Thanking PF for Raising My Understanding and Appreciation of Science

  • Thread starter baywax
  • Start date
In summary, Baywax provided a summary of the conversation between Radou and himself about their friend who has been inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Baywax congratulated Radou on his friend's accomplishment and offered his congratulations to Radou and his friend.
  • #1
Gold Member
I want to thank the Physics Forum for its strict ground rules while still having a large diversity of topics to address, learn from and add to. I imagine there wouldn't be a PF or all the topics without the ground rules.

The discipline required to participate here has undoubtedly raised my own sense of fairness, accountablity and spelling accuracy. The topics I have delved into have not always been my idea of fascinating yet have taught me that pretty well anything can tweek one's curiosity and imagination.

I'd like you all to know as well that an extremely close friend of mine has been inducted into the academy of academics. She will be signing the same roster as Benjamin Franklin, Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and other distiguished scientists who have signed it over the last 200 years. In fact, she'll be signing on the same night as former vice prez Al Gore (the guy in black). She has become a world renowned and much sought after Neuroscientist who worked with Jonas Salk for 17 years. This is because he believed in her work and gave her a lab at the S.A.L.K institute.

The reason I'm telling you this is because my on and off relationship with PF has really helped me appreciate her method of discovery and actually helped me debate some of the finer points of life with her. Take, for instance, the highly manipulatable emotional response to media hype especially in cases like that of "Global Warming".

Thanks again... and I wish you all the very best in life!:smile:
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  • #2
Nice post, baywax! I believe PF is flattered right now! :wink:
  • #3
radou said:
Nice post, baywax! I believe PF is flattered right now! :wink:

Radou, I don't remember the name of the actor in your signature but he's got to be one of the very best!

Here's the website for your new member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

She's the Director there. She generates about 200,000 hits in google. She should provide some inspiration for the dedicated women and men in this forum.o:)
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  • #4
baywax said:
Radou, I don't remember the name of the actor in your signature but he's got to be one of the very best!
Radou's avatar I think one means. I believe it is Eli Wallach - from IIRC "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" - USA, otherwise Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo (1966)

And nice compliments to PF.
  • #5
Very nice post, Baywax. Your link doesn't work on this computer, but I'll try it on the Mac when I get home in an hour or so. Regardless, congratulations to your friend for her accomplishments.
  • #6
His link didn't work from any computer...I fixed it. She looks very familiar to me, but I can't ever recall meeting her. Maybe I've just crossed paths with her at conferences and recall the face.
  • #7
Moonbear said:
His link didn't work from any computer...I fixed it. She looks very familiar to me, but I can't ever recall meeting her. Maybe I've just crossed paths with her at conferences and recall the face.

I'm really proud of her as I am of all of you here for the determination you show. (Coming from me that shouldn't mean very much.:redface:) She is tickled every color to be nominated, accepted and signing beside some of the most outstanding founders of modern science, not to mention Ben Franklin who helped found the whole ******* nation.

Does it get better than that? Well, Al Gore should prove to be an interesting party mate. A lamp shade could help brighten up his attire.:cool:. Carl Sagan, another celeb from her circle, should be there too but, he's otherwise disengaged.:frown:
  • #8
baywax said:
(Coming from me that shouldn't mean very much.:redface:)

I call Bull**** on that. Whether or not you are a professional scientist is irrelevant; you think as a scientist does. If you didn't, you wouldn't be here, and you certainly wouldn't be friends with such an illustrious lady. (Thank you for fixing the link, Moonbear.)
I can see that I might easily spend a few months tracking the links on that website. Since it's 12:30 am in my time zone, and I'm half-way through my 8th beer since 8:30, and still have a litre of Big Bear to go, and have to work in the morning... I think that I'll forego that investigation until tomorrow.
  • #9
Hi bay! Good for you and your friend. Perhaps she could share her experience with us when she signs up. We are pretty nerdy and dig stuff like that.
  • #10
Chronos said:
Perhaps she could share her experience with us when she signs up.

