Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)

  • Thread starter physicsvirgin
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    Fall Lost
In summary, the conversation discusses a conceptual problem with free fall distance and the formula used to calculate it. The formula given is d=1/2 gt^2, but the person is having trouble understanding when to square the time and how it affects the solution. They provide sample problems involving shooting an arrow straight up at 50m/s and the resulting distance traveled after a certain amount of time. The person also mentions that the constant used in the formula should not affect the solution, but it is important to consistently include the squared term to maintain the correct units in the solution.
  • #1
Hi, its me...AGAIN! You people should start CHARGING for your services!

I have a conceptual problem more than just a homework problem this time. It regards free fall distance and the formula applied.

Okey dokey...the formula to find out how far an object falls from rest is:
d=1/2 gt^2

So I did some sample problems to get a hang of it...the problems consist of shooting an arrow straight up at 50m/s.

One problem is: Where is the arrow you shoot up at 50 m/s when it runs out of speed? Answer: 125m. I get this by multiplying 50(g) by 5(t) and dividing by 2.

Next problem: How high will the arrow be 7 seconds after being shot up at 50m/s? Answer: 105m. I got this by starting with the above answer, 125m because that is the distance traveled until the arrow stopped. To account for the 2 extra seconds, the arrow is falling at 10m/s so I subtracted 20 from 125 to get 105m.

My trouble is coming from the fact that I never used the ^2 portion of the formula to come to these conclusions. I simply multiplied acceleration and time and divided by 2. When was I supposed to square the time, and why did I come up with the correct answers without doing it?
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  • #2
You don't seem to understand the equation or concept.
The basic kinematic equation: [tex]x=v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2[/tex]
The acceleration in this case is g which is [tex]-9.81 \frac{m}{s^2}[/tex]
  • #3
...One problem is: Where is the arrow you shoot up at 50 m/s when it runs out of speed? Answer: 125m. I get this by multiplying 50(g) by 5(t) and dividing by 2.

>> the constant 50 must not involve in the solution to get 125m and you use g= 10m/s^2 rather than 9.8m/s^2..
...My trouble is coming from the fact that I never used the ^2 portion of the formula to come to these conclusions. I simply multiplied acceleration and time and divided by 2. When was I supposed to square the time, and why did I come up with the correct answers without doing it?

>> it really return the same answer but not at all time, its just a coincidence
the exact solution is from the formula; y= 1/2g*t^2 (no initial velocity from the point the ball out of speed at t=5s)

you use g=10m/s^2

1. right: y= 1/2*10*2^2= 20m; 125-20= 105

2. your answer: y= 1/2*10*2= 20m; 125-20= 105

reason: it is just a mere coincidence that the time we encounter here is 2s, squaring the quantity of 2 would result to 4 and it is just like when you multiply it with 2 (2^2=4; 2x2=4). However for example, if we use t= 3s then it surely return different answer because squaring 3 is 9, but multiplying 3 by 2 it is 6..Now for the sake of consistency with the units we must not ignore squaring the quantity of time because if we will ignore it and just multiply it with 2 the resulting unit will be "m/s" and not "m".

Related to Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)

What is "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)"?

"Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" is a term used in physics to describe the distance an object falls due to gravity, without any other forces acting on it.

How is "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" calculated?

The formula for calculating "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" is d = 1/2 * g * t^2, where d is the distance, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is the time in seconds. This formula assumes that the object is falling from rest and that air resistance is negligible.

Does "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" depend on the mass of the object?

No, the mass of the object does not affect the "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" as long as the object is falling in a vacuum or air resistance is negligible. This is because the force of gravity acts on all objects equally, regardless of their mass.

What is the difference between "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" and "Terminal Velocity"?

"Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" is the distance an object falls due to gravity, while "Terminal Velocity" is the maximum speed an object can reach while falling, when the force of air resistance is equal to the force of gravity. The "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" will vary depending on the height from which the object is dropped, while the "Terminal Velocity" remains constant for a given object.

What are some real-life examples of "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)"?

Some examples of "Totally Lost (Free Fall Distance)" include dropping a pencil from a desk, jumping off a diving board, and skydiving. In each of these scenarios, the object experiences a free fall due to gravity without any other forces acting on it.

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