The electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electrical work and the calculation of Gibbs Free Energy in the context of a lead-acid battery charging at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. There is a question about the accuracy of the solution to a past exam question and a clarification on the interpretation of Gibbs Free Energy in the context of thermal physics.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the charging of a lead-acid batter at atmospheric pressure and room room temperature.

2PbSO4 +2H2O -> Pb + PbO2 + 4H+ + 2SO42-

How much electrical work must be provided to produce one mole of lead?

The Attempt at a Solution

We're given the values of Gibbs Free Energy and Enthalpy for each of the reactants.

I was doing a past paper for a uni exam and I came across that question. Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the electric work equal to the [tex]\Delta[/tex]G?

So Welec = Gfinal - Ginitial?

I'm fairly sure that's the case but the answer shows it calculated as
W = Hfinal - Hinitial

Again, correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that give compression/expansion work?
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  • #2
Hello there,

I am unsure about how your solution addressed this question, but this is what I would do.

1) You need to understand this equation: ∆G = nFE0cell.

2) You can calculate ∆G for the entire reaction using tabulated values of ∆G for each reactant. That is, ∆G for the reaction = ∆G products - ∆G reactants.

3) The chemical equation is in fact a redox equation. Find the number of electrons transferred in that equation to determine the value of n for the above equation.

4) Now that you know ∆G, n, and F (This is Faraday's constant, which can be found online or in your textbook), you can find E0cell by rearranging the above equation.

I hope that this helps! Feel free to write back!
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

Not sure why my topic was moved here though because the question came up in a Thermal Physics course, so we're not particularly interested in electron transfer or what have you.

We were given the values of Gibbs Free Energy and Enthalpy - the change was easily calculated. My question was more a conceptual one - namely, what exactly a change in the Gibbs Free Energy means physically. I'm now confident that it is the change in electrical work (or any work that isn't compression/expansion) and that the solution to the exam must have been incorrect.
  • #4
Hello there,

Unfortunately, I'm not an expert in the area of thermal physics. I have always interpreted Gibbs Free Energy as the amount of energy available to do work in a system.

Does that help?

Related to The electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction

What is the definition of a mole in chemistry?

In chemistry, a mole is a unit of measurement used to represent an amount of a substance. This amount is equal to the number of particles (atoms, molecules, ions) in a given sample of a substance, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 particles. This number is known as Avogadro's number.

What is the electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction?

The electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction is the amount of energy required to convert a mole of lead ions into solid lead. This process involves the transfer of electrons, which requires a certain amount of energy to overcome the electrostatic forces between the ions.

How is electrical work related to the production of lead in a chemical reaction?

In a chemical reaction, lead can be produced by reducing lead ions (Pb^2+) to solid lead (Pb) using electricity. This process is known as electrolysis and requires a certain amount of electrical work to be done in order to produce a mole of lead.

Can the electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead be calculated?

Yes, the electrical work required to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction can be calculated using the formula: W = nFE, where W is the electrical work, n is the number of moles of lead produced, F is the Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol), and E is the cell potential in volts (V).

How does the electrical work needed to produce a mole of lead compare to other elements?

The amount of electrical work required to produce a mole of lead in a chemical reaction can vary depending on the element. Some elements require more energy to be converted into its solid form, while others may require less. It is important to consider the properties of each element and the specific chemical reaction in order to determine the exact amount of electrical work needed.

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