I agree! It would be great having a National Academy member amongst our membership, and I certainly would welcome the addition to the Mind & Brain Forum of a world-class neuroscientist. (How much more flattery will it take to get her to join here? Does she accept chocolate bribes? The sisterhood has a special supply for just such occasions. :biggrin:)
  • #11
Would it help if I changed my avatar to a Brad Pitt photo?
  • #12
Moonbear said:
I agree! It would be great having a National Academy member amongst our membership, and I certainly would welcome the addition to the Mind & Brain Forum of a world-class neuroscientist. (How much more flattery will it take to get her to join here? Does she accept chocolate bribes? The sisterhood has a special supply for just such occasions. :biggrin:)


Hey, I'll tell her you guys have frozen fish over here! But the chocolate will probably do the trick... as long as there's about a mickey of scotch in the center.:devil:

I forgot to thank you Moonbear for fixing my erroneous link. Thank you.

I've given her the link to this forum a few times. I told her about Andre's detailed studies concerning climate change and paleoclimates. This is something I hoped would make it to Gore's attention.

Somehow I have a feeling she's fairly busy. In a rare moment she was able to secure enough grants to keep her labs and programs going for another term. Over the last 7 years its been difficult to get grants with the admin's emphasis on security or a more efficient kill vs health and support for a better life for everyone.

(tales from the skull cap (which she practically invented at S.A.L.K.)

When she was invited to meet with the Dali Lama she thought it would be cool. But, she was so shocked by the poverty surrounding them in N.India she asked him what they could do to end the struggle for these children and everyone. The Lama laughed and had to explain the Buddhist philosophy about how each person chooses their life and really has to experience whatever they choose because its how they pay for their past actions. That helping these people would be interfering and just prolong their misery. She doesn't like that philosophy very much. I mean, why else has she done all this work other than to help understand the disparities in well being and prosperity between peoples? And, apparently, when she was on a panel of scientists reporting to the Pope, the man was pretty well asleep and mumbled stuff that no one could figure out. Shades of Southpark.
  • #13
baywax said:

Hey, I'll tell her you guys have frozen fish over here! But the chocolate will probably do the trick... as long as there's about a mickey of scotch in the center.:devil:
I think that might be arranged. :wink:

Somehow I have a feeling she's fairly busy. In a rare moment she was able to secure enough grants to keep her labs and programs going for another term. Over the last 7 years its been difficult to get grants with the admin's emphasis on security or a more efficient kill vs health and support for a better life for everyone.
Tell me about it! But, hey, if a National Academy member is struggling to get funding, at least I feel in better company.

You should write to your senators to ask them to increase the NIH budget in their appropriations bill (Bush is asking for a cut, and the House passed only about a 2 or 2.5% increase, which is below the inflation rate for research supplies, so is also effectively a cut). If the Senate appropriations bill differs from the House bill, they'll at least have to reconsider. A 6.5% increase is requested to keep up with the inflation rate and cover a small increase to make up for all the losses over the past several years. A lot of people are getting frustrated with the inability to fund their work and are getting ready to jump ship and change careers entirely...we're going to lose a lot of good talent from our universities if the funding climate doesn't start to change very soon.
  • #14
baywax said:
as long as there's about a mickey of scotch in the center

Are you telling me that an amateur drinker is in such a prestigeous postion?!
Make that a forty-pounder and she'll regain my respect. :-p
  • #15
Moonbear said:
I think that might be arranged. :wink:
Tell me about it! But, hey, if a National Academy member is struggling to get funding, at least I feel in better company.

You should write to your senators to ask them to increase the NIH budget in their appropriations bill (Bush is asking for a cut, and the House passed only about a 2 or 2.5% increase, which is below the inflation rate for research supplies, so is also effectively a cut). If the Senate appropriations bill differs from the House bill, they'll at least have to reconsider. A 6.5% increase is requested to keep up with the inflation rate and cover a small increase to make up for all the losses over the past several years. A lot of people are getting frustrated with the inability to fund their work and are getting ready to jump ship and change careers entirely...we're going to lose a lot of good talent from our universities if the funding climate doesn't start to change very soon.

