understand how this entanglement occurs and how it can be manipulated for potential applications in quantum computing and communication.

4. What are some real-world applications of the Von Neumann Chain Concept?

The Von Neumann Chain Concept has many potential applications in modern technology. It is used in quantum computing, where entanglement of particles allows for faster and more efficient processing of information. It also has potential uses in quantum cryptography and communication, as well as in the study of quantum mechanics and understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

5. How does the Von Neumann Chain Concept differ from classical mechanics?

The Von Neumann Chain Concept is a fundamental theory in modern quantum mechanics, which differs greatly from classical mechanics. In classical mechanics, the behavior of particles is described by deterministic laws and their states can be precisely measured. However, in quantum mechanics, the behavior of particles is described by probabilistic laws and their states can only be described in terms of probabilities. The Von Neumann Chain Concept helps to explain this probabilistic nature of quantum systems and their interactions with the environment.

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