In summary, the problem is to find the thermal conductivity of steel experimentally. The experiment involved using a Forbes Bar heated from one end and recording the temperature at intervals with respect to distance from the source, suspending a heated sample in air and recording the temperature drop over time, and using a calorimeter to find the specific heat capacity of the steel sample. The outcome included graphs for both experiments and equations to calculate heat transfer coefficient and thermal conductivity. However, the final value for thermal conductivity was ten times larger than expected, and the error source is unknown. After conducting the experiment, the values obtained for alpha and beta were 1.7 and 0.001 respectively. The values for perimeter, area, and length were also provided,
  • #1
Task is to find the thermal conductivity of steel experimentally.
I have conducted relevant experiments and I am trying to solve for the thermal conductivity (k) itself. My final however is ten times too large in size, and I am having trouble identifying where the error is coming from. Nothing seems to be adding up and its become a complete nightmare.
The process is as follows;

a) Forbes Bar - long bar heated from one end in steady state. Temperature recorded at intervals with respect to distance from the source.
b) Suspend heated sample in air and record temperature drop with respect to time. (This part is for heat transfer coefficient).
c) Calorimeter to find specific heat capacity of sample of steel.

3)OUTCOME: (and relevant values + equations)...

Graph for part a) plotted using θ = θ0e-αx ⇒lnθ = lnθ0 - αx i.e. α = -gradient
graph for b) similarly from θ = θ0e-βt i.e. β = -gradient
The values I obtained are α=1.7, β=0.001

My value for Specific heat capacity ≅475
P=perimeter = 0.04m
A = area = 1x10-4
L = 0.02m

β = [(P/A + 2/L)h]/ρS
α = √(hP/KA)

where ρ = density, h = heat transfer coefficient, K = thermal conductivity,

Any help is greatly appreciated. I have the feeling my value for alpha may not be right but I can't be sure and need some advice.

Many thanks!
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  • #2
Your values should have units. Ignoring them leads to many common sources of errors.

What is the shape of your bar and what is L?
  • #3
Shape is a rectangle and length is 0.02m as I mentioned above. i.e. a 2x1x1(cm)^3 steel rectangle
Should h be somewhere between 1 and 10?I've been consistent in SI throughout sorry for not adding in here.
  • #4
Ah, length is just for (b) and (c), okay.

β = [(P/A + 2/L)h]/ρS
α = √(hP/KA)
I guess "ρS" and "KA" (kA?) are both in the denominator here.

You have two equations with two unknowns (h and k), it should be possible to solve for both. That is the whole idea of measurement (b).
  • #5
What makes you think that h for experiment b is going to be the same as for experiment a? I would expect that h in experiment a would be lower than in experiment b. What specific values (including units) did you get for h and k?

  • #6
mfb said:
Ah, length is just for (b) and (c), okay.
I guess "ρS" and "KA" (kA?) are both in the denominator here.
You have two equations with two unknowns (h and k), it should be possible to solve for both. That is the whole idea of measurement (b).

I am aware, and I have done so, but my final value of K(steel) is around 600, when an textbook puts the actual value around 50.
My graphs retrieved α=1.7 and β=0.001.

Chestermiller said:
What makes you think that h for experiment b is going to be the same as for experiment a? I would expect that h in experiment a would be lower than in experiment b. What specific values (including units) did you get for h and k?

h is not solved in either experiment, it is deduced from the results of part b.And I see no reason why it should differ seeing as it is the heat transfer coefficient between the steel and air, which doesn't change in part a or b.

I get h=4.6 and K approx 640 if i remember correctly.

The units are SI. h = W/m2K K = W/m.K
  • #7
SalfordPhysics said:
h is not solved in either experiment, it is deduced from the results of part b.And I see no reason why it should differ seeing as it is the heat transfer coefficient between the steel and air, which doesn't change in part a or b.

The geometry in part a is completely different from that in part b. If the bar in part a is vertical and the heat transfer coefficient is the result of natural convection, the thermal boundary layer thickness in part b is going to grow much thicker than that in part a, and the average heat transfer coefficient is going to be much lower. Is the bar horizontal or vertical?
I get h=4.6 and K approx 640 if i remember correctly.

