Trace of a Bug Observed: Unsent Forum Messages

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  • Thread starter jostpuur
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In summary, the typing window in the forum has some issues with remembering unsent messages and may not work perfectly with multiple tabs open in a browser. Recently, the user saw someone else's unsent message in the typing window while logged out, causing some ethical concerns. The user reported the incident to the developers of the core software. Another user also experienced issues with unfinished messages appearing in their responses to others. This feature of including replies to multiple people in one message may be useful but requires careful monitoring to ensure unfinished or extra replies are not included.
  • #1
The typing window, which on top of it has the text "Have something to add" and also the arrow pointing downwards, sometimes behaves slightly unpleasantly if you have multiple tabs open on the browser. It could be that I write something in one tab, change my mind, and erase what I wrote without sending it. Then I click "reply" in other tab, and the message I had just myself rejected appears again, and I have to erase it for the second time.

You can tell that the forum remembers unsent messages somehow, and always it doesn't work perfectly with the browsers. Well that is only slightly unpleasant, but not yet very serious.

Anyway, a moment ago I just saw the most amazing and distressing thing, because while being logged out, I opened the Math Challenge by QuantumQuest #1 thread in one tab of my browser, and I saw somebody else's unsent message in the typing window! I had just spent lot of time thinking about the thread's topic, and I know well some mathematical topics related to it, so I could easily see that this unsent message was a serious message related to the thread, and it was written by an educated person, but I could also see that it was not written by me.

I took a screenshot and closed the tab. The message I captured has still not been posted to the thread, and cannot be seen anywhere now. I would guess that if I disclosed the message I captured, the person who first wrote it, then changed his or her mind, and decided to not send it, would get severely spooked. I got a feeling that there was something unethical about the incident, although it was only about mathematics this time.
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  • #2
Thanks for the report, I will send this to the developers of the core software.
  • #3
@jostpuur What you might have seen, (perhaps it was something else) was two unfinished messages that I started in responding to fresh_42 that came on the screen with my response to someone else, (after fresh_42's) question had already been answered. When I posted, I was surprised to see the two unfinished messages to fresh_42 appear in my response as well so I quickly deleted them. Such a busy day...
  • #4
A follow-on: It appears to be a very useful feature that you can put replies to multiple persons in a single message, but I will need to watch more carefully in the future that unfinished and/or extra replies don't wind up in a response that I post. The inputs were coming in very quickly in that discussion, and I thought if I set aside a reply and replied to another, that the previous reply that I started would not wind up in the same reply.

Related to Trace of a Bug Observed: Unsent Forum Messages

1. What is a "Trace of a Bug Observed"?

A "Trace of a Bug Observed" refers to a record or documentation of a bug or error that has been encountered while using a particular system or software. It may include details such as the steps taken to reproduce the bug and any error messages or unexpected behaviors that were observed.

2. How is a "Trace of a Bug Observed" different from a regular bug report?

A "Trace of a Bug Observed" is more detailed and specific than a regular bug report. It typically includes more technical information and evidence, such as log files or screenshots, that can help developers identify and fix the bug more efficiently.

3. Why is it important to include a "Trace of a Bug Observed" in bug reports?

Including a "Trace of a Bug Observed" in bug reports can provide valuable insights and evidence to developers. It can help them understand the root cause of the bug and make it easier for them to reproduce and fix it. This ultimately leads to a more efficient and effective resolution of the issue.

4. How can I obtain a "Trace of a Bug Observed"?

A "Trace of a Bug Observed" can be obtained by using debugging tools or by enabling logging features in the system or software in question. It is important to follow the specific steps and instructions provided by the developers to ensure that the trace is accurate and relevant to the bug being reported.

5. Can a "Trace of a Bug Observed" be used to prevent future bugs?

Yes, a "Trace of a Bug Observed" can provide valuable information that can help prevent future bugs from occurring. It can help developers identify patterns or common issues that may lead to bugs and make necessary changes or improvements to the system or software to prevent them from happening again.

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