The Immirzi parameter- the Kodama State - Revisited

In summary, the conversation focuses on the Immirzi parameter and the Kodama State, as well as their relationship to loop quantum gravity. The paper by Andrew Randono discusses the basics of the Immirzi parameter and the tetra, while also mentioning the work of Eyo Eyo Ita and their proposed generalized Kodama state. The conversation also references other papers and experts in the field, such as Abhay Ashtekar, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Matzner, Lee Smolin, and Allen Everett. The paper by Laurent Freidel and Kirill Krasnov is also mentioned as it introduces the Immirzi parameter into the framework of spin foam quantisation. Overall, the conversation delves into the complexities of
  • #1
The Immirzi parameter- the Kodama State - Revisited
In Search of Quantum de Sitter Space: Generalizing the Kodama State
Althought this paper is about Generalizing the Kodama State, Andrew Randono
does explain some basics of the Immirzi parameter and the tetra.
Here is a partial list of the “judges”.

The Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin
Abhay Ashtekar, Carlo Rovelli, Richard Matzner, Lee Smolin, and my undergraduate advisor Allen Everett
Ted Jacobson, Don Witt, Chopin Soo, Stephon Alexander Laurent Freidel, Ed

Previous discussion of the Kodama State at
Randono perfects Kodama state
Here is what wiki says
…. Eyo Eyo Ita published papers that build on Randono's generalized Kodama state, and argue that a generalized Kodama state can be built that can couple to matter and the Hamiltonian constraint can reproduce the dynamics of general relativity, resulting in a finite, full quantum gravity…
Here are the listed publications of Eyo Eyo Ita
Some quotes from Andrew Randono
p. 3 …. the Immirzi parameter,
β. When this parameter is taken to be β = −i, the original Kodama state can
be constructed, but modern formulation of Loop Quantum Gravity take the
parameter to be real precisely in order to avoid complications from complexification.
At present, the parameter is believed to have physical ramifications, in
that it modulates the size of quanta of space at the Planck length, and its value is believed to be fixed by a matching of the semi-classical derivation of black hole entropy with the full quantum gravitational derivation.

NOTE: I have also done it by letting the Immirzi parameter be equal to the minimum length – the diameter of a sphere (mini black hole)

p. 8 Since the equivalence principle is almost certain to break down at very small length scales, choosing the metric or the tetrad to be dynamical is like choosing an answer to which came first, the chicken or the egg? As we will see later, there are good theoretical reasons for taking the tetrad to be the more fundamental object.

NOTE: Review the info that I have supplied on why you need to have 12 dynamic plaquetes and why it creates the double tetra.

p. 15
Thus, we see that the low-energy signature of Einstein-Cartan theory is an
axial-axial spin-current interaction in the effective field theory that is a relic
of the spin-torsion interaction.

NOTE: To make things easier to visualize, just imagine 12 (2d) coins doing a dynamic dance around a central point in 3d. (Not in a black hole but in vacuum)

The boundary term is the topological Nieh-Yan class. We see from this that the
Immirzi parameter will measure the width of torsional fluctuations in the path
integral[13]. The parameter has a dramatic effect in the quantum theory—in
particular, we will see in the quantum theory that area will be quantized in
multiples of βl2 P l. Thus, at the quantum level, the parameter fine tunes the
discretization scale.

p. 47
… we will see, implementing the Gauss and diffeomorphism constraints is much
easier when the phase space consists of a connection as a dynamical position variable.

Note: Imagine those 12 coins and how their faces would be orientated with reference to the center of their “dance”. The center is within the space that is traced by the coins. The coins trace out a double tetra.

p. 57
In total, then, the spin network states form an orthonormal basis of states that span the kinematical Hilbert space HDG. In addition, there is a duality between the spin network state and functionals on the space of generalized connections, A. This duality is displayed elegantly by the Kodama state, and it allows for a semi-classical interpretation in a quantum theory whose elementary building blocks are Planck scale discrete geometries.

Note: As I have stated before, in , Topological order - string-net condensation + loop quantum gravity, cubic packing is not the right picture. The picture must be hex. packing.
LQG and particle physics
Xiao-Gang Wen and Michael Levin are two solid-state physicists who have attempted to model elementary particles such as electrons and photons as resulting from a discrete lattice structure of spacetime in analogy to phonons in solid state physics. In the paper "Photons and electrons as emergent phenomena" they attempt to model elementary particles as emergent properties of a String-net condensation in analogy to phonons in solid state physics, and LQG's spin networks have the properties necessary to reproduce the Standard Model as the result of the collective behavior of a group of spin network.[13][14] This approach differs from the preon approach in that Wen and Levin see particles as an emergent property of quantum spacetime, rather than built up of smaller substructure as is the case with both preon and string theory.

Those who understand the Kodama State can add their observations.
Let the experts speak. I’m listening.

Physics news on
  • #2
Maybe we can get some other experts into the discussion by including the following paper.
A New Spin Foam Model for 4d Gravity
Authors: Laurent Freidel, Kirill Krasnov
(Submitted on 13 Aug 2007)
" One important outcome of our approach is that it also allow us to introduce the Immirzi parameter into the framework of spin foam quantisation. "
  • #3

I find this paper and the concept of the Kodama State to be fascinating. It seems to offer a potential solution to the problem of reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics, and has implications for the fundamental nature of space and time. The fact that it has been revisited and further developed by other scientists, such as Eyo Eyo Ita, shows that it is a topic of ongoing research and interest in the scientific community. The use of spin networks and the Immirzi parameter in this theory also highlights the importance of understanding and studying the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Overall, I believe that the continued study and development of the Kodama State and its implications for quantum gravity will lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe.

Related to The Immirzi parameter- the Kodama State - Revisited

1. What is the Immirzi parameter?

The Immirzi parameter is a numerical value that is used in loop quantum gravity, a theory that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. It is denoted by the symbol γ and is a fundamental constant that appears in the theory's equations.

2. Why is the Immirzi parameter important?

The Immirzi parameter is important because it allows for the quantization of loop quantum gravity, which is necessary in order to understand the behavior of space and time at the quantum level. It also plays a crucial role in the calculation of black hole entropy.

3. Who discovered the Immirzi parameter?

The Immirzi parameter was first introduced by the Italian physicist Giovanni Immirzi in 1997. He was inspired by the work of Carlo Rovelli and Lee Smolin, who developed the concept of loop quantum gravity.

4. What is the Kodama state in relation to the Immirzi parameter?

The Kodama state is a specific quantum state in loop quantum gravity that is related to the Immirzi parameter. It is named after the Japanese physicist Hideo Kodama, who first discovered this state in 1985. The Kodama state is important because it allows for a deeper understanding of the behavior of space and time at the quantum level.

5. How has the study of the Immirzi parameter evolved over time?

The study of the Immirzi parameter has evolved significantly since its discovery in 1997. It has been applied to various areas of physics, such as black hole thermodynamics and cosmology. Researchers continue to explore its implications and potential applications in order to gain a better understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

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