The units are SI. h = W/m2K K = W/m.K
If the heat transfer coefficient were lower in part a than in part b, K would be lower.

  • #8
Hi Chet,

In part a) Bar is horizontal with heater on the left end (heat transfer tending to the right end). (Heats end)
In part b) bar is horizontal on top of a heating plate. (Heats side face)

From what you have said previously, should I take my obtained value of hB and find a new value hA from a relationship between the sizes of the bars?

Many thanks!
  • #9
I don't think that is possible.
It would have been useful to make (b) with the same bar as (a), I think.
  • #10
This was not possible, but shouldn't be necessary.
Part a used a forbes bar (between 0.5 and 1metre) - we don't take readings of temperature all the way along, just take a range of values because its in steady-state. (did from 0.013m to 0.213m in equal spaces of 0.02m). The cross area in part a was 0.009m x 0.009m square (8.1x10-5m2)

Part b used a small sample as I've said. Cross-area of this was 1x10-4m2 (square of 1cm sides)

I shouldn't need to know the length in part a. Knowing the rate of convective losses in b should be enough to know for all samples of the material in question since the air around it is (for sake of this experiment) the same.
  • #11
The air is the same, but convection will look different if your sample has a different shape.
  • #12
mfb said:
I don't think that is possible.
It would have been useful to make (b) with the same bar as (a), I think.
I agree with this. Also, Salford, did you really get straight lines on your two plots? I would have thought with natural convection that the semilog graphs would not have been straight lines. Look up natural convection to see how the heat transfer coefficient is determined for this situation.

  • #13
I got straight line graphs because I manipulated the exponential expression to obtain a straight line gradient for the values α and β.

Θ = Θ0exp(-αx) ⇒ lnΘ = lnΘ0 + (-α)x ... WHICH is of the form y=mx + c (straight line equation). Equation for beta analogous with β replacing α and time replacing position (x)

After some thought, I have eventually obtained a value just over 40 for thermal conductivity of steel. Not great, but I didn't do enough runs through experiment to judge data in truth. I am happy with it in the end and quite glad to put it to bed!
  • #14
SalfordPhysics said:
I got straight line graphs because I manipulated the exponential expression to obtain a straight line gradient for the values α and β.

Θ = Θ0exp(-αx) ⇒ lnΘ = lnΘ0 + (-α)x ... WHICH is of the form y=mx + c (straight line equation). Equation for beta analogous with β replacing α and time replacing position (x)

After some thought, I have eventually obtained a value just over 40 for thermal conductivity of steel. Not great, but I didn't do enough runs through experiment to judge data in truth. I am happy with it in the end and quite glad to put it to bed!
Excellent. Incidentally, just for clarification, I wasn't asking how you obtained a straight line analytically. I was asking whether the actual data fell close a straight line on your semi-log plot. No need to respond.


Related to Thermal Conductivity of Steel experiment

1. What is the purpose of the Thermal Conductivity of Steel experiment?

The purpose of this experiment is to measure the ability of steel to conduct heat and compare it to other materials. This information can be useful in various engineering and construction applications.

2. How is the thermal conductivity of steel measured?

The thermal conductivity of steel is measured by using a thermal conductivity meter or a hot plate apparatus. The steel sample is placed between a hot plate and a cold plate, and the rate of heat transfer through the sample is measured.

3. What factors can affect the thermal conductivity of steel?

The thermal conductivity of steel can be affected by factors such as the composition and purity of the steel, its temperature, and its microstructure. Other external factors like pressure and humidity can also impact the thermal conductivity of steel.

4. How does the thermal conductivity of steel compare to other materials?

Generally, steel has a higher thermal conductivity compared to other common materials, such as wood or plastic. However, it may have a lower thermal conductivity compared to materials like copper or aluminum.

5. What are the real-world applications of understanding the thermal conductivity of steel?

Knowledge of the thermal conductivity of steel is important in various fields such as engineering, construction, and materials science. It can be used in the design of energy-efficient buildings, industrial equipment, and thermal management systems. Additionally, it can help in the selection of suitable materials for different applications.

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