Tensile stress, radius and Young's modulus

In summary: So in summary, if the wire has a Young's modulus of 6.9 x 10^10 N/m^2, then the tensile stress would be:15,000 N*(6.9 x 10^10 N/m^2+1) = 138,000 N
  • #1

Homework Statement

An Aluminum cable of length 3.5m has 15,000 N tensile force acting on it if the wire is only allowed to be stretched by 1mm before it breaks,
What must be the radius of the wire if the Young's modulus of Al is 6.9 x 10^10 N/m^2?

I am also supposed to find the tensile stress, but I am sure I could find that myself after finding out the radius

Homework Equations

F/A or F/pi*R^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I haven't tried attempting the solution because I am not sure about the equation to use. We didn't learn about tensile stress in class or Young's modulus. I tried looking in my book and those are the equations I found, but most of the equations have a diameter or a radius already given.
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  • #2
Did you read the section regarding Young's modulus or modulii of elasticity in your textbook? That will help you solve this problem.
  • #3
I did look in my book and I my old notes. I just found my old notes because this is my second time taking Physics I. I thought there might be something in there. The book also shows that F/A = delta L/L. In my notes it mentions that delta L is the change in length over the original length. So would I say that delta L is the original length plus 1 mm (that I have to change to m) over the 3.5m? Then multiply that by the Young's modulus and that would be tensile stress? Although I still don't know how to find out the radius.
  • #4
Delta represents the change. Do you think that Delta L represents L + 1 mm?
  • #5
That's what I am thinking, but I don't know. I don't really have much else to go on. There might be more to go on and I just am not seeing it.
  • #6
There's less going on. Delta L represents the change in the length L.
  • #7
Gewitter_05 said:
I did look in my book and I my old notes. I just found my old notes because this is my second time taking Physics I. I thought there might be something in there. The book also shows that F/A = delta L/L. In my notes it mentions that delta L is the change in length over the original length. So would I say that delta L is the original length plus 1 mm (that I have to change to m) over the 3.5m? Then multiply that by the Young's modulus and that would be tensile stress? Although I still don't know how to find out the radius.

Have you come across the equation [itex]Y=\frac{FL}{AΔL}[/itex]. If not, I suggest looking for it in your textbook or some other reliable book. This helps you solve the problem. (Y is the young's modulus here).

And as Steam King pointed out, ΔL is the change in length that the wire can tolerate here.

Related to Tensile stress, radius and Young's modulus

1. What is tensile stress and how is it measured?

Tensile stress is a measure of the pulling force applied to a material per unit area. It is calculated by dividing the applied force by the cross-sectional area of the material.

2. How does the radius of a material affect its tensile stress?

The radius of a material plays a significant role in determining its tensile stress. As the radius increases, the cross-sectional area also increases, resulting in a decrease in tensile stress. This is because the force is distributed over a larger area, reducing the amount of stress on the material.

3. What is Young's modulus and how does it relate to tensile stress?

Young's modulus is a measure of the stiffness of a material. It is defined as the ratio of stress to strain, and it describes how much a material will deform under a given amount of stress. Tensile stress and Young's modulus are directly related, as a material with a higher Young's modulus will require a greater amount of stress to produce the same amount of strain.

4. How do different materials compare in terms of Young's modulus?

Different materials have different values of Young's modulus, which reflects their varying levels of stiffness. For example, metals such as steel and titanium have high Young's moduli, while rubber and plastics have lower values. Generally, stiffer materials have higher Young's moduli.

5. Can tensile stress and Young's modulus be used to predict a material's behavior under tension?

Yes, tensile stress and Young's modulus are important factors in determining a material's behavior under tension. By knowing the material's Young's modulus and applying a known amount of tensile stress, we can predict how much the material will deform or whether it will reach its breaking point.

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