Tension on a Rope Deflected by a Pulley: Differentials

In summary, the conversation discusses the force on a pulley that is deflected by a rope with constant tension. The force exerted by each small segment of the rope is found by integrating the force exerted by the pulley. The book K&K's An Introduction to Mechanics claims that if the limit of the angle approaches 0, the force exerted by each segment of rope can be represented by a differential. However, the speaker has a problem with this and is looking to learn more about how differentials work.
  • #1
Hi all, first post here. I'm a junior Physics/Math double major at UMass Amherst, playing with some problems over the summer. I'll get right into it.

A rope with constant tension T is deflected through the angle [itex] 2\theta_{0} [/itex] by a smooth, fixed pulley. What is the force on the pulley?

It is easy to see the answer from geometrical considerations, but the exercise is to find the total force by integrating the force exerted by each small segment of the string. Below is a diagram, showing my use of variables:


This shows our approach: since the rope is in equilibrium, the force on a small segment must be canceled exactly by a force provided by the pulley. Let the force provided by the pulley on a small segment of rope between [itex] \theta[/itex] and [itex]\theta + \Delta\theta[/itex] be [itex]\Delta F[/itex].

Then, from trigonometry, and an application of Newton's Second Law to the small segment, we have: [itex]\Delta F - 2T\sin\frac{\Delta\theta}{2}=0[/itex].

Using [itex]\sin\theta \approx \theta[/itex] for small theta, we have: [itex]\Delta F = T \Delta\theta[/itex]. We conclude that a small rope segment exerts a force [itex]T \Delta\theta[/itex] inwards on the pulley.

We need to sum these forces over each segment of rope in contact with the pulley. Since these forces are not parallel, we need to perform a vector sum. Symmetry convinces us that the resultant force will be in the positive x direction, or "to the right" in terms of the diagrams I've drawn.

So, we write: [itex] \Delta F_{x} = T\Delta\theta\cos \theta [/itex], which gives us the x component of the force exerted by each rope segment.

Now that you're in this deep, consider this: my book, K&K's An Introduction to Mechanics claims that if we take the limit [itex] \Delta\theta \to 0[/itex], we end up with [itex] dF_{x}=T\cos\theta \, d\theta [/itex].

I have a problem with this. In my mind, [itex]dF_{x}[/itex] and [itex]d\theta[/itex] can be related in only one way: through the use of the symbol [tex] \frac{dF_{x}}{d\theta} \equiv \lim_{\Delta\theta \to 0} \frac{F_{x}(\theta + \Delta\theta) - F_{x}(\theta)}{\Delta\theta} [/tex]

All of the dividing by differentials, or separation of variables nonsense must happen after this fractional differential symbol has been introduced according to its definition.

This is a valid construction if and only if [itex] \Delta F_{x} = F_{x}(\theta + \Delta\theta) - F_{x}(\theta) [/itex], but I see no way in which this can be true. We defined [itex] \Delta F_{x} [/itex] to be the outward force on a segment of rope due to the pulley. I see no meaning to the outward force on a single point of rope due to the pulley. Those single points are [itex]\theta + \Delta\theta[/itex] and [itex] \theta[/itex], the difference of the forces exerted on which should give us [itex]\Delta F_{x}[/itex].

I really doubt K&K is being sloppy, so I think I'm about to learn something about how differentials work. Can you see it?
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  • #2
##\Delta F_x(\theta)## was defined as the net force in the X direction on a section of rope of arc ##\Delta \theta## starting at angle ##\theta## from the midline.
Note that really that also makes it a function of ##\Delta \theta##, but that is left as implicit.
Thus, ##\Delta F_x(\theta+\Delta \theta)## means the net force in the X direction on a section of rope of arc ##\Delta \theta## starting at angle ##\theta+\Delta \theta## from the midline.

Related to Tension on a Rope Deflected by a Pulley: Differentials

1. What is tension and why is it important in a rope deflected by a pulley?

Tension is the force applied by a rope or cable when it is pulled tight. In a system where a rope is deflected by a pulley, tension helps to distribute the force evenly, allowing the pulley to move smoothly and efficiently.

2. How does the angle of deflection affect tension in a rope with a pulley?

The angle of deflection refers to the angle at which the rope is being pulled away from its original direction. As the angle increases, the tension in the rope also increases. This is because the force required to pull the rope in a different direction becomes greater with a larger angle of deflection.

3. What role do differentials play in understanding tension on a rope deflected by a pulley?

Differentials are used to calculate the tension in a rope deflected by a pulley. They take into account factors such as the weight of the pulley, the angle of deflection, and the force applied to the rope. By using differentials, scientists and engineers can accurately predict and control the tension in a pulley system.

4. How does the weight of the pulley affect tension in a rope deflected by a pulley?

The weight of the pulley affects the tension in a rope by adding an additional force to the system. The heavier the pulley, the more force is required to lift it, which in turn increases the tension in the rope. This is important to consider when designing pulley systems to ensure they can handle the weight and tension without breaking.

5. Can the tension in a rope deflected by a pulley ever be greater than the force applied?

No, the tension in a rope deflected by a pulley can never be greater than the force applied. This is due to the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. Therefore, the force applied to the rope will always be equal to the tension in the rope, and any additional force will be absorbed by the pulley.

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