The Smallest blackhole possible?

  • Thread starter Alkatran
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In summary, the minimum size of the event horizon of a black hole is expected to be around a Planck mass, which is about 2.176E-8 kg. This is based on string theory and the fundamental unit of the Planck length, which is about 1E-20 times the size of a proton. It is not possible for a black hole to be smaller than this due to the quantization of mass. However, there are differing opinions on whether the Planck mass is the absolute minimum or if other factors could be combined to yield a smaller unit of mass.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
What is the minimum size of the event horizon of a black hole? Obviously you need some certain amount of mass for a black hole, because I don't get sucked into my chair, to overcome the other forces.

I just had an image of a tiny black orb hovering in front of me, and wondered what would happen to the baseball bat I hit it with. :biggrin:
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  • #2
I seem to recall reading that the smallest black hole is expected to be around a Planck mass. I'm not sure if this is correct, or how it was determined without a full theory of quantum gravity.
  • #3
Try to calculate the circumference of a black hole with the mass of your chair. The formula is 18.5 kilometers x (mass of object)/(mass of sun).
  • #4
Alkatran said:
What is the minimum size of the event horizon of a black hole? Obviously you need some certain amount of mass for a black hole, because I don't get sucked into my chair, to overcome the other forces.

I just had an image of a tiny black orb hovering in front of me, and wondered what would happen to the baseball bat I hit it with. :biggrin:

Event Horizons around a Blackhole are 'OBSERVER-DEPENDANT', so let me ask you, where are you 'looking' from?..and what is the Area of your theoretical BH?

I ask this because the 'AREA' of a black hole dictates the 'OBSERVABLE' horizon :rolleyes:

The situation of your posting is thus:BH = orb..will not be hovering in front of you. its actually the reversed..YOU will be hovering in in an unmovable position with regard to anyone situated 'further away'.

You cannot mainifest the energy needed to move your had to swing the bat to 'hit' the just cannot do this theoretiaclly or physically!
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  • #5
A Planck mass black hole has a Swarzschild of 1 Planck length. Interesting. I'm trying to figure out why I initially found that surprising and then didn't. Talk about confusing yourself.
  • #6
Wave's_Hand_Particle said:
Event Horizons around a Blackhole are 'OBSERVER-DEPENDANT', so let me ask you, where are you 'looking' from?..and what is the Area of your theoretical BH?

I ask this because the 'AREA' of a black hole dictates the 'OBSERVABLE' horizon :rolleyes:

The situation of your posting is thus:BH = orb..will not be hovering in front of you. its actually the reversed..YOU will be hovering in in an unmovable position with regard to anyone situated 'further away'.

You cannot mainifest the energy needed to move your had to swing the bat to 'hit' the just cannot do this theoretiaclly or physically!

I didn't mean I was inside the event horizon. I was just wondering what would happen to a 'rigid' bat, since the part which would hit the black hole would begin traveling through time slower and slower...
  • #7
Yeah, the minimum size of a black hole is supposedly around the Planck mass... According to string theory. But don't forget guys, there's an enormous amount of tension on a string, and it's a lot heavier than you'd imagine! In fact, it's the weight of an average dust particle. Not much? But think of the size! Around the Planck length, was it? Think of the ratio. So one can see how that is a perfectly plausible candidate for a black hole.

- Alisa
  • #8
If mass is quantized, then it could not be smaller than the Planck amss, it would have to be the Planck mass.
  • #9
I think the limit is more fundamentally tied to the Planck length of 1.6E-35 meters, or about 1E-20 times the size of a proton. Mass is quantized in much smaller units than the Planck mass: about 2.176E-8 kg. The mass of a hydrogen atom, for example, is about 1.673E-27 kilograms.
  • #10
Yes, I know that it could not be less than the Planck mass, but I was unsure of whether that was the minimum mass, or whether the latter was actually a bit heavier. But I'm pretty sure that's correct.

What do you think, would the aforementioned supposed black hole be a stable black hole, or would it be more along the lines of a type of quantum fluctuation?

