The Big Bang theory, and gravity

In summary, the conversation discusses two different topics - gravity and the Big Bang Theory and black holes. The first topic explores the idea of nuclear reactors and other external forces potentially affecting the orbit of planets in our solar system. The second topic compares black holes to vacuum cleaners and suggests that they may be responsible for creating new galaxies. However, the validity of these theories is called into question and it is suggested that the conventional understanding of these topics should be studied instead of making unsubstantiated claims.
  • #1
Two questions and theories...
#1. Gravity
The sun, a nuclear reactor, holds all the planets in orbit. However, if it's force is strong enough to reach Pluto, billions of miles away. Why then, hasn't Mercury been sucked into the sun?
My theory is, nuclear reactors, like a blown out candle, forces outward, not inward.
The Galactic Cosmic Rays, and Bow Shock, as well as the dense heliosphere, are pushing inward. What if it's the combination of these two forces that are holding the solar system in place, and the magnetic fields create the eliptical orbit.

#2. The Big Bang Theory and BlackHoles.
Imagine a bouquet of balloons. Some contain nothing but gases, some contain everything it takes to make galaxies. Each balloon being a universe of it's own.
Blackholes are like vacuum cleaners. Vacuum cleaners not only grab everything within their forces, but also shoot the debris outward, into bags or canisters.
Now, think of black holes doing the same. Those balloons that contain galaxies also contain black holes. Those black holes are taking in everything they can, and then blasting them out somewhere. Some may be close enough to the next balloon, that they are bursting holes, and shooting the contents of the black holes, solar clouds, stars, dust particles and light, into the balloon, creating new galaxies.

I appreciate any thoughts.
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  • #2
amhere_2000 said:
#1. Gravity
The sun, a nuclear reactor, holds all the planets in orbit. However, if it's force is strong enough to reach Pluto, billions of miles away. Why then, hasn't Mercury been sucked into the sun?
Mercury is moving fast enough to be in an orbit. It orbits in 88 days.
My theory is, nuclear reactors, like a blown out candle, forces outward, not inward.
The Galactic Cosmic Rays, and Bow Shock, as well as the dense heliosphere, are pushing inward. What if it's the combination of these two forces that are holding the solar system in place, and the magnetic fields create the eliptical orbit.
I realize you are probably young and new to this, but this idea of yours doesn't meet the standard of being called a "theory" and we don't allow such idle speculation here. In any case, you aren't the first to have ideas similar to this and it is quite clearly wrong. For one thing, those things you listed as causes don't have any properties that even remotely imply what you are suggested. For another, if gravity was an external force, you'd be shielded from it at times and this is not observed.

No, sorry, the conventional theory of gravity explains things quite well and you'd be better off just learning it instead of making things up as you go along.
#2. The Big Bang Theory and BlackHoles.
Imagine a bouquet of balloons. Some contain nothing but gases, some contain everything it takes to make galaxies. Each balloon being a universe of it's own.
Blackholes are like vacuum cleaners. Vacuum cleaners not only grab everything within their forces, but also shoot the debris outward, into bags or canisters.
Now, think of black holes doing the same. Those balloons that contain galaxies also contain black holes. Those black holes are taking in everything they can, and then blasting them out somewhere. Some may be close enough to the next balloon, that they are bursting holes, and shooting the contents of the black holes, solar clouds, stars, dust particles and light, into the balloon, creating new galaxies.
The 'cosmic vacuum cleaner' idea about black holes is a popular bastardization of what black holes really are and what black holes and the big bang are bears no resemblence to your description. Again, you'd be better served by learning what is actually known rather than idly speculating based on things you've heard from poor sources.

Anyway, sorry, but this thread doesn't meet our content guidelines.

Related to The Big Bang theory, and gravity

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is a scientific model that explains the origin of the universe. It states that the universe began as a singularity, a single point with infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding and cooling ever since.

2. How was the Big Bang theory discovered?

The Big Bang theory was discovered through the observations of Edwin Hubble in the 1920s. He found that the universe was expanding and traced its expansion back in time to a single point, which led to the development of the Big Bang theory.

3. How does gravity play a role in the Big Bang theory?

In the early stages of the universe, gravity was the dominant force, causing matter and energy to clump together and form stars, galaxies, and eventually, the structures we see in the universe today. Gravity is also responsible for keeping galaxies together and shaping the overall structure of the universe.

4. How does the Big Bang theory explain the existence of the cosmic microwave background radiation?

The cosmic microwave background radiation is a remnant of the intense heat and energy that filled the early universe. As the universe expanded and cooled, this radiation stretched and cooled as well, becoming the faint background radiation that we can detect today. This supports the idea of the Big Bang theory, as it is a prediction of the intense early stages of the universe.

5. What is the current evidence for the Big Bang theory?

There is a significant amount of evidence that supports the Big Bang theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the expansion of the universe, and the abundance of light elements. Additionally, other areas of physics, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics, also support the theory. However, the Big Bang theory is not a complete explanation of the universe, and scientists continue to gather evidence and refine the theory.

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