I think funding is thawing to a degree, regardless of the rhetoric. And who could resist funding ECE programs that make head-start look... less sophisticated? Other solutions include raising cash from NGOs (with a good contract lawyer) - full time fundraising committees - selling psychedelic lab coats (big in Oregon) - selling tickets to ride the MRI, pictures included - I understand there are a number of LAB BANDS that could compile a CD for sale... last but not least, apply for cash from the Physics Forums Trust Fund... chaired by scientologists Tom Cruise and Vinny.:biggrin:

edit. I hope I haven't pulled some kind of fauxpaw that got Andre yanked. Stay cool dude.
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  • #16
In fact, she'll be signing on the same night as former vice prez Al Gore (the guy in black). She has become a world renowned and much sought after Neuroscientist who worked with Jonas Salk for 17 years. This is because he believed in her work and gave her a lab at the S.A.L.K institute.
I must say...

*jaw drop*

Al Gore is an academic and intellectual comparable to Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison, and god knows who else?

Al Gore is a politician and nothing more.
  • #17
It rings true what the Dalai said, unfortunately. Perhaps we will all experience that life someday. Perhaps not. The thing that bothers me is the acceptance of it. No one should be forced to live by anyone else's will.
  • #18
Mk said:
I must say...

*jaw drop*

Al Gore is an academic and intellectual comparable to Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison, and god knows who else?

Al Gore is a politician and nothing more.

I second that sediment.
  • #19
Chronos said:
It rings true what the Dalai said, unfortunately. Perhaps we will all experience that life someday. Perhaps not. The thing that bothers me is the acceptance of it. No one should be forced to live by anyone else's will.

They say that its our ego, (the massive great big mother with an apron and wooden rolling pin in our heads), that thinks it knows best for everyone.
  • #20
Mk said:
I must say...

*jaw drop*

Al Gore is an academic and intellectual comparable to Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison, and god knows who else?

Al Gore is a politician and nothing more.

Actually Al is now the world's only great white hunter of the mythological ManBearPig.:cry:
  • #21
baywax said:
Actually Al is now the world's only great white hunter of the mythological ManBearPig.:cry:

Are you cereal? :smile:
  • #22
ranger said:
Are you cereal? :smile:

I'm super duper cereal.
  • #23
Thanks again PF. Aufedersein.

Related to Thanking PF for Raising My Understanding and Appreciation of Science

1. What is PF and how does it relate to science?

PF stands for "Physical Foundations", a popular forum on the social media platform Reddit. It is a community of individuals who discuss and share knowledge about various scientific topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, and more. Many members of PF are scientists or have a strong interest in science, making it a great resource for those looking to learn more about the subject.

2. How has PF helped to raise understanding and appreciation of science?

By providing a platform for individuals to discuss and share their knowledge and ideas about science, PF has helped to foster a community of learning and growth. Through discussions, debates, and the sharing of resources, PF has helped to expand the understanding and appreciation of science among its members.

3. What specific aspects of science does PF cover?

PF covers a wide range of scientific topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and more. Members are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise in these areas, as well as ask questions and engage in discussions about various scientific concepts and theories.

4. Can anyone join PF and participate in discussions about science?

Yes, anyone can join PF and participate in discussions about science. However, it is important to adhere to the community's rules and guidelines, which include being respectful and contributing to discussions in a meaningful way. PF's goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for individuals to learn and share their knowledge about science.

5. How has your personal understanding and appreciation of science been impacted by PF?

As a scientist myself, PF has been an invaluable resource for expanding my understanding and appreciation of science. Through engaging discussions and the sharing of resources, I have been able to learn from others and broaden my knowledge in various scientific fields. PF has also provided a supportive community where I can discuss and debate complex scientific concepts with like-minded individuals, further enhancing my understanding and appreciation of science.

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