- Alisa
  • #11
Chronos said:
A Planck mass black hole has a Swarzschild of 1 Planck length. Interesting. I'm trying to figure out why I initially found that surprising and then didn't. Talk about confusing yourself.

Planck units share the characteristic with geometric units that G=c=1, so I'd expect the Schwarzschild _radius_ 2GM/c^2 to be twice the mass. Unless I'm blowing it badly.
  • #12
Hi pervect! I just did a quick and dirty calculation using the same formula you cited and solved for M, assuming a radius of 1 Planck unit. It looked to be about a Planck mass. On the other hand, I may have botched the calculation. Not like it would be the first time that ever happened.
  • #13
I will take issue with the Planck mass/size limitations. The whole idea of fundamental units al la Planck is nothing but cosmological numerology. There are other factors that can be combined to yield different values for a unit of mass such as the electron charge and the like. Why attach any significance to the Planck mass - why not use the electon mass as a fundamental entity if you must come up with non scientific deductions - in which case the black hole radius would be on the order of 10-57 meters
  • #14
yogi said:
I will take issue with the Planck mass/size limitations. The whole idea of fundamental units al la Planck is nothing but cosmological numerology. There are other factors that can be combined to yield different values for a unit of mass such as the electron charge and the like. Why attach any significance to the Planck mass - why not use the electon mass as a fundamental entity if you must come up with non scientific deductions - in which case the black hole radius would be on the order of 10-57 meters
It's more than numerology. The Planck length is a fundamental unit in nature. Why? Because it is impossible to quantify anything smaller, and this plays a vital role in quantum physics. Consider this:

"There is only one truly fundamental length in nature a length free of all reference to the dimensions and rate of revolution of the planet on which we happen to live, free of any appeal to the complex properties of any solid or gas: free of every reference to the mysterious properties of any elementary particle: what we call today the Planck length,
L=(hG/C^3)1/2= 1.6X10^-33 cm
And what we identify with the characteristic scale of quantum fluctuations in the geometry of space".
- John A Wheeler "At Home in the Universe" p169

And here is a paper that further explains things:
Uncertainty in Measurements of Distance
Authors: John C. Baez, S. Jay Olson

And, as suspected, a Planck mass black hole occupies a Planck volume
"Contained within a Planck volume is a Planck mass (hc/G)1/2, roughly 10-5 g. An object of such mass would be a quantum black hole, with an event horizon close to both its own Compton length (distance over which a particle is quantum mechanically "fuzzy") and the size of the cosmic horizon at the Planck time."
- Encyclopedia Britannica
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  • #15
Chronos said:
"Contained within a Planck volume is a Planck mass (hc/G)1/2, roughly 10-5 g. An object of such mass would be a quantum black hole, with an event horizon close to both its own Compton length (distance over which a particle is quantum mechanically "fuzzy") and the size of the cosmic horizon at the Planck time."
- Encyclopedia Britannica
If I take a look to the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, in which a black hole appears, it seams to me that black holes are only due to singularities which arise in case of point masses with infinite density and not in case of any mass distribution with finite density. Is this incorrect?
  • #16
hellfire said:
If I take a look to the vacuum Schwarzschild solution, in which a black hole appears, it seams to me that black holes are only due to singularities which arise in case of point masses with infinite density and not in case of any mass distribution with finite density. Is this incorrect?

Take another good look; I don't believe this is correct. You can find a certain finite mass/radius ratio for which the schwarzschil metric explodes. The (r,r) term is:


The condition for a black hole to form is that the radius of the object is smaller than [itex]2MG/c^2[/itex]. This yields a finite density! The singularities do not follow from general relativity but are predicted by other theories. But no theory of gravity and QM has been found so I would not put your trust in these preditions...
  • #17
Not at all incorrect and an excellent question, hellfire. I like the Planck density as a fundamental limit. Unfortunately, many theorists approaches seem to discount Planck and compton lengths as fundamental to anything. It sort of bothers me, but I will get over it.
  • #18
da_willem said:
Take another good look; I don't believe this is correct. You can find a certain finite mass/radius ratio for which the schwarzschil metric explodes. The (r,r) term is:


The condition for a black hole to form is that the radius of the object is smaller than [itex]2MG/c^2[/itex]. This yields a finite density! The singularities do not follow from general relativity but are predicted by other theories. But no theory of gravity and QM has been found so I would not put your trust in these preditions...
What you are talking about is the coordinate singularity at r = 2GM in Schwarzschild coordinates. This can be removed chosing proper coordinates to describe the Schwarzschild spacetime.

