The Hot Big Bang Model and supporting evidence

In summary: The Big Bang Model describes the evolution of the universe after the Planck time up to the present. The universe became transparent after 3x10^5 years, allowing electromagnetic radiation to move freely through it. This is evidenced by the cosmic microwave background radiation, which corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K and can be detected in all directions in space. This radiation was initially very hot and has cooled as the universe expanded, providing evidence for the Big Bang theory.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm having a slightly hard time with a topic we are studying at school 'the evolution of the universe'.

My first question relates to the Big Bang Model itself; does the Big Bang Model itself describe the evolution of the universe after the Planck time up to this point now? Secondly after 3x10^5 years my book states that 'the universe becomes transparent so that em radiation in the form of photons moves freely through the universe'? I don't really understand what it means for the universe to become 'transparent'?

My second question relates to the evidence supporting the Big Bang theory.

A question in my book asks 'state the features of cosmic microwave background radiation and explain how it provides evidence for the Big Bang theory' , I'm not really quite sure about the evidence part, since I don't understand the Big Bang all that well...but here is my attempt at an answer:

The features of cosmic microwave background radiation are that it corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K ( by corresponds does it mean it is at that temperature?! :S ) , the radiation can be detected in all directions in space and is almost perfectly uniform. According to the Big Bang Model , initially the universe was very hot and 3x10^5 years after the Big Bang electromagnetic radiation was able to move freely throughout the universe. In addition after the point of the Big Bang the universe began to expand and has been expanding every since, therefore these wavelengths must have been stretched out so that they are of a longer wavelength and therefore less energetic, thus corresponding to a lower temperature-2.7K. These waves were stretched all the way into the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum, hence the cosmic microwave background radiation that we detect today is the cooled remnants of the electromagnetic radiation that first started to travel around the universe 3x10^5 years after the Big Bang.

Thank you for your help :)
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  • #2
cakeislife said:

Homework Statement

I'm having a slightly hard time with a topic we are studying at school 'the evolution of the universe'.

My first question relates to the Big Bang Model itself; does the Big Bang Model itself describe the evolution of the universe after the Planck time up to this point now?


Secondly after 3x10^5 years my book states that 'the universe becomes transparent so that em radiation in the form of photons moves freely through the universe'? I don't really understand what it means for the universe to become 'transparent'?
Google "surface of last scattering"

The features of cosmic microwave background radiation are that it corresponds to a temperature of 2.7K ( by corresponds does it mean it is at that temperature?! :S ) , the radiation can be detected in all directions in space and is almost perfectly uniform. According to the Big Bang Model , initially the universe was very hot and 3x10^5 years after the Big Bang electromagnetic radiation was able to move freely throughout the universe. In addition after the point of the Big Bang the universe began to expand and has been expanding every since, therefore these wavelengths must have been stretched out so that they are of a longer wavelength and therefore less energetic, thus corresponding to a lower temperature-2.7K. These waves were stretched all the way into the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum, hence the cosmic microwave background radiation that we detect today is the cooled remnants of the electromagnetic radiation that first started to travel around the universe 3x10^5 years after the Big Bang.

Yep. And there is a lot of other evidence for the big bang. Try Goggling "evidence for the big bang"

Related to The Hot Big Bang Model and supporting evidence

What is the Hot Big Bang Model?

The Hot Big Bang Model is a scientific theory that explains the origins and evolution of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

What is the supporting evidence for the Hot Big Bang Model?

There are several lines of evidence that support the Hot Big Bang Model, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements, and the large-scale structure of the universe. These observations provide strong evidence for the expansion and evolution of the universe from a hot, dense state.

How does the Hot Big Bang Model explain the formation of galaxies and other structures?

The Hot Big Bang Model predicts that as the universe expanded and cooled, matter and energy began to clump together due to gravity. This led to the formation of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and other large-scale structures we observe in the universe today.

What is the role of dark matter and dark energy in the Hot Big Bang Model?

The Hot Big Bang Model suggests that dark matter and dark energy make up a large portion of the universe's total mass and energy. These invisible substances play a crucial role in the dynamics of the expanding universe and help explain the observed motions of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

Are there any alternative theories to the Hot Big Bang Model?

Yes, there are several alternative theories to the Hot Big Bang Model, such as the Steady State Model and the Inflationary Model. However, the Hot Big Bang Model remains the most widely accepted and supported theory for the origins and evolution of the universe due to its ability to explain a wide range of observations and data.

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