Transient Analysis of an RLC Circuit

In summary, the differential equation for Vc is solved for with initial conditions of Vc(0) = 0 and dVc(t)/dy = 0. Vc is found to be equal to the capacitor voltage (Vtot).
  • #1

Homework Statement

For a series circuit with the following components:

1. Vin(t)
2. 1K resistor
3. 100 mH Inductor
4. 1 uF capacitor

1. Write down the differential eqn. for Vc in the circuit.
2. Solve the DE, calculate the natural and forced response with the following initial conditions: Vc(0) = 0 and dVc(t)/dy = 0
3. Explain the difference between theoretical and experimental results.

Homework Equations

This was the signal we applied in the lab:

Vin(t) = (1V)sin(2∏(2 kHz)t)u(t)

The Attempt at a Solution

This is what I have for the DE:

dv(t)/dt + (1/RL)Vl(t) + (C/R)d^2Vc(t)/dt^2 = 0

This is for a lab where we have to compare theoretical value to measured value, and apparently they are supposed to be different.
I think it's right... but I'm not positive. I'm a little confused because there are 4 different voltages in the circuit (Vl, Vc, Vr, and Vtot), and I'm getting tripped up as to which one I'm solving for. I know that I should take the DE and set it equal to the initial conditions in order to solve for the forced and natural responses, but I really need a little push here to get started. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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  • #2
Is Vc the capacitor voltage?
What is v(t) in your equation? What happened to Vr? Vtot?

You can'tw write a diff. eq. with just Vc as the dependent variable. Write the d.e. for current i instead.
  • #3
Yeah Vc is the capacitor voltage, Vr is resistor voltage, Vl is inductor voltage, and Vtot is the source voltage. Is finding V(t) the first step of the process? If so, how do I go about that? Thanks again.
  • #4
jools111 said:
Yeah Vc is the capacitor voltage, Vr is resistor voltage, Vl is inductor voltage, and Vtot is the source voltage. Is finding V(t) the first step of the process? If so, how do I go about that? Thanks again.

V(t) = Vtot is the input voltage you were given.
So your diff. eq should be
Vtot = Vl + Vc + Vr.
But you need to substitute the voltage-current relationship for each of Vl, Vc and Vr. Then you wind up with a diff. eq. with current as the dependent variable and time as the independent variable. Then you can get Vc from the i-V relationship of a capacitor.

Another, simpler approach is by using the complex impedance expressions for V, R, L and C. You set up a voltage divider with R and L in series connecting the input to the output, and C going from output to ground. V(t) is applied from the input to ground. Have you had phasors and complex math?

But this mthod does not allow you to get the transient response. I suspect that is not relevant for you anyway.

The transient response depends on at what point in the input voltage cycle the voltage is applied (t=0). You probably have no control over that.

This last observation is also a hint as to why your results may differ from what your diff. eq. predicts.
  • #5
Hey thanks for the response. I ended up putting everything into the S domain, and doing a voltage divider as you suggested. Once I had this I did an inverse Laplace transformation back into t. This solved my problem, but I still definitely need to work on my 2nd order DEs.
  • #6
That's good. I should have realized you DID want the transient response as well as the steady-state one from the title of your post.

Did you answer the question as to why the lab results differ from theory? Or, did you run several trials in the lab & got different results?

Hint: when you applied your step function it was actually not sin(wt) but really sin(wt + phi) where phi is a random variable -180 deg. < phi < +180 deg.

BTW the best way to solve your linear d.e's with constant coefficients is usually via the Laplace transform. It's a 'one size fits all' mehtod. It automatically includes initial conditions and avoids the silly "guessing" of the classical approach. God Bless Our Laplace Tables! Get a really good one or use Wolfram Alpha.

Related to Transient Analysis of an RLC Circuit

1. What is a transient analysis of an RLC circuit?

A transient analysis of an RLC circuit is a method used to study the behavior of an electrical circuit over time. It involves analyzing the response of the circuit to a sudden change in input or a disturbance.

2. What are the components of an RLC circuit?

An RLC circuit consists of three main components: a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C). These components are connected in series or parallel and are used to store and manipulate electrical energy.

3. What is the purpose of performing a transient analysis on an RLC circuit?

The purpose of performing a transient analysis is to understand the behavior of the circuit in response to a sudden change or disturbance. This can help in designing and optimizing the circuit for various applications.

4. What are the key parameters that affect the transient response of an RLC circuit?

The parameters that affect the transient response of an RLC circuit include the values of the components (resistance, inductance, and capacitance), the initial conditions of the circuit, and the input voltage or current.

5. How is a transient analysis of an RLC circuit performed?

To perform a transient analysis of an RLC circuit, the circuit equations are solved using mathematical methods such as differential equations. This can be done analytically or through simulation using software tools like SPICE. The resulting response can then be analyzed to understand the behavior of the circuit.

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