As far as I know, the condition to have a coordinate independent singularity is an infinite value in the Riemann curvature tensor or any of its contractions. Following S. Carroll (Lecture Notes on General Relativity), in case of the Schwarzschild metric:

[tex]R_{\mu \nu \rho \sigma} R^{\mu \nu \rho \sigma} = \frac {12 G^2 M^2} {r^6}[/tex]

If one considers the interior Schwarzschild solution, which looks like the vacuum Schwarzschild solution but with m(r) instead of M, it seams that for a homogeneous mass distribution (m(r) ~ r3), the singularitiy in the mentioned contraction disappears.

Now, suddenly I am aware (:cry: sorry for the confusion) that there are indeed mass distributions which lead to a singularity (m(r) < r3). But I do not know how realistic these distributions are.

Another question is then whether event horizons (and therefore black holes) may exist without singularities (
  • #19
Chronos - I am well aware that almost every writer has jumped on the Planck "units" bandwagon - to assert such sweeping generalities based upon nothing that has ever been proven is sheer folly. There is no guarantee that any of the 3 "so called constants" h, c and G that make up Planck units are temporally invariant. Show me one single thing that has been proven experimentally that gives support to the notion of their fundamental significance - all you can find is one author quoting another - its another example of modern physics having gone copycat. Why pick Planck's constant h as being more significant than the electron charge e - which leads in combination with c and G to a different (so called) fundamental length, mass and time. There are more interesting cosmic coincidences that result from the electron mass and size that those that occur between the Planck mass and its volume (if you are of a notion that there must be some minimum value that rates a designation as fundamental). Interestingly, John Wheeler held to another view all his life, that all matter was made of electrons (even though he dutifully acknowledged quarks as the constituents of heavier particles).
  • #20
hellfire said:
What you are talking about is the coordinate singularity at r = 2GM in Schwarzschild coordinates. This can be removed chosing proper coordinates to describe the Schwarzschild spacetime.

I agree. But I mentioned this element because it is probably no conicident that exactly at the schwarzschild radius the metric (in certain natural coordinates...) diverges. But the condition for a black hole still stands. The radius of the object has to be smaller than [itex]2MG/c^2[/itex] this yields a minimum density of [itex]3c^6/32M^2G^3[/itex], not infinite! So could you please elaborate on how it follows from the Schwarzschild solution that only point masses with an infinite density lead to black holes.
  • #21
da_willem said:
I agree. But I mentioned this element because it is probably no conicident that exactly at the schwarzschild radius the metric (in certain natural coordinates...) diverges. But the condition for a black hole still stands. The radius of the object has to be smaller than [itex]2MG/c^2[/itex] this yields a minimum density of [itex]3c^6/32M^2G^3[/itex], not infinite! So could you please elaborate on how it follows from the Schwarzschild solution that only point masses with an infinite density lead to black holes.
In my previous post when I wrote the contraction of the Riemann tensor I realized that a point mass is not the only case which leads to black holes. Thank you for your comment.
  • #22
da_willem said:
But the condition for a black hole still stands. The radius of the object has to be smaller than [itex]2MG/c^2[/itex] this yields a minimum density of [itex]3c^6/32M^2G^3[/itex], not infinite!
But, wait a moment... according to the formula I wrote in post #18, it seams that the existence of a singularity (and thus the formation of a black hole) depends on the profile of the mass distribution m(r), rather than on the density. For the density you mention, if its an homogeneous density within a sphere (m(r) ~ r3, the formula for the contraction of the Riemann tensor leads not to an infinite value. So according to this criterium (I got from S. Carroll's lectures) no black hole is formed.

Could you explain why do you claim that a black hole is formed if the condition: mass M is confined within a radius 2GM/c2 holds?
  • #23
hellfire said:
Could you explain why do you claim that a black hole is formed if the condition: mass M is confined within a radius 2GM/c2 holds?

The Schwarzschild solution is found from Einsteins field equations by assuming spherical symmetry, static field and asymptotic flatness, it is also an external solution so the metric only applies to empty spacetime. From this metric follows an infinite redshift for photons at r=2GM/c2. Combined with the fact that the Schwarzschild solution is an external solution it follows that if you reach r=2GM/c2 before you reach the object's surface the surface is a black hole. No light can escape from within r=2GM/c2 to infinity.

Ofcourse the Schwarzschild solution is actually for a point mass M. But I always heard it also applies to a spherical symmetric mass distribution. The solution then is ofcourse only valid for values of the radial coordinate larger than value for the surface of the object; it is still an external solution. I dont' know is this is really true but it sounds not unreasonable to me. Especially because in the classical analogon this also applies. The gravitational field outside a spherical mass distribution is the same as if the total mass sits at the center of the distribution; a point mass. Ofcourse the Poisson equation from which this follows (Gauss's law) is only an approximation and the idea does not hold in the general relativistic case. Any ideas?
  • #24
Relativity Relation...

Radial solution for a spherically symmetric BH sphere horizon is:
[tex]r_1 = \sqrt[3]{ \frac{3 M_s}{4 \pi \rho_s}}[/tex]

Schwarzschild radial solution for a spherically symmetric gravitational BH event horizon is:
[tex]r_s = \frac{2 G M_s}{c^2}[/tex]

Quantum Mechanics + classical General Relativity quantum shutdown:
[tex]r_1 = r_s[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt[3]{ \frac{3 M_s}{4 \pi \rho_s}} = \frac{2 G M_s}{c^2}[/tex]

Schwarzschild Density solution for spherically symmetric gravitational BH:
[tex]\boxed{\rho_s = \left( \frac{3c^6}{32 \pi G^3 M_s^2} \right)}[/tex]

Note that the Schwarzschild solution is only a solution for Schwarzschild BHs with zero angular momentum [tex]L = 0[/tex], this is a highly improbable state.

Neutron star spin increases with increased density, therefore an object generating in the core of a neutron star or supernova without spin is...impossible. Only BHs with angular momentum [tex]L > 0[/tex] can exist in the Universe, a rotating Kerr BH.

There is a solution for a 'point-like' Schwarzschild Singularity, however there is a philosophical consequence, a 'point-like' object must exist in at least one dimension. Although such an object is implied to exist in only one spatial dimension, it actually must exist in a minimum of two. (1 space + 1 time)

Classical Schwarzschild Singularity Dimension Number:
[tex]n = 1[/tex] - dimension #
[tex]dV = 2r_p[/tex] - volume
[tex]L = 0[/tex] - angular momentum

Planck Radius:
[tex]r_p = \sqrt{ \frac{\hbar G}{c^3}}[/tex]

Solution for 'non-rotating' Classical Schwarzschild Singularity Density for one dimensional 'point-like' object:
[tex]\boxed{\rho_s = \frac{M_s}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{c^3}{\hbar G}}}[/tex]

'non-rotating' Classical Universe-Schwarzschild Singularity Density solution for a one-dimesional 'point-like' object:
[tex]\boxed{\rho_u = \frac{M_u}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{c^3}{\hbar G}}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\rho_u = 1.263*10^{85} kg*m^{-1}}[/tex]

The density values for these types of objects are a large values, however they are not infinite.

Note that no form of energy or object has ever been demonstrated to exist in less than four dimensions (3 space + 1 time). Therefore, only four dimensional BHs can exist in the Universe.

BH Singularity Density infinities do NOT exist.
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  • #25
Well said Orion. Singularities are mathematical artifacts, not reality.
  • #26
Orion1 said:

'non-rotating' Classical Universe-Schwarzschild Singularity Density solution for a one-dimesional 'point-like' object:
[tex]\boxed{\rho_u = \frac{M_u}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{c^3}{\hbar G}}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\rho_u = 1.263*10^{85} kg*m^{-1}}[/tex]

The density values for these types of objects are a large values, however they are not infinite.

Note that no form of energy or object has ever been demonstrated to exist in less than four dimensions (3 space + 1 time). Therefore, only four dimensional BHs can exist in the Universe.

BH Singularity Density infinities do NOT exist.

The mathematical equations are derived from Relativity, the interpretations are by Mathematicians, some 'clever-ones' try to Warp Spacetimes around their equations based on their mathematical prowerness.

Note that no form of energy or object has ever been demonstrated to exist in less than four dimensions (3 space + 1 time). Therefore, only four dimensional BHs can exist in the Universe.

The Singularity form Einsteins original Theory was meant to end up at a Location "WITHIN" the Universe, at a specific location of 3+1..Spacetime Zone.

Uhm..if you may recall the Blackhole singularity is NEVER found anywhere but at the Heart of Every Galaxy, the Galactic Core infact. Blackhole Singularities and Galactic Cores are entwined with the same solutions, Both are NEVER OBSERVED OUTSIDE OF ACTUAL GALAXIES?..the space between Galaxies has a different equational solution.

Blackholes are 'GALACTIC' singulariies that sit within the Universal Singularity, dimensionaly speaking they are of differing scales.
  • #27
da_willem said:
Ofcourse the Schwarzschild solution is actually for a point mass M. But I always heard it also applies to a spherical symmetric mass distribution. The solution then is ofcourse only valid for values of the radial coordinate larger than value for the surface of the object; it is still an external solution. I dont' know is this is really true but it sounds not unreasonable to me.

Yes, this is true. See for instance

Birkhoff's theorem

It's also true that according to classical GR, black holes must contain singularities, though unfortunately I'm not persoanlly familiar with the (famous) proof, I just know that it exists - see the

Singularity Theorem

It's reasonably likely, however, that quantum gravity modifies GR so that the densities just get very large rather than infinite.
  • #28
Ok. Thanks for that.

As long as there is no tested theory for large gravitational fields at small scales I do not put my trust in the existence of singularities. I would like to read the proof op the singularity theorem though, although as Roger Penrose is involved I don't think I will be able to understand it :smile:
  • #29
10 Solar Masses (About)

In reality, you would be very lucky to find a Black Hole smaller than 10 solar masses.

  • #30
57 KM Diameter is the smallest a black hole could be. That is were all the space of an atom is removed, and to have enough mass to create enough gravity to start to pull all the light that comes near it in ward. Any smaller then it would be called a white dwarf. Even at this size it might start to look like a white dwarf.

Related to The Smallest blackhole possible?

1. What is the smallest possible size for a black hole?

The smallest possible size for a black hole is known as the Planck mass, which is approximately 22 micrograms. This is the point at which the gravitational pull of the black hole would be strong enough to overcome any other forces, such as the strong nuclear force.

2. How is the size of a black hole determined?

The size of a black hole is determined by its mass, which is the amount of matter contained within the black hole's event horizon. The more mass a black hole has, the larger its event horizon and the larger its size.

3. Can a black hole be smaller than the Planck mass?

No, a black hole cannot be smaller than the Planck mass. This is because at this size, the black hole would have an event horizon smaller than the Planck length, which is the smallest possible length in the universe. This violates the laws of physics and is therefore not possible.

4. What is the significance of the smallest possible black hole?

The smallest possible black hole is significant because it represents the limit of our current understanding of physics. It is also important for studying the behavior of matter and gravity in extreme conditions, and can help us better understand the nature of the universe.

5. Can a black hole ever shrink to the size of the Planck mass?

No, a black hole cannot shrink to the size of the Planck mass. As a black hole loses mass through Hawking radiation, its event horizon also shrinks, but it will never shrink to a size smaller than the Planck length. Once a black hole reaches the Planck mass, it will evaporate